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Chris Theurer

My twin hunks! Finally!!! 🍆🍆🍆. They can do w/e they want to me

Griffin Barrows

This is incredibly perfect for them! And even on 'simple' skimpy outfits, your bring out details: little garters, forked/pierced tongue, small lil gleams and stretches to skin. F me, this is great, sir ♥️🖤🤍


Hehehe, demons don't usually wait for permission, but it's good to know that you'll go without a fight 😋


Hahahaha trust me, those were not simple in the least. I tried soooo many combinations of straps and harnesses before settling on this one. My first attempts had the inversed pentagram much more prominent, but I think that this one now is sexier. And thank you! I think the little details bring it all together haha.