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And here we are at the back half of the show! For me, this is where things really started picking up and it made me wish the show had been 9 episodes instead, like some of the other shows we've had, so that these 3 episodes didn't feel so rushed through. 

Click here to watchalong. 

Thanks for all of your comments so far on the first half. Please enjoy!

✦ KL



Bryan Dempsey

I’m sorry this wasn’t necessarily what you were looking for in this story. I do enjoy this series, partly influenced by my daughter who loves Kate Bishop in the comics and her excitement seeing her favorite character was definitely a factor. I understand why Yelena letting Kate act as a delaying foil was annoying. They really took Kate off too far into almost a comic relief role, especially in the last half of the series. I see it as Yelena, was staying true to her character in the Black Widow movie. She’s chatty, she’s lonely. She takes time to engage and marvel at everything new. Like her vest with all its pockets or new food. I think she likes Kate and this was her way of bantering. I think it’s interesting that she hesitated and spoke to Clint before striking a killing blow. I think she knew he didn’t actively kill Nat, but she still blamed him and her grief and rage kept her acting, but unfocused. I also wish we had seen Maya and Fisk more. There is more to that story and it would have been great to see here. I laughed out loud when you forgot Maya was deaf. And again when you remembered. It was a great moment.


Nothing to be sorry about! Even though I didn't love this series as much as the other ones in Phase 4 so far, I'm still so glad to have watched it and there are memorable moments and parts of it that I enjoyed. I'm glad my fumble gave you a laugh. I'm so embarrassed by that, but already thinking of how to edit that creatively for the YouTube version. 😂


There were so many people who I saw react to this that said they'd watch a whole "Rogers: The Musical." I was NOT one of those people. I had exactly the same face as the Barton family while they were watching it. 😒 😁 I mean, it was totally funny for that joke, but I did not need to see the whole song at the end of this. I love this series, but would've liked a different end credits. I feel like the spirit of the show does seem to fit better around Christmastime, but I still really like it.