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DISCLAIMER - 'Young' Amanda is always portrayed as 18 years old. 

She has that whole insouciant teenager thing going on....

I suppose if I were to modernise her she should have a pair of wires coming out of her ears.  Can't stand them - though it would allow villains to sneak up on her more easily.



Mena R.

But wouldn't villains sneaking up on her be a good thing? ;) And you could have her using some sort of headphones as part of her investigating equipment. Perhaps she could use them to covertly listen in on a conversation. While all the time it would simply look like she is listening to her tunes (or audio books). Regardless, love the outfit. I think the skirt is just right. Like the just over knee socks too. Great schoolgirl look for her.


Digging her expression on this one. Adding some headphones to listen to some audio on her case could be a nice touch; unaware of the big bear that's behind her.