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Thor and Loki go to war in #ThunderandLightning by Richard Borg and Z-Man Games. Here's the rules summary! 

Great little 2 player card game, this one.


Thunder & Lightning v1

Direct the armies of a god at war with the Thunder & Lightning rules summary. Originally released in 2000 by KOSMOS as Hera and Zeus, this satisfying card game from Richard Borg (of Command & Colors fame) has been given a Norse coat of paint and some tweaks by Z-Man Games.


Joseph Bromley

I’ve got this one sitting unplayed, you’ve inspired me to break it out.


It's a great 2 player; I'd been meaning to get it back when it was called Hera & Zeus, Will used to play it all the time with his wife and said it was a good game. He was right!