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//Sorry for taking so long with this chapter, folks! But here it is! Salem x Miki (Mitsu's OC). Next month will be Salem x Snow (my oc)//


Miki rushed through the crystalline halls of the building she had found. She panted lightly, ducking behind corners at the mere murmur of a sound. She had been on a routine scouting mission and come across a place where the trees seemed to die and the land turned a deep blood red. It was outside the zone she was supposed to be in, but she got the feeling it was something incredibly important. She had left her team asleep at their camp because she hadn't intending on coming out this far.

She saw out the window as more and more Grimm spawned from the ground. Whatever this place was, it may well be the source! She was top in her year at Beacon before it fell so she was confident in her abilities. If she found the source, she had no doubt she'd be able to take it out and hopefully end the conflict humanity had been going through since the beginning of history.

She spotted a door and rushed over, cracking it slightly and listening. She strained as her semblance kicked in. Adapting to her inability to hear what was said, it heightened her hearing.

“.... -ay be an intruder, Mistress…” A red clothed woman with short black hair knelt in front of a ghostly white woman robed in black. 

“Go and confirm, then.” Salem said with a tone that sent chills down Miki’s spine. The black haired one looked vaguely familiar but she couldn't place where she knew her from. As she left out another door, Miki collected herself to go in. Closing her eyes and taking a few deep breaths, she was caught off guard when the door behind her swung open.

“--!” She turned around to see Salem staring directly at her, sitting atop her throne.

“An uninvited guest.” She announced. “Did you really think you would go unnoticed in my own domain?" She asked, standing and walking forward a little. Her tone and force of presence shook even Miki up. Her confidence wavered for an instant.

“Come quietly and I won't hurt you!” Miki drew her sword and shield. Salem smiled.

“... You have guts. I think I'm going to keep you.” She said. The purple haired girl growled and took her stance.

“Fine!” She shouted, pressing off the ground. Closing the distance, she stabbed at Salem through the stomach. Her eyes widened as her blade passed through her as if the woman wasn't even there. Miki gasped as she stumbled and tried to recover. She had expected a counter attack or for the woman to fight back, but this was the last thing she had expected. Salem hummed with amusement. 

“You have a quick first step.” She said condescendingly. Miki spun and glared. Her blade flew in a dance of death that usually left no room for counter attacks. Which did little as it passed through the woman again. Salem reached out and grabbed Miki by the throat, slamming her into the ground. The girl coughed up a bit of blood, the unreal strength this woman possessed crushing her aura. Her semblance began adapting her body to being able to take more damage in response. Salem’s interest peaked. 

“Gah-!” Miki glared up at the woman defiantly. Salem raised an eyebrow.

“You feel different. Has your body changed?” She asked.

“My semblance… is adaptability. I'll keep getting stronger and stronger… And beat you.” Miki said. Salem hummed, obviously not taking the girl seriously.

“You told me yours, I'll tell you mine. MY semblance allows me to shift out of this dimension and into the dimension of my Grimm at will. Your attacks will never hit me.” Salem said with a smug superiority. Miki panted and tried to think of a way to counter such a strong power. Salem smirked. “Now, let's get on with it~.” She reached down with her free hand and grabbed her clothing, beginning to slide it off.

“Hey--! Let go!” Miki struggled against the woman’s oppressive grasp.

“I'll give you one opportunity. And it isn't one people get often.” Salem said, stripping Miki down to a bra and panties. The woman stood and began stripping herself, no longer holding the girl down. “How about joining my ranks? You're certain to become powerful one day.” Salem said. Miki growled and thought for a moment.

“... You have a deal.” She said, reaching her hand out. The moment Salem smiled and took her, Miki swung her other hand out. Salem sighed and struck her in the stomach, Miki coughing and crumpling to the floor.

“A pity.” Salem said, stripping her panties off to reveal a large cock. Miki felt a pang of fear run through her, but she couldn't even get a breath in as the goddess knelt. Powerful, dominating hands grabbing her, Miki braced herself as Salem pressed the tip of her cock to Miki’s cunt. Without a hint of concern for the girl’s wants, Salem forced it all the way in, Miki screaming in pain as her virginity was brutally erased. Her cervix pierced by the woman’s hot rod, she fought back tears as Salem began moving her body back and forth like tool meant for getting her off.

“I-I’ll kill you--!” Miki screamed as her Salem’s hips slammed powerfully into her ass, sending jiggles through her supple ass cheeks. It felt like she was being spanked with every thrust.

“Unlikely.” Salem said with a light giggle. Miki gasped as she felt her semblance working. Igniting to spare her mind this torturous pain, it quickly began forcing it to accept it as pleasure. Salem’s thick cock pounding her over and over again, her body gradually tingled with sparks of pleasure. She let out her first moan and shivered, her reddening ass even beginning to feel good. “My my, breaking already? Perhaps I overestimated you.” Salem said scornfully. Miki punched the ground, cursing herself for her inability to control her semblance.

“No, no--! Fuck, this isn't--!” She moaned out, her breasts rubbing against the ground with her slam of their hips. Her semblance completing its job, everything that was being done to Miki had begun pleasuring her. The more it had hurt before, the greater it felt now. The feeling of her thick, huge cock forcing her womb open and allowing it to close, only to be smashed open again was driving Miki’s minds to the farthest reaches of ecstasy. 

“Break on your Goddess’ cock.” Salem said with an unassailable air of superiority. Miki screamed as Salem hilted herself, filling Miki’s womb directly with her cum. Miki’s entire body seized up as she climaxed hard, her juices leaking down the cock inside of her. Her womb closed around the sperm, not letting a single drop out as Salem pulled herself out.

“F...Fuck…” Miki moaned. “L-Let me go…” She slurred a plea, her mind thoroughly melted. She had never felt that amazing before and a twisted curiosity and anticipation deeply hoped the woman holding her would ignore her.

“How cute. You think you're ever leaving again.” Salem said condescendingly. Miki felt herself being flipped onto her back, staring up into the dominating woman’s eyes. Salem had a wicked grin on her face as she pressed her cock to Miki’s tight ass. “Prove to me how worthy you are. If you cum before I do, I'm going to give you to my Grimm.” Salem said. A pang of fear rushed through the purple haired huntress. Was she going to die here…?

“No…” Miki said, in her lust filled state, it coming out as a moan. Salem drove her hips forward, penetrating the smaller girl’s virgin ass forcefully and spreading it far apart. Miki screamed as her semblance converted the pain into pleasure, the former being far greater than when she had been fucked earlier. That being the case, the bliss she felt from her Mistress’ cock was unparalleled. “Oh fuck--!” She screamed out.

“You are nothing but my slave now.” Salem said, her red eyes glowing and staring into Miki’s soul. Miki tried to stifle her screams long enough to answer.

“Yes ma'am~!” Miki screamed as her Mistress grabbed her hips and used that unreal power to slam their hips together. She felt like her hips would break from the force of it, but God it felt amazing...

“You will follow orders. And serve any of us who ask. And you shall only refer to me as Mistress or greater.” Salem said, her cock sliding into the girl's asshole again and again. Miki wrapped her legs around her Goddess.

“Yesh Mishtressh!” Miki moaned, her tongue hanging out of her mouth. She wasn't going to be able to hang on for very much longer. At this point, she almost hoped she came before her Goddess.

“Now, cum and prove how unworthy you are.” Salem ordered. Miki screamed as her back arched. Her ass clenched around Salem’s cock as her submission sprayed over her Goddess’ stomach. Salem smiled as she kept pounding the girl’s ass. “You're a disappointment.” She said.

“Yesh! Punish me Mishstressh!” Miki begged. Salem took a hand and slapped Miki across the face hard. Miki however, having already submitted wholeheartedly, didn't even need her semblance. Anything her Goddess did to her would cause her no end of ecstasy.

“Enjoy this while you can slave, it may be the last time you service a cock that doesn't belong to my Grimm.” Salem smiled at the twisted pleasure Miki seemed to get from that. The girl let out a hoarse moan, her voice sore from overuse.

“More--! Pleashe!” Miki begged, the proud huntress she once was now lost to the cock hungry, cum drunk slut she had become. Salem wrapped her fingers around Miki’s hips and pulled her against her lap with as much strength as she could. She had to admit, the girl’s ass was worthy of keeping. Her dick throbbed with pleasure as she leaned over her new slave. Miki simply looked into her eyes with unquestioned obedience.

“I'm going to fill you up now. Enjoy your Goddess’ cum.” She commanded. Miki nodded as her ass tightened considerably. Salem moaned as hilted herself inside of the former huntress, her climax washing over her as she filled the purple haired girl’s asshole full of cum. Miki sprayed her own cum onto Salem’s stomach even more as she panted with exhaustion.

“What’s… going to happen…?” She asked. Salem chuckled at her new pet.

“Be a good girl and I may even let my Grimm breed you.” Salem patted Miki’s cheeks. The girl nuzzled into her Goddess’ hand, seemingly comforted by the action. Salem’s eyes burned with triumph at her new prize.

“Please… Let me be your slave, Mistress…” A red faced Miki asked, her mind practically reprogrammed by her Goddess’ will. 

“Oh Pet. Worry not, we shall find a place for you. You'll never have to leave here again.” Salem said. Miki looked truly relieved to hear those words. 

“I will be your sword. And anything else you need…” She snuggled into the ghostly white woman. 

“Rest now. I'm glad you're finally beginning to see things our way.” Salem said, getting up and picking up the naked, messy huntress in training. She carried her to a room and set her in the bed. Perhaps she'd actually see to having the girl trained rather just broken. Her movements had been sharp and one couldn't ignore the potential of her semblance.

Thoughts for later. Salem walked back to her throne room and climbed atop, basking the afterglow of having gotten a new slave. With so many women, she almost hoped a young huntsman would come along next for her to break. Perhaps she could take his ass or allow him to grasp a taste of heaven inside of her. She smiled and hummed to herself as she closed her eyes and chuckled at what an absurd coincidence it would be to have two people discover her citadel in one week. Ah, but oh well. A Goddess can dream, can't she?


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