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Ah, what a nice morning this was! The clocks had changed, and the sun was bright, and spring was most definitely just around the corner. It was Sunday, to boot, and many people were still in bed, enjoying the delightful reprieve from the work week.

Not Doctor Natalia, though.

Along the quiet streets she eased her car, her expression calm and expectant as she neared her destination. A lovely morning indeed, she mused silently. A perfect morning to stop in at her friend's house… and to check up on her latest and most important patient.

It was now well over two months now since the start of Jayden's radical treatment plan. Natalia hadn't been sure how well it would work, of course. Such was the nature of an experiment. And yet, it was startling to see the reports coming in: Erica's emails, and the memos from Shannon, and most recently the data she and her LPN assistant Suri were collecting remotely on Jayden's fluid intake.

Startling – primarily because of how quickly he was progressing.

She smiled softly, congratulating herself on the tentative success of her unorthodox treatment plan. Maybe she really was onto something with this regression treatment! But of course, only once things had progressed much further would it be possible to call Jayden an unqualified success. In the meantime… well, she needed more data. Qualitative data. The kind she could obtain best by visiting in person.

And while she was there, she might as well try to speed things along, right?


"Thanks so much, Erica! Actually, a cup of tea would be nice. Anything you have, really…"

She was smiling again: seated now on the sofa in her friend's expansive living room, occasionally glancing at the quiet middle-aged man sitting diagonally from her. From the kitchen came the sound of Erica bustling about with clinking spoons and the burbling tea kettle. She shifted quietly in place, crossing her ankles and smoothing the fabric of her sensible skirt.

Until she broke the silence with a warm burst of interest. "Oh! Is that your new cup? How are you liking it so far, then?"

"Um, well… it's- it's fine," Jayden responded awkwardly. Natalia leaned forward to catch a better view of the hefty, elegantly shaped water bottle, its spout still glistening from recent use. "Yeah? It's pretty cool how it works, you know," she enthused, and in her tone was the faintest hint of the sort of condescending sweetness one might use for a child. "And useful! Tracking how much you've been drinking? Making sure you don't become dehydrated? That's pretty important, you know…"

"Sure is," Erica interjected, stepping into the room with her two teacups in hand. "I was telling him about it just yesterday. He was whining about needing to drain it before bed again, you see." She chuckled wryly and took her seat across from Natalia. "But then I just had him read all the things that dehydration can cause. And you know what? The cup was empty not ten minutes later!"

The two women chuckled while Jayden's cheeks flushed softly in the morning light. Now it was his turn to shift – in so doing, drawing Natalia's attention down to the bulk visibly filling out the material of his sweatpants.

"Well, glad to hear it!" She beamed with a final chuckle. "Better an empty cup and a full diaper than the other way around!" Now she was reaching for her clipboard. "Speaking of which, I just wanted to check in and see how things have been going. Let's see… this month's additions… Hmm, here they are!" She adjusted her glasses and glanced up at Erica. "We set you up with the Bluetooth bottle, of course. Four liters each day, correct? And then there was the rule about no changes until absolutely necessary… How's that been going?"

"Fine, fine," Erica responded, and Jayden blushed deeper. "I don't know if you can tell right now, but he's still in his nighttime one right now. Those cloth ones really do hold a lot more than I thought." "Absolutely," Natalia beamed, and jotted down some notes in her impenetrable scrawl. "That's perfect! I imagine that means he's in them for quite awhile most days. And only you do the changes now, right? As long as you're using powder and lotion, you shouldn't have too much issue with rashes…"

No, no rashes, Erica assured her. Besides, it was so much easier for everyone now he was working from home. She just put him into a fresh one before leaving on workday mornings, and he'd change that evening during his shower. That way if he really needed to go number two, he could just go then-

"Oh, really? Interesting." Natalia was scribbling busily. "I'd say the less of the potty you can do, the better. Our dear Jayden here's learning to give up all of that nasty big-boy potty stuff, isn't he? So unless there's a good reason for it, I think it would be best if you simply let him do everything in his diaper." She smiled brightly at Erica's surprised expression. "I know, but don't worry! Take it nice and slow, and believe me – you both will be used to it before you know it!"

On and on they went, Natalia checking off the small but important changes that were steadily eating away at Jayden's adult life. The Velcro shoes? Oh, yes, they were very nice: cute and practical, too. The pacifier to bed? Well, it wasn't staying in place every night – and they'd had to leave it out for the first few nights after his root canal. But it certainly was rather cute. And actually, he wasn't snoring when he had it in, which was honestly pretty amazing…

And then they came to it at last. "Oh, how silly of me to forget!" Natalia exclaimed. "How about his night music? Has he been listening to them nice and regularly?"

"Listening, for sure." Erica hesitated, glancing expectantly at her husband. "Jayden, how about you tell us what's been happening? Hmm?" She paused again, then proceeded with an apologetic smile at her friend. "Well, never mind – I'll tell you if he won't. See, ever since he went to the dentist, it's been pretty remarkable. He's been waking up wet – like, very wet – pretty much every morning."

Natalia cocked her head, a delighted smile of surprise lighting up her face. "Oh, really? That's great, isn't it?" "But- I mean, it's not always-" Jayden tried to interject, but Erica cut him off with a wave of her hand. "Oh, don't listen to him – he's just embarrassed. I know for a fact that it's true. I wake early every morning, and he's sleeping like a log beside me. And I'm telling you: every single time I've checked him this past week? He's been plenty wet."

"Which is exactly what we're going for!" Natalia beamed, as if she'd just learned that her little nephew had finally mastered the art of using the potty. "Bedwetting – nice and regular. Oh, I'm so glad to hear that. That's some real progress – and more than that, too. It means that his night music is helping!" She scribbled more hasty notes to herself. "Which means, hmm, let me see…"

After a moment, she glanced up once more from her clipboard. "Well, never mind that for now. Maybe next month we can think about starting him on a fresh set of files. In the meantime, though, I had one final important thing to discuss." She reached for her tea, sipped it meditatively, and then set the cup down with a sympathetic glance at Erica.

"Tell me… how have you two been intimate lately? What has that looked like?"

Erica paused, a wry expression on her face. She glanced over at Jayden once more, who was now looking as though he'd rather be in a war zone than here. And then, she let out a rueful chuckle. "Well, it's been a bit… different."

Natalia smiled. "Different, hmm? How?" She sipped gently at her tea. "Just so you know, Shannon shared with me everything she told you last month. From what she said, it sounded like you two had a whole lot of fun energy going, right? It's hard not to have fun when one partner gets excited by being teased and ordered around…"

Erica let out a chuckle, and now the ice that had begun to settle in the room was broken. "Oh! Well, I guess you're right. I, um, I usually tease him when I change him. You know – stroking him and all. And he, um. He's been having orgasms in his diaper quite a lot." Jayden was flushing bright red now, shifting uncomfortably, but Natalia merely nodded and ignored him. "Oh, wonderful, wonderful! But of course there are two in the equation, Erica. How about… you?"

"Oh, me?" Erica bit her lip in sudden hesitation, then gave a self-conscious laugh. "Well, he, um. He's been pretty good about pleasuring me. You know, with his fingers. Or even, you know, orally…"

"Nothing to be ashamed of," Natalia reassured her, and now she was reaching down to the large bag that served as her purse. "The main thing is for both of you to be happy, okay? And remember: the more you do together – the more creative you get, and the more you involve yourselves in his new baby things – the better it will be for everyone."

She straightened up, and in her hands was a sizable, lumpy bundle bound in a cloth bag. "Here, I've brought you a few things that I'd like you both to try out going forward. First off: have either of you ever experimented with anal sex?"


Back in her car now, Natalia was humming, her mind alight with the adorable scene she'd left behind. Oh, those two were such sweethearts! She had never thought of them as prudes, of course – but the wondering looks she had gotten upon opening that bag!

Well, never mind. They had them now: along with plenty of lube and her detailed explanation of the wondrous delights of anal plugs and beads. Eventually they could work Jayden up to taking the strap-on, she told them with her unabashed, professional charm. But until then, they had better start with letting his bum get used to a bit of stretching. And of course, no harm in giving Jayden that nice slender plug she'd brought them during the day – especially since he was working from home now. Or even all night: trapped snugly in place by those nice thick cloth diapers of his, tickling that lovely P-spot now and again as his bladder let go…

She smiled to herself once more. Oh, yes. Dear Jayden was in very good hands. And while he still had a very long way to go, she was more confident than ever that he just might achieve his private fantasy by year's end.

(To be continued!)


Paul Bennett

Another Greta chapter in this ongoing saga.

RubberDiaperBoy (Tompa77)

This is easily my new favorite story. Such good writing. Can’t wait to read the many more chapters of Jayden’s road to babyhood and about the important research that is being done here…