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Here is a little story for you about Polaroid 669 film. 

While browsing on marketplace a few weeks ago I fell upon this ad selling two boxes of expired Polaroid 669 from 1998 for 10$:

Yes, 10$ total for 2 boxes, each box containing 2 boxes! 2 boxes of 8 shots each. I immediately contacted the seller saying that this was mine and I was coming to get it right now. I'm so glad they were still available, I'm lucky because this ad was not going to last I promise you that. These can go for crazy prices on Ebay and are getting pretty rare. This was a crazy good deal. At this price you don't care if it was refrigerated or not, some people would pay 100$ without even knowing how expired they are. Actually I paid 20$, I did not have any change and neither did the seller, but who cares, still such a great deal. 

2 packs were already opened, meaning that it was out of the protective foil, the 2 others are sealed. These were from the opened pack:

Tried it first on my dog Snow and then moved on to human subjects:

As you can see this is pack film, or peel apart film as they call it and these are pretty much very expired. The photos were all bended out of shape and already peeling from the negative. It's still a look, love it or hate it, I love this. 

However, with only using auto color in Photoshop it is possible to kill the green cast, but we are cheating here:

So I opened the second pack, one which was sealed, while shooting my good friend and Patreon Ada:

This film is ISO 80, I shot them around ISO 50, I was of course on a tripod here.

The more we advanced through the pack the less it looked expired as the photos were less detached from the negatives. Without going too much into details, once the photo is exposed you have to pull on that little paper which reveals that little tab you have to pull in one swing which will pass the photo through rollers that spread the chemicals. It was a little messy with these, chemicals were spilling from the pack. 

Btw, I'm using the Polaroid 600SE here, otherwise known as the GOOSE, just so you know. One of my favorite cameras, even bigger than the Pentax 67. When you pull this one out of the bag it always makes people talk, one hell of a beast. That was a lie, I don't have a bag for this camera, it's just too big. 

This last one was taken in a mirror, sadly it was under exposed :(

So that's it! I still have 2 boxes left, 16 shots, one sealed and one not. I feel like I should save these for later, like I'm saving the boxes of FP-3000b for the end of times or something. While I save them I'm not having fun shooting them obviously and even though they are refrigerated they still get older and expired. I kept them for maybe selling them, I could make a good amount of money with the 14 packs I have left, however shooting this film is priceless why should I give this joy to someone else :)  So I think I'm going to start shooting them soon, who's worthy you ask, I guess we will find out!

Have a great weekend! 


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