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Just in time for our Star Trek: Ascendancy battle report video tomorrow, here's the EOG rules summary and reference. Two days of amazing Star Trek game content from the Esoteric Order of Gamers, just for you - game well and prosper!

ST:A has had mixed reviews, but I really enjoy it - let me know your experiences of this galactic civilisation-building game, I'm curious to hear your opinions. 

Video tomorrow ... with three players - count ‘em, three players!



Star Trek: Ascendancy v1

Boldly go armed with the Star Trek: Ascendancy rules summary and reference. I quite like a bit of Star Trek, despite the fact it is under-represented in my game library, so I was excited to see the release of this epic exploration and conquest game by Gale Force Nine.


Dave DuJour

Thank you for this rules summary! I've been waiting for this since my first play of the game last fall. By now I've played at least a dozen times. It was my weekly game groups go-to game every Thursday, since the group was only 3 people at the time. Overall I don't think it's a very good game, even though it scratches my Trek and 4X game itches. It has a great opening and decent middle game, but falls down at the end. Of the three beginning races I'm not sure the Klingons can win if the Romulans and Federation take the smart strategy of exploring into the corner, what we called "turtling." Exploring but being isolationists and not connecting up. And without connecting systems the Klingons (and to a lesser degree the Cardassians) can't win. And it doesn't feel like the winner is going to be a surprise at the end of the game. It's easy to see a turn or two out but people rarely can do anything to stop it. Or if they can then the game gets into the back-and-forth of someone having 5 Ascendancy but not their home system, or people trading home systems...which ends up in hours and hours of fighting with no end. The Expansions DO help. The Ferengi are wonderful traders. Everyone wants a Ferengi ship orbiting one of their worlds. They bring a very different strategy to the game. The Borg expansion is really interesting with its various play modes. I like it but I'd also want to use it mostly 4 player games. And it doesn't shorten the length of the game any.


Hi Dave, hanks for the info. That's really interesting to hear from someone who has played it so often, if unfortunate news! I too noticed the same issue that you could see the winner before the end, but I hoped that it didn’t happen too often. Bugger! Oh well, I'll throw in some expansions. It's not going to get played TOO often because of the length, so it should still be fun occasionally.