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Ohhh I’m finally able to upload it, not sure what’s wrong with the platform but it doesn’t allow me to attach Images to the posts, but everything seems to work on the app at least! So that’s a plus.

Alright, so this little story seems to come to an end, i may make one more page and then do some sketches with pals that kept chilling on the beach, as I wanted to do that since quite a long time hahah (there’s just a demon sitting inside of me telling me that I rly need to draw Iida x Aoyama one more time).

Thank you for your support, guys. 💙🫂

Hope you’ll like this page and I’ll see you soon!



BLY Dreams

Dama, this comic is just gorgeous. You really do an awesome job each time, thank you for all your work!


I love ur art - and i finally find u ♡