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I feel like it's about time I addressed this.

I know some of you are paying and waiting VERY patiently for the arrival of "The Hirsch's Episode 2," which I have been very quiet on as of late. And about a month ago, I predicted it would be released some time by now.

To tell you peeps exclusively, it looks more like an October release. 

Honest to Abraham, IT IS ALMOST COMPLETE.

I've just been working on the bigger act of this cartoon these last few weeks, and there's A LOT MORE going on with it than I thought. With the number of scenes and effort for animating and everything. I just haven't made a public update boosting back the release date... again... because I'm just embarrassed with how long this is taking and always predicting wrong.

It REALLY doesn't help outside forces love taking my time as if this isn't important, or they just don't care about what I'm trying to do in general. Even when I know they just enjoy my company and want me apart of things, the stress of just wanting me to finish this project is taking a toll on my mood and mindset towards too many folks.

You guys are fine with ordering commissions and what not, I made sure you're the only ones allowed to. Otherwise, I'd get literally nothing done. I've just been feeling so held back even though I'm not. This bigger Act that needs finished is HALFWAY DONE as of typing this, but the rest just has a lot of scenes and shots that may be like 3 minutes a pop average. And that takes A LOT OF SHOTS.

For everyone here waiting ABSOLUTELY patiently for this episode, I'm pulling a risky move. And I say risky because there's been this noticeable problem on this channel, where people pledge to the $5 Tier for a day or two and then leave. And I'm led to believe they're probably here just to hijack as much content as they can, especially expecting a bunch of clips from Episode 2. But for you guys still sticking around, and the project nearing completion, I at least owe you ONE bit from the cartoon.

I'll still just be posting high resolution weeklies for the time being, but as long as all of you know progress is being made. I'll make sure you peeps get a Two-Day Early Access, and maybe something extra as the video goes public.

Let's see where this goes.



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