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Alright guys and gals this post is a bit different. Today is my birthday!! Now on my birthday tbh I don't do much so I thought "let me come on here and share some of my favorite photos/sets". Here are a few of my favorites and a little snippet as to why. Let me know which is your favorite or what model you liked seeing!

First up is this shoot with Arielle whom I've know for quite some time now. One of my all time favorite beach shoots and people hands down. I can not match her energy and love that she puts up with my drama.

Next up my shoot with Eliza. The plan was to shoot outdoors, which we did but ended up back in side. Tbh I wasn't to happy because the space was dim and dark and I love shooting with natural light. I popped my flash on expecting nothing and we came up with these shots. Iconic for sure!

Following up is Fantom! This was my first shoot with her and it was like shooting with different personalities lol. Idk this is another one of those shoots that stood out and the fxxking rabbits brand made it prime!

So, I know this may not be what people consider spicy but honestly this location, the outfit and Gloria just make it work. Love shooting with Gloria whenever I can and I love that what ever she puts on looks great and she just makes it work. Not a lot of people can do that!

OK so this shoot is from a very recent shoot with Jessica. First of all love shooting with Jessica and she is an OG model. When I started shooting models, she was one of the first and we still going at it. Honestly, grateful for the friendship with this one for sure.

So I complain about hating to do beach shoots but when the model and lighting are perfect, it's hard to take a bad picture. Definitely one of those photos I am proud off. So clean and hopefully what most of my work represents.

If I were to make a category for adorable posts and people it would be with Kiana. Love shooting with this goober. I know in most of her posts she has that look that could kill ya but she is by far such a bubbly person and I try to catch that side when ever I can!

Here is another one of those sets where the lighting and model were just (insert fire emoji here lol) I love my shoots with Leena and I remember the first one I struggled. Luckily I wasn't too weird that she gave me another chance and we got some great shots. Hands down a talented person whom I think should shoot more!! 

Next up Luna. If you haven't noticed just yet, I have been going in alphabetical order or else I would screw it all up. Anyways, another set with Luna that I think came out clean! Definitely enjoy shooting with our Canadian neighbors! Anyways this shoot was so random but glad we made it work!

So this photo brings back memories. This wasn't my first time shooting with her, but the shoot brought out some iconic moments. Maika is one of those people I will always say yes too when it comes to a shoot. She is extremely bubbly and just makes the shoot fun. I love that any idea that I have she's open to it and brings it on.  

Someone I haven't seen in a while but loved shooting with is this girl! Another person who just brought her A game! That look of hers is simply to die for. The 2nd actual pool shoot I did and this came out looking dope.

Iconic post with Sandra for many reasons. First the whites in this image are insane. When we shot there we could not believe how good the lighting was. Secondly, it was hot as hell. One of those old buildings in LA with no AC. No fans. Just a window we cracked open. I was sweating by the end of it all.

I know. I know another beach shoot. One of my favorite shoots with Sherina at the beach during golden hour. Honestly not a fan of blue or golden hour but I make an exception for these. One of those photos I look at and can't believe it's my work!

Here is one of my other favorite people and this shoot is from oh so far back. I miss my shoots and chats with this girl and another person I consider a friend. I met Shirley in 2020 and her and a few others made shooting fun and interesting during a time when things just seemed off. I loved creating with her and I hope we can have another proper shoot. If not at least some tea and fruits.

Here is someone who no longer looks familiar because as of now her hair is another color. Yes it's Tanya another OG model. I can't remember what year we shot...2017? But another person whom I loved to shoot with and hang. Always down for any look and idea I had. Just a kind person whom I have to thank for always making time to shoot with me.

Here is someone who doesn't need an introduction to many of you lol. It's Elle!! From the very first shoot we had I loved this girl. I don't know if she felt it because I'm always like -_- but honestly such a fun person to be around. I love to capture her bubbly side and I am so glad she allows me to as some models hate it lol. By far one of the most free spirited individuals I know who is beyond sweet.

Lastly, Tii! I had to post a photo of her doing her signature pose lol. Such a dope person and this was one of our very first shoots!! Honestly, it started out rough because she lost a nail before we had even started and I felt bad. Luckily she liked the photos and all was forgive. I hope. Any ways such a cool person to shoot and hope we can have another proper shoot soon :)

Anyways, that is all for now. Let me know what you guys think. Do you like this format? Do you want me to shoot with any of these models more? Who stole your heart? lol Let me know and I shall do another one possibly!!


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