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Pov Dungeon Core


I finally had it. There were about 300,000 patterns I currently had, and while most of the species had 100 or more pattern variations that I saved, there was only one human pattern.


It wasn't much more complicated than the others, but the intelligence made the difference. It's what was protecting them from me, and the stronger your understanding of yourself and the world around you, the better mana is able to protect you from my influence.


I was completely certain that if the ants were to leave my dungeon and visit another dungeon, they would be similarly protected like the humans were. Before I started making humans, I figured out something about myself. Human and other creature brains were incredible and complex structures, but their memories were rarely perfect.


My memories were absolutely perfect. I could make a pattern and come back to it 1000 years later without it being changed even a little. It was because of my core; it was crystal and functioned more like the quest crystal or skill crystals in the way they stored information.


There is, however, a limit to this. Now, I’m way more complex than those crystals, and while currently, I am nowhere close to being full, if I continue like I currently am, that might not be true in the future.


Thanks to this, I figured out another skill that I needed to make. I need a skill that would enhance my mind, make it larger, function faster. I think it would be necessary for the future, and it might help me in the short term as well if I could think faster. I put a part of me to work on this while I continued with the human pattern.


The land for them was ready and was quite safe, although not incredibly safe, otherwise they might not develop properly.


That being said, it would be a nice experiment for the future. How would a civilization develop in a perfect environment for them where they didn't need to worry about anything? I put that on the experiment later list.


I was going to do some things similar to what I did with the Arden goblins. I will make small tribes and give them inherent knowledge. The question was how much I should give.


Of course, they should have the knowledge of fire and how to survive in their environment. Should I also give them knowledge of farming, building, architecture? Those were the more important questions.


Perhaps I should give them everything. It didn't matter too much with the first humans. They were going to be monsters, and while I would work hard to make them act like they were real humans, I would not be able to fully accomplish this. That, however, would be enough.


The humans that they give birth to, however, would be fully human. Nothing would separate them from the adventurers currently diving into me, except for the fact that they would be connected to me like every other creature in my playrooms.


Well, that wasn't completely true, as there were still some monsters alive who I had created, but they were comparatively in low numbers.


It's decided; they will be fully aware of what they are and where they are. Perhaps in the future, I would experiment differently, but currently, I think that’s the best choice.


Because of this, they will also have access to more knowledge, in fact, all the knowledge I have, although I would not give this to all humans. They would need to achieve some quests to gain access to those. I think that’s the best choice.


I had finished up about 20 patterns for one tribe when I found a problem. I actually didn’t have all the skills that I wanted to give. Also, I forgot that I could actually make them gold-rank humans immediately. It always slips my mind that I could adjust the rank of any pattern I have. Damn it, now I need to redesign this entire playroom's difficulty.


Wait, no, that would be too much work. Let's just make some harder zones so all the tribes could still start out where there's not much danger.


Now, however, I think I will make each village leader a high silver rank. That didn’t, however, fix the problem of me not having more adventure-compatible skills. Most of the skills I have were for more animal-like creatures.


Now, some skills had overlap, but that wouldn't be enough, at least not for the future; currently, it would be good enough.


It seems that I need to think of a solution. Perhaps Ace could help me, but there might actually be a more fun solution, and I would need to start my other plans as well. So much to do, so much fun.


Currently, however, I was still concentrating on making the human tribes. There would be a need for variation in skills and knowledge based on the locations where I would place the tribes. In a more mountainous region, the knowledge and skills useful in the grassland could be quite meaningless for survival.


The tribes would consist of around 20 humans, but they would always have an equal number: half of them would be male, half female, and at the perfect age to produce offspring.


Monsters took so much more resources to upkeep than creatures, so it was important that the next generations would start fast. Speaking of resources. I did have a lot of mana regeneration I could put into this project.


I could comfortably get away with making 20 million humans right now, but if I were to make 30 million, I would be running close to a mana-negative regeneration. While I had enough mana saved in resources that even with negative regeneration, I wouldn’t run out anytime soon, I think it would still be better to be safe.


So, 10 million split into groups of 20 tribe members, spread out over a large continent. I suspect most of them would travel around for some time, finding a good location to settle down, and then they would start creating villages and farmland.


Then their population will truly start to expand. Of course, a lot of them will die because survival is not easy, and I’m guessing they will also fight each other as well from time to time.


This will truly put my pattern modification to the test. I would not accept even a single human looking like any other human.


With patterns, it was quite obvious that whenever you made one, it would create an exact copy of that creature. I would not want the same human being replicated everywhere, as that would actually mess up the genetics of future generations quite a lot. No, every human needs to be unique. This will take some time but actually sounds quite fun.


While I started to make the patterns, I also made the more dangerous zones. Using dungeon rules, it was easy to ensure that whenever a creature got strong enough, it would not leave that zone, or if it got too strong in a zone, it would seek out a stronger zone to move to. Personally, I felt like it was a brilliant solution.


It took me months and months to get all the patterns done and actually make all the tribes. I was also getting closer to being done with the 22nd-floor dungeon rooms, so it actually wouldn’t be too long before I could advance to the next floor.


The adventurers were already at the second hub station on the 21st floor and were progressing fast toward the floor guardian. I wonder if I was going to finish the next floor before they made it there.


Whatever the case was, I still had a lot of work to do because I now had the pattern for the dwarves as well. But before I get to work on them, it's time to gain some more skills.


It always surprised me how willing adventurers were to betray one another, but I guess this wasn’t a full betrayal, just some work for good pay. It should, however, be quite fun to observe.


Some BS Deity

Such a good dungeon core novel. It doesn't do the annoying let me just become God in 5 years cuz I am bullshit.


10,000,000 humans seems like an insane number 😳 is there even a million people in the dungeon and city combined


the numbers will keep getting even more insane. if you combine them then there is more but only slightly


"Also, I forgot that I could actually make them gold-rank humans immediately. It always slips my mind that I could adjust the rank of any pattern I have. Damn it, now I need to redesign this entire playroom's difficulty." Oyyy xD BEHOLD my HIGH Human race/civ (start at Gold-rank when born) High Elve next? Tall Dwarf? xD (i don't think i had seen High Dwarf in other story like High Human and High Elf who is a common thing) someone get the name usually used for evolved dwarf? Can be interesting if he do it in his continent (or island (atlantis?) putting normal human AND 'high' human community too in some place (who start at gold rank) and maybe into difficult/special environnment "While I started to make the patterns, I also made the more dangerous zones. Using dungeon rules, it was easy to ensure that whenever a creature got strong enough, it would not leave that zone, or if it got too strong in a zone, it would seek out a stronger zone to move to. Personally, I felt like it was a brilliant solution." This is awesome, i can already see the 'ecosystem' it can create in his playroom, with 'big' monster sometime migration into higher zone and how the Human civ and others react to these move (even better if these high monster when its time to move elsewhere get info by the dungeon about the different close zone around them who are acceptable to move and so they choose (depending of interaction or what they know of the difficulty of the move) and surely some civ try to fuck these move as its a migration hunt or something Oh even better if these migration is not of only one high monster but entire group of monster who 'level up' at the same time of their grow (or reach these level depending of their grow into adult) and move together, true migration ecosystem (picture with herd of thousand/millions moving a lot) (every x years) how the civ will adapt to it and use it too (time of hunt or etc)