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Heya mutants!

A quick update to let you know what's going on! In the last couple of days I started writing dialogs and programming code for the first location. It might sound boring but it's a big milestone for me as I'm moving forward to making a first release. With that said, I'm aiming for a late June or late July release!

I also know now how the intro cinematics will look like so I hope it won't take too much time to direct them in 3D!

What worries me a bit is the usage of the Ink Spots song in the intro.
The licensing fee is too expensive at this point so maybe it will be included later down the road and some substitute music will be used in place of it.

Speaking of the budget, we managed to collect the money for our first software - Snap Art!
I haven't yet bought it as I'm investigating how much tax I have to pay for this income. I'll get around to it next week and report back here.

Going back to work now. See you soon!


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