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Severa misses Mother’s Day and decides to repay Cordelia in a strange, but enjoyable way.

Approaching her mother, Severa wasn’t sure how to admit that she had forgotten to get something for Cordelia for Mother’s day, trying to think of a way to say it that wasn’t just coming out and saying it. However, when she got to the other redhead, the look of distraught on her face said all that was needed. “Mother, I… I don’t know how to say this…”

“It’s okay, Severa… I’m sure whatever you want to say, I deserved it for being a horrible mother.” It had almost become second nature for Cordelia to apologize to her daughter with how Severa acted, thinking she did a bad job of raising the young girl deep down. She truly believed that she was being an awful mother to have deserved not getting anything for the recently passed Mother’s Day. “I’ll try to do better from here on….”

Hearing her mother blame herself was something Severa hated hearing, no matter the reason. It always caused her blood to boil, and her heart to sink if she was the one at fault. But seeing a tear travel down the older woman’s cheek caused the young girl to start panicking, her mind racing for ways out of this. “H-Hey… No fair crying… I didn’t mean it… Of course I didn’t mean to forget.” Acting on instinct, the girl with twintails grabbed her mother’s wrist and pulled her as close to her body as she could, crashing her lips against Cordelia’s to try and just across just how much she really appreciated and cherished her mother.

Of course, Cordelia had no idea how to respond to what was going on, having never expected to be kissed by her daughter. Though, she couldn’t deny that part of her was reluctantly enjoying the feeling of a woman’s lips against her own, even if it was her daughter’s. After a moment of pure surprise, the older redhead finally pulled away and looked into Severa’s eyes. “W-What are you doing, Severa? I’m your mother…”

“I know, and it’s weird and I don’t get it, but…” The young swordswoman took a deep breath and dropped to her knees, grabbing the hem of her mother’s leggings and yanking them down to expose her slightly wet pussy. “Just shut up and let me do this… For all the times I’ve done you wrong and upset you and made you feel awful. For all the times I’ve been an awful daughter… Just let me be weird and make it up to you.” Gently grabbing her mother’s hips, the younger redhead pushed her head forward and dragged her tongue along her mother’s cunt, giving it a few tasting licks. With a deep blush on her face, Severa realized her mother’s arousal had a very sweet and slightly tangy taste, taking another teasing lick and making Cordelia whimper from her touch.

The older of the two didn’t know what to say or do about this, only being able to whine and whimper in pleasure as her own daughter’s tongue began circling around her clit. Being eaten out was something that Cordelia had always secretly enjoyed more than most sexual acts, and the fact that it was her daughter that was trying to please her only made things weirder in her mind. But that didn’t stop the fact that she was actually feeling good and getting off from this, even as her daughter pulled back for just a moment. “S-Severa…? Are you stopping?”

“N-No… I just...You taste pretty good…” The young swordswoman pushed forward once again, shoving her tongue as deep into her mother’s pussy as she was able to, exploring her hole for any sensitive spots that would speed this along. Luckily, she was able to find one, listening for the sound of Cordelia’s moans getting louder around certain spots. Severa smiled as she felt a hand come to the top of her head, just resting there as if to silently show that she was doing a good job. Looking up at her mother’s face, the younger redhead was able to see her mother’s lustful expression, her blush only getting worse.

It didn’t help when Cordelia closed her eyes and threw her head back, actually starting to let herself get more and more into this than she had expected. She started to slowly rock her hips against her daughter’s face, genuinely appreciating the fact that they were both willing to push past being related to make this happen. “O-Oh, gods…” Biting her lower lip as Severa found her most sensitive spot she could, the pegasus rider could feel herself getting closer and closer to an orgasm.

Having her mother gently and quickly rock her hips against her face, Severa wasn’t sure how much longer this was going to last, but she was determined to see it through to the end. She knew that Cordelia deserved much better than what she got most of the time, and she was doing this to make sure that the pegasus rider was able to get a decent gift, even if it was late. Closing her eyes and gently resting her hands against the older redhead’s thighs, the swordswoman pulled her tongue back into her mouth and began to playfully focus on the older woman’s clit, hoping the added attention to it would throw her into an orgasm.

At the first feeling of her daughter sucking and licking her clit once again, Cordelia reached the orgasm they were both hoping for. Letting out a loud moan as her arousal coated Severa’s face around her mouth, heavy and blissful breaths left her as the pleasure slowed to a stop. Opening her eyes and watching her daughter pull away from her soaked cunt, the pegasus rider couldn’t help but smile and blush as she watched the young swordswoman lick her lips clean. “S-Severa… I-” The words just didn’t seem to want to come out. She wanted to thank her little girl for doing something like that for her, despite the two being related.

“Don’t.” The young girl interrupted her mother and sighed as she slowly stood back up to her feet. “You’re my mother and I love you. This was just… My way of showing that since I forgot Mother’s day.” Wiping her mouth clean of anything that might be left, Severa placed a kiss onto her mother’s cheek and smiled. “Just… Please don’t expect it to happen again. It was weird enough the first time. I’m not sure how we’d be if we ended up getting used to it.”

“Well, it was a wonderful gift, dear.” Cordelia pulled her clothing back and dressed herself, wrapping her arms around Severa just to pull her into a hug. “I love you.”

“Love you too, Mother. Happy Mother’s Day.”


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