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DISCLAIMER - 'Young' Amanda is always portrayed as 18 years old. 

Young Amanda Jones never hesitates to correct the teacher when he or she is wrong. Unfortunately her disruptive interjections don't always make her popular with staff and fellow students.  In the staff room, she has been described as "a good reason for bringing back the cane."  One schoolmistress suggested that Miss Jones should be tied and gagged at the back of the lesson if she could not keep her clever questions to herself.  Not only that, the head of year knows that Amanda has found a clever way to sneak off campus and investigate her mysteries, but has been unable to catch her in the act - just yet!

The problem for the staff however is that the Dean of the College has a soft spot for Amanda since she recovered the school's stolen silver in The Case of the Christmas Burglary.  Since then, she can do no wrong in the Dean's eyes - and she's surely destined for Harvard College.

Sorry, I have to make an unexpected trip until the weekend, so won't be able to post anything until then.  I haven't had much time to work on perils and stories for Young Amanda but I wanted to show you where I am up to with the updated outfit.  I have tried a lot of things and discounted them, which takes time and doesn't really leave anything to show for it, but I have ruled out about a million jackets and shoes and skirts and socks and blah blah .... these are the ones that seem to suit her.  YES, I am keeping the skirt at this length, YES I have scrapped the pantyhose and committed to socks, YES her shoes have a 2-3 inch heel.  The reason is... because it's sexy like this!  With Amanda I try to go as sexy as possible while staying tasteful.  You wouldn't believe the so-called 'schoolgirl' outfits available on Renderosity and Daz3d - no self-respecting schoolgirl would wear anything of the kind!  They would be immediately expelled!  So, Amanda's updated St.Hilda's outfit is already well within the 5% most conservative 'schoolgirl attire' you will see on a 3D young lady.

Let me know your thoughts... and I am open to suggestions for perils.  Could be a nice Christmas project.  

Will check the site on the mobile (the app is very good) and resume posting on Sunday.




She looks like she could be sitting in the back of my classroom, living and breathing. Nicely done. Glad to see her shoes; matching her cute knee high socks. Those legs look delicious, if I must say; exposing her flesh like that. I do hope she can wear some nice and warm pantyhose with this attire as a Winter season. She can still rock this outfit during the spring, without her jacket. So on that note, if this young sleuth ends up tied up in the back of the room, then I'm all in. Creating a mini backstory... that's a tough one. Lol. Safe travels my friend.


I kept checking Patreon on my phone while I was away so I could see this picture and I was in a rush to get back and put my story idea into practice!


It's not that bad. Better Amanda corrects a teacher than get taught incorrect information. Good for her. Always knew I liked Amanda for a reason.