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Hi everyone!!

I know that many of you wonder what happened to the big printer. It is waiting... waiting for what? you may ask. Well, when I started the big printer project It had a very specific purpose, I was going to become a father, and the, now my baby's room, was my workshop. I had there my tools, my printers, my storage space and everything. Due to to the incoming "eviction notice" I had to forge a plan to keep doing what I like the most: Making!! So I hurdled a plan to move the workshop to our box room on the building basement. This had a few caveats, first and foremost: lack of electricity, there are no sockets nor I wanted to steal it from the community, so I had to buy a car battery and an inverter. For the last ten months or so I've been bringing the 13kg battery on a backpack home and charging it for the weeks video. This setup is enough for the six huge led lightbulbs that light up the bench, but many of you have noticed the lights dimming whenever I'm soldering something or when I start the printer, and also, I've never printed anything on the workbench, weird right? XD.

Second: Lack of space, the space we're talking about is 3 meters by 1,6 meters, and apart from my workshop, there is all of my family's stuff stored in there, I have less than a squared meter to move while recording stuff and many times I have to play Tetris just to take a shot. I don't have much more space available apart from the Ikea Pax were the bench is embedded.

Now, you might be asking... where do you print then? well, first I will tell you where was I intending to print. As you've already seen, the big printer has a mirror that is 300x600mm but the threaded rods and z axis motors are inside the printer instead of outside ( the rod is between the guide and the bed instead of being the guide between the rod and the bed) that makes the printing volume smaller because the carriage hits the Z axis motors. Also, the z axis motors are on top instead of on the bottom... why? Well, My main goal when I designed this printer was to fit the largest printing volume inside a Hemnes secreter from Ikea. We had one on the living room and if I could fit one there I'd be saved from not having a running printer to use. That's where some weird design choices are explained, like the display being unergonomically placed completely flat on one side etc. 

Yep, inside one of these...

I'll keep guessing which questions you do have: Is it the big printer inside the secreter then? Nope, while I was finishing the new printer, my old big printer (which, so you know, had a printer volume of 400x400x400) was temporarily placed on the shower plate on our second bathroom so I could keep printing parts for the new printer. 

I uploaded an upright photo, no idea why is it rotated... but you get the idea right?

Somewhere along the way the common sense kicked in and I realised that having a 3D printer in a wooden box completely closed was a disaster waiting to happen, also not very practical. When I did the videos in the summer in my living room, my intention was to finish the printer and swap the old one for the new one on the bathroom. I dismantled the one on the bathroom and tried to finish the printer so I could put it on the bathroom and keep printing. More or less at the same time, 3D printers started to rain from china, I started making reviews and placing the printers on the bathroom (right now there are four printers on my bathroom)

Yes, four, on two levels...

But the fact is that the big printer is not completely finished, I don't have enough space to place it and print and that's killing me.

A couple of months ago I started to look for a place to rent, I have a "real" job and with your help and youtube and the affiliate links and all I think i can afford to invest in a place to work on all this greatness that has come from this channel. Jus this week I've reached an agreement on the rent conditions and I'm planning on moving during this month.

What does this mean for you, for the channel and for the big printer? I hope that a lot. I will be able to print for days or weeks in a row.

Did you know that the only thing that kept me from printing the world largest working 3D printed on one go fidget spinner was that I could not print for more than 14 hours? I know, that might have been for the better... XD.

I'll be able to make very large and complicated prints, print on the seven printers that I have right now at once ( I have two printers in a box that I cannot use right now). I will have all my tools deployed and at reach, did you know that I have a miter saw? an arc welder? a bench power supply? a column drill? and sooooo many more tools that require space and running electricity. 

So I think this will be good for all of us

Thanks for helping me along the way!


Henri Portelli

Hi Ivan. Trying to reach you on the large printer email address which seems to be no longer valid, can you kindly send me an address where I can reach you.