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Gehenna, a place of eternal suffering. The voices of the doomed joined as a macabre chorus claiming mercy. But others with guttural screams curses and shout words are more noises than something have meaning.

- There he is. - Pointed Cheshire. Mune and Campanella watched the dantesque scene: a sheep trapped on an organic wall surrounded by the same tentacles was with Djali. Many voices sprout of the meat wall. The animals aproached to the sheep.
- I know you. - Cheshire said, his voice changed to a grim tone, his eyes turned red and his mouth gifted him a big smile. - I don´t expected see you again.
- So you knew him too? - Said Mune.
- Yes... again. I knew him on another story, another picture, and another ending.

Cheshire approached to the scene, watching the victim, who was like catatonic. Then the sinister cat said:

- You are not a sheep, you are a lamb... a wolf... monster. You are that child who betrayed his home, his mother and own life. You becomed into a beast, always thirsty of blood, always awaiting for cause mayhem on heart. Chirin.

The lamb woke up of his catatonism and looked the animals. His tears dissappeared. His face of suffering changed to claim compassion.

- Pleeeeeaaseeee. - Lamented Chirin. - Please have mercy. I was wrong. Please help me. I want to get out of here.
- You cannot. - Cheshire replied. - Not yet. You stoled something important, and you caused chaos. Your corruption touched the fragile souls of Limbo confusing those haven´t clear their path yet on this reality.
- Aaaand hoow did you knooww thaaat?
- I am an agent of madness.
- Weeeell, that is trueeee.

Chirin started to cry. Mune was devastated his heart was broken with the scene.

- Too young for cause a lot of damage. - Said Mune.
- But not too young for be guilty. - Responded Cheshire.
- What do you mean?
- He changed his own reality. He quit his old body to transform into what he was before his fall into heart of darkness: an inocent. But is just a mask.

Then, the tentacles started to wrap more around Chirin. His bell started to sound, caused for the spams of pain of the lamb.

-  I cannot understand how did you ended here. - Continued Cheshire. - I was sure you found redemption.
- Yeeees, I found it! - Responded Chirin. - But I rejected it.
- WHY?! - Exclaimed Campanella. - That is something with happiness I would accepted.
- Becaaause I was alone! - The tentacles squeezed him more, causing on Chirin problems to breath.
- You know why you are alone. - Cheshire looked him a bit worried. - Because you devastated everything. Is your fault.
- MY FOULT?! - Chirin opened his eyes, injected of blood, and his face transformed on the meaning of rage. - Wolf killed my mother, I wanted reveange. And I did it.
- You changed your mother for Wolf, and you adopted him as your father, and he like a son. - Cheshire steped back and for imitation Mune and Campanella did it too.
- You... Don´t... Understand... my pain. - The meat wall started to throb. - Now... leave...
- We will not. - Said Campanella. - We need the ticket of Giovanni. Please...
- Please?... Please you said? - The meat started to blood, and the walls started to collapse. The tentacles twist like worms on the ground. And with a horrible scream saying "Wou", Chirin was free.

- Step back, Mune! - Cheshire screamed. - Put on a safe place Campanella.
- So what now? - Asked Mune taking on his arms Campanella.
- Prepare yourself, you will know the Fangs of Chirins Heart!



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