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I'm back with some more ICONIC Finding SKZ 'God Edition'.
Bang Chan is the sexy old man God! LOLLLL!




ohhhhhh esta temporada es de mis favoritas junto con la tercera 🤭


Seungmin acaba de estrenar Song by, un show donde canta y en el primer episodio volvió a cantar Love poem (una versión arreglada por él) y fue maravilloso, se puede ver lo mucho que cambió su voz, es un show creado por él porque tenía muchas ganas de compartir con stay su canto y enseñar su voz al 100%


I believe the name of the gods here was some word play of Korean 신 (shin) (can be translated as god/new) because their song is called Shin Menu (God's Menu). So all the "gods" here were all word play of Shin pronunciation. 8-proportioned god is pal deung shin, crucian carp god is bungeo shin, elderly god is eorushin, etc, then the next episode is called Shin Stealer, homophones for Scene Stealer, can be also translated as God stealer.


sorry if you work it out later in the reaction but the god titles are just made up using puns. the korean word for god is ‘shin’ so all the gods are words that include ‘shin’ lmao 😭 obviously it’s difficult to understand for us that don’t speak korean

Zuz P

Tini spoiler: they fought like hell to not be JYPgod after seeing the outfits. It was hilarious


re 3:27 that's pacemaker off of Go Live (one of my under rated faves)