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A new headmod for Hinata, along with an 80´s style gym outfit because why not xd.

I couldn´t do much 3D during these weeks, Im still working on the game project so I made this update real quick.

And congratulations to the poll winners, D.va and 2 random picks for the next days, coming soon.





Yeaaaah she was in my list of "I would like a head mod" with Tsunade, Azula, BOTW Zelda, Yamato and Cheelai


lovely workout fit


Hot pd: This will get you more ntr from Hinata, which is all content creators use her for lately lol.


Eyyy twintail hinata looking nice, at least this cheered Me up

Some Nosy Vagabond

First time I've heard about Evaan working on a game project, I'm curious about it.

C. Dominic

I didn't know how much I needed this Hinata mod until I saw her in that classic 80's outfit.


Love it!

C. Dominic

Amazing work as always!