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As mentioned in the journal post, I want to do a 'reset' with a new cast of characters. And while I haven't done the touch-ups yet, I definitely can show a teaser or two about the new cast! Two in fact, and this here is Lexie!

A familiar face to some, as an older version of her was very much pregnant. Sadly I had to abandon that iteration after I couldn't get the story unstuck from its firm roots. I still really liked the design of her, and that is where this newest version comes in. I already did an animation of this new Lexie, where it is pretty apparent what her growth focus is going to be.

But here she is, almost flat by comparison! Lexie's story here is going to be a slow burn and very much focused on the character like Susan was. Growth will play a key role still, but the character and story equally so. Additionally a lot of this will be written by another close friend. Regulars of my Patreon server will know him by Bonbon, and he's been a massive help with adding just the right amount of spice to her story.

I could go more in-depth about her character, but I think the image does a pretty good job already. :P



Kellen Kohlleppel

I must know… will she get pregnant again?


exciting things brewing, i'm looking forward to it