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Chapter 30

Tags: Swinging, Orgy, M/F, F/F, Huge Cock, Teasing

Pete sighed with relief the second he stepped into the elevator lobby in his penthouse. The efforts to build as many of his hospitals as possible around North America continued, and if that weren’t enough, he and Cindy still worked daily on improving the grav drives’ efficiency.

Neither of those projects took up a majority of his attention however. What Pete found sucking up all of his free time lately, and giving him the most headaches, was the IRI. Felicia was proving to be worth her weight in vibranium, dealing with state governors who made it their life’s mission to badger him into adding them on his ever growing list of beneficiaries.

Much of the South was benefitting from his work already, but he’d quickly shifted his efforts to include the states many would consider to be in fly-over country. It was hard, rewarding work, but not enough to give him the headaches he found himself suffering daily.

No, that was all thanks to his work in East Africa. The world had been shocked when the IRI added the Sudans, Eritrea, Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda to their portfolio of beneficiaries. Not only was it a massive undertaking - that, thankfully, Ororo was immense in helping with on several fronts - but he had to deal with the media.

It wasn’t enough that he had to endure constant attacks of racism for having the temerity of being white while doing something good for the African people, but Wakanda was making themselves a nuisance again too. Smear campaigns were well underway to try and tarnish his character - unfortunately for them, he was relatively squeaky clean.

It was only a matter of time until they went after Gwen. Thankfully, his girl could take it, and she’d told him in no uncertain terms that if he cowed on her behalf, she’d web his cock and balls up for an entire week.

Pete secretly wondered if Gwen got off on the idea that her not-so-secret pornographic ventures would be discovered and used against him.

He snorted and smiled fondly..

I bet she gets off on the fucking thought.

After a soothing shower, Pete found Gwen in the gaming room making use of his killer sim-racing rig. She had such a look of intense concentration on her features - while losing horribly to his ghost - that he wasn’t even surprised that she didn’t notice him enter.

It’s honestly adorable how much of a sweaty, angry gamer girl she is.

Literally, in this case. Gwen’s forehead was slick with sweat from what he could assume was hours of intense concentration, her jaw clenched with fury. He watched silently from behind her as she was about to enter a particularly difficult set of hairpin turns and grinned evilly.

Crouching down so his lips were right by and just behind her ear, he mustered his best Jameson impression and let it rip.


Her reaction was, predictably, hilarious.

Gwen shrieked in surprise and lept a foot into the air like a startled kitten, her hands coming off the wheel and her car disastrously crashing into the barrier. Pete was laughing so hard he could barely breathe, leaning against the wall for support while Gwen, after calming down, pinched and massaged the bridge of her nose, not-so-silently begging for the strength to not kill him.

It took a good minute for her racing heart to stop trying to beat its way out of her chest, and Pete still couldn’t stop giggling. She turned to him, her face clouded with anger, fury and embarrassment.

That, of course, caused his giggling fit to start right up again.

‘Oh man, your face!’

‘You’re hilarious,’ she deadpanned, though her rage had cooled enough that the corners of her lips were twitching in amusement, her anger melting away as she watched him gasping for breath.

Gwen tried to angrily push him away like a rebellious teen when he stumbled towards her and wrapped her in an apologetic hug, but he was insistent, and she finally relented.

‘I was getting closer,’ she pouted, glaring hatefully at the screen.

‘It’s adorable that you think that, babe.’

‘I was!’ she retorted petulantly. ‘I was less than a second behind your ghost!’

Pete’s smile widened and he patronisingly booped her adorable nose. ‘That was my slowest ghost, once you overtook it, it’d just show you my next fastest time.’

Gwen’s face scrunched up in disbelief and disgust and she shoved him away.

‘Oh that’s such bullshit!’

Pete cackled. ‘It’s okay, Takumi will always need his Itsuki.’

She scowled furiously at the less than flattering anime reference. ‘I hate you.’

‘You love me.’

Honestly, this was just what Pete needed. Sending Gwen into a gamer-rage because she’d found another game he was miles better than her at was just delicious.

Taking a deep breath, she forcibly calmed herself down and affected an incredibly fake, nonplussed expression. ‘Whatever. This game sucks anyway.’ Her glare was so severe Pete was actually worried she’d start throwing gamer words at him. ‘Have you been practising like I asked you to?’

‘Eh,’ Pete shrugged, feeling like teasing her a little more. ‘Here and there. I’ve been incredibly busy.’

‘Peter I swear to God -’

Uh oh, she’s REALLY mad if she’s calling me Peter.

‘Wait a sec,’ Pete said, stalling her furious tirade as he reached for something in his back pocket. ‘I got you something.’

‘If you think you can buy me off - eeek!’ 

Gwen spun around in shock, only to see his fingers disappearing through a rapidly shrinking portal. By the time she spun back around, her crystal blue eyes alight with excitement, Pete had already created another pair of portals.

These portals were more delicate and harder to pull off, but they were the portals he’d most wanted to try making ever since he started playing with the mystical Space Stone. Gwen shrieked again, this time in delighted laughter, when she was met with his half-hard cock dangling right in front of her face out of a small, stable portal.

It took him…a long time to get comfortable enough with his control over the stone to try that, the thought of himself losing control over his new powers while his cock was poking through a portal, a terrifying one.

Looking around the portal at him, she’s grinning impishly. ‘Aww, it’s so cute,’ she teased, kissing the tip and giving it a lick as Pete let out a sigh of pleasure. ‘I’ve always wanted a small floating cock - eek!

She shrieked and started laughing as he lunged forward and poked her in the belly - naturally, he may as well have poked a concrete wall. A pretty standard reaction made all the more impressive by his cock still remaining relatively undisturbed in front of Gwen’s face. This was arguably his most impressive feat yet, the ability to move the portal’s location on one or both ends without disturbing its integrity.

Gwen captured his flailing, elusive wrist in an iron-clad grip and yanked him beside her, wrapping an arm around his waist. ‘Come on, Stud,’ she purred, her voice so thick with desire he was momentarily distracted. ‘Let’s suck your dick together…’

He turned, giving her a deadpan stare. Gwen held his rapidly hardening shaft, her lips spread in a devious, excited smile.

‘What?’ she complained, almost stomping her foot like a child at his unimpressed stare. ‘Don’t tell me you’ve never thought about it!’

He continued to stare.

‘It’s not gay if it’s your own! How is it any different to jacking off?!’

Her whining was genuinely adorable, but he remained stoic, refusing to let show on his face how much sense her final point made.

She gave him a giga-pout, her bottom lip curled and her eyes watery, but when he didn’t budge, she bumped him with her hip in frustration and took his cock in her mouth and sucked him like a vacuum cleaner, her tongue flitting around him like a cyclone.

Pete sighed and leaned against Gwen, his face nuzzled her neck. ‘That could have been anyone’s dick,’ he groaned, licking and nibbling her succulent flesh. ‘No hesitation whatsoever, so naughty.’

Gwen chuckled and hummed throatily, the vibrations going straight to his cock and making his knees go weak. Pulling off with a pop, she eyed him deviously. ‘Unless you’ve somehow managed to clone yourself, I’d recognise this dick anywhere. My dick.’

‘I certainly hope that’s not your dick,’ Pete joked in a breathy tone, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing the back of her neck. ‘Not into that either.’

It felt like he was turning down every one of Gwen’s fun ideas that they could use his new powers for, but he had plenty more he was excited to try.

Reluctantly, she pulled off his cock with a long, languid lick along his now painfully hard length and sighed forlornly. ‘This is absolutely the best use of one of the supposed pillars of creation,’ she teased, reaching through the portal and tucking his cock back into his underwear.

‘Figured you’d like that,’ he said with a laugh, dismissing the portals and painfully fidgeting and adjusting himself.

‘I’d like it a lot more if you stop being a little bitch about it.’

‘Oh yeah?’ he teased, pinching her rock-hard side and finding absolutely zero body fat. ‘And how long until you’ve got me fucking my own ass?’

He regretted the words the instant they left his mouth, Gwen’s eyes widening and shining with delight. Before he could react, she attacked him, tackling him onto the couch and kissing him all over his face. Pete didn’t fight back, even if he could, just letting her have her wicked way with him.

Gwen stopped herself however, looking up at the clock on the wall and sighing in frustration.

‘Is that all you did all day? Play with portals?’

Pete grinned then sighed. ‘Yeah, it was one of my famous slow days at work,’ he teased, before continuing. ‘I swear, I show off phenomenal cosmic powers, and all you can say is Can you suck your own dick and Is that it? So greedy…’

Though his words said one thing, the situation they found themselves in said something completely different. When he’d started the sentence, they’d been seated on the couch with Gwen nestled in his lap and her arms around his neck. By the time he’d finished, they were floating about a foot off the couch and maintaining a steady hover.

Gwen was giggling like a crazy person and squirming with glee. ‘Gravity?!

Pete’s smile widened. Honestly, playing with gravity felt a lot easier than playing with portals, likely because of his familiarity with the subject.

‘You can fly!

Pete’s smile widened and Gwen groaned in frustration. ‘As awesome as this is, we don’t have time to play with your powers anymore tonight.’


‘MJ’s coming over tonight with her new boyfriend, remember? You were supposed to organise dinner Pete!’

‘MJ’s dating someone?’

Gwen snorted in amusement. ‘As much as she dates anyone I guess. No - that’s not fair, she seems pretty head-over-heels for this guy. He’s our new music producer.’

His eyebrows rose in surprise. ‘I didn’t know you guys had a producer.’

Gwen nodded. ‘Yeah, new thing. We’re taking the band a lot more seriously now and he’s gonna help us with beats and tunes. Gloria and MJ used to handle all that, but this guy is supposed to be really good.’ She grinned impishly. ‘And really hot - so, did you handle the food like I asked you to?’

Pete’s eyebrows rose and he checked his calendar with his AI lens before smiling up at his annoyed girlfriend. ‘Thankfully Past Pete is incredibly intelligent and he asked his secretary to handle it for him last week. Dinner should be here in an hour.’

Gwen purred, slipped a hand under his tee and ran her fingers over his chest. ‘Felicia’s too good for you, we need to reward her soon.’

‘Mmm,’ Pete moaned, his eyes closed as he relished his girlfriend’s touch.

‘How’re you feeling?’


Instead of answering, Gwen pressed her body against his and put her lips right next to his ear. ‘You know, you shouldn’t have shown MJ the videos of me fucking other guys…’ 

Pete sucked in an excited breath and sighed when Gwen started nibbling on his ear lobe. ‘W-why?’

Gwen’s giggle was sultry and full of promise. ‘Because she’s been on my ass almost every day for us to get up to some of our old antics again…’

His voice came out in a breathy, excited croak. ‘L-like what?’

Gwen’s laughter was ethereal, almost like a nymph’s. She vanished her comfy sweats and ground her naked body against his, completely robbing him of his higher brain function.

‘Ooh, you’re so hard,’ she purred, pulling back to stare into his eyes, her bottom lip between her teeth. ‘Does that turn you on baby? You know,’ she purred directly into his ear again, and he shuddered in bliss, ’she told me her guy is packing.’ She emphasised the last point like the word itself gave her sexual pleasure. ‘She also told me she was willing to share… as long as I am too…’

Pete swallowed thickly and stared up at his grinning, sexual goddess of a girlfriend with a face flushed with perverted desire.

‘What are you saying?’

‘Wanna have some fun tonight?’ she teased, before her impish smile turned more loving. ‘No pressure, no judgement, be hones-’

She didn’t even finish the words before Pete grabbed her wrist and put her hand on his eagerly and painfully throbbing cock. Shaking the grip free, Gwen slipped her hand into his pants and gripped his cock directly before licking the side of his face and giggling breathlessly.

‘Mmm, such a naughty boy.’

‘Not as naughty as you, Spider-slut,’ he wheezed out, his cheeks aflame with his desire and passion. Gwen’s sexy, throaty chuckle at his rebuke made his mind go haywire. 

‘Well, we better get ready,’ she teased. ‘Best we look as hot as possible for our guests…’


An hour later, their delicious, world-class Japanese seafood dinner laid out on the table in the Great Room, Pete and Gwen stood waiting in the elevator lobby as their guests made their ascent to their penthouse from the garage.

‘Stop fidgeting,’ Gwen reprimanded, slapping his ass and purring at its firmness.

‘I can’t help it,’ Pete squirmed. ‘I feel like if I let my breath out, all my buttons will go flying Hulk-style.’

Gwen chuckled and purred in delight. ‘I know, you look so hot.’

He’d have to take her word for it. Gwen had picked out a relatively simple outfit for him of a tight black shirt tucked into white slacks and loafers. Tight might have been an understatement, Pete never remembered a time he’d worn anything so restricting, even on their date nights. Sure, the cut showed off his muscular physique, but what was the point if his slacks split when he bent over.

‘Then don’t bend over,’ Gwen had said with a careless shrug as she eyed him like a hungry lioness. On the plus side, his girlfriend couldn’t keep her hands off him and was constantly groping his ass, his junk, his pecs or his biceps, generally acting like a horny teenager.

As tight as his clothes felt, Gwen, of course, just had to be extra. She wore a white, satin, completely backless and sleeveless halter top, obviously without a bra, and black leather pants so tight there was no way she could have physically put them on. Indeed, he watched her grow the leather pants in place, the material disappearing into the cleft of her ass and leaving nothing to the imagination.

She also, very much unlike her, wore a pair of teal stilettos and her asymmetric do was quickly styled wavy instead of its normal straight, her gorgeous eyes popping after she’d put dark eyeshadow around them.

Feeling like she’d groped him enough, Pete got some payback, taking two healthy handfuls of her ass and squeezing tight. ‘Why don’t you just get a tattoo on your forehead at this point that says you’re the Ghost Spider,’ he teased, referencing the colour palette of her outfit.

Gwen snorted in amusement and leaned back against his chest. ‘Don’t tempt me…’

He didn’t have time to wonder what she meant by that before the elevator doors opened with a ping.

MJ was…very MJ. Her smile lit up when she saw them, her red hair done up in a fancy, elegant bun. She wore a stylish, black bodycon dress with lots of cutouts and windows that showed vast expanses of her pale skin, including her cleavage and her entire left side up to the armpit, the dress held together there with criss-crossing straps that cut into her soft flesh and created a delicious skindentation effect.

Her boyfriend looked like he’d stepped right off stage, the lead man of a rock band. The strikingly handsome, bi-racial man wore a stylish coat with nothing underneath save for a scarf and accessories, his muscular chest and caramel coloured skin bare, while, like Gwen, he wore tight leather pants that left very little to the imagination. Pete would have wondered if the man had stuffed his groin if he didn’t know the sultry redhead’s preferences when it came to the manhood department. He had his hair styled in long dreadlocks kept relatively tame in a loose bun on the back of his head, and his eyes were a striking shade of ice-blue.

The girls smiled wide and embraced, gushing over how good the other looked. ‘Look at us! We’re, like, proper adults now having dinner parties and shit!’

MJ tilted her head back and laughed, her arms still wrapped around her bestie. ‘Oh I know, isn’t it weird?’

Pete turned to the man and held out a hand in greeting. He was surprised to find him slightly star struck, staring at him with wide eyes before slowly accepting the proffered handshake. It wasn’t a response he was unfamiliar with, but it just felt strange coming from a man so obviously handsome and looking like a rock-star - and if what MJ said about his day job was true, Pete suspected he was no stranger to celebrities.

‘Nice to meet you, Peter Parker.’

To his credit, he quickly got over his shock. ‘I thought you looked familiar,’ he grinned before returning the greeting. ‘Andre Goldstein.’

Gwen exchanged greetings with Andre too while MJ enveloped him in a hug, copping a feel of his ass and biceps just the way Gwen had and purring. ‘Looking hot, Tiger.’

‘Eh, you look okay too, I guess.’ He yelped and laughed when she pinched him and sent him a faux, severe glare.

Gwen motioned for them to follow her while he, Andre and MJ brought up the rear and Pete felt a thrill of excitement shoot through him when he caught the man staring at his girl’s world-class ass.

When they came out into the Great Room however, not even the splendour of Gwen’s body was enough to keep his attention. With both fireplaces going and the table set up in the middle near the windowed wall, they had a stunning panoramic view of the Hudson and Queens at night.


MJ laughed. ‘Wait until the rest of the tour babe,’ she teased before strolling over to the table and groaning in pleasure at the spread set out for them. ‘Ugh, you have no idea how hungry I am.’

‘What can I get everyone to drink?’ Pete asked as Andre finally turned back to them, his eyes widening when he saw all the art he’d missed when he entered the room. Gwen had demanded each digital picture frame be occupied by her tasteful nudes and who was Pete to object? Andre’s eyes scanned them all, his mouth dropping open in shock as Gwen’s flawless, muscular body was exposed to him in dozens of poses.

Grinning impishly, Gwen noticed his interest and sidled up to the man. ‘Oh, you like the pictures? Pete really is an incredible photographer.’

Pete and MJ shared an amused look as Andre cleared his throat and stuttered. ‘Uh, yeah, great composition.’

Gwen barked out a laugh and shoved him playfully - obviously making sure to control her strength. ‘Relax Andre, I’m fucking with you. I wouldn’t have them up if I didn’t want people to look.’

He smiled back good naturedly and shrugged. ‘Well…they don’t do the real thing justice.’

‘Ooh, smooth,’ Gwen praised and MJ chuckled playfully.

‘Better keep an eye on him Tiger, he’s a bit like that…’

Pete just rolled his eyes and went to get everyone the drinks they asked for.

WIth the ice broken, dinner was a surprisingly easy and casual affair, especially when Andre revealed how much he, too, loved basketball and football. Pete gleefully watched MJ despairing while he, Gwen and Andre chatted amiably about the Jets, Giants, Knicks and Nets.

MJ and Andre were green with envy when they’d sampled the quality of food they could have delivered whenever they felt like it, and Gwen was doing a terrible job of not looking smug.

‘You know if our music career takes off maybe you can afford a place here too,’ Gwen teased and MJ’s beautiful, emerald eyes lit up with determination. Realising they’d finished eating a while ago, Pete stood and smiled.

‘I guess that’s as good a segway as any,’ he announced as a handful of drones dropped their camouflage and started silently collecting their dirty dishes - to the delight and amazement of MJ and Andre. ‘I suppose we should actually finish the tour.’

MJ vibrated in her seat like an excited child before skipping over to Andre and trapping his arm between her breasts. ‘You’re going to freak babe.’

She wasn’t wrong.

After giving the man a quick tour of the rest of the house, his eyes lighting up at the fancy jacuzzi, they quickly ended up downstairs at their private recording studio.

‘Holy shit,’ he marvelled, spinning around and taking in the room in shock. Like a child locked in a toy store, he flittered between each curiosity, from the sound proofing on the walls, to the instruments and finally the recording equipment. ‘This is better than some of the best studios in the city, and it’s all yours?’ He looked up at Pete, realising what he’d said. ‘Right, guess that makes sense…’

Gwen laughed and wrapped an arm around Pete’s narrow waist while MJ sidled up to her boyfriend, a cute yet hopeful smile on her beautiful features. ‘So…whaddya think, Romeo?’ 

Pete and Gwen shared an amused look at the affectionate pet name, one that Andre seemed to not mind in the least.

‘I can work with this…’ Andre whispered pensively, after several moments of thoughtful silence before looking up and smiling at the excitedly vibrating MJ. ‘Let’s make some music, yeah?’

MJ squealed happily and leapt into his arms, kissing her handsome boyfriend for all he was worth. Gwen leaned into Pete and elbowed him in the side as Andre spun the laughing MJ around in circles. ‘I’m just gonna assume you don’t know this,’ she whispered, correctly, ‘but Andre seriously played down his bonafides - he’s one of the most famous and talented music producers in the world. Artists pay seven figures for his riffs, grooves and licks.’

She laughed and shook her head fondly at the look of utter incomprehension on his confused features.

‘He’ll help us with the direction of our music,’ she simplified, after her giggles had died down. ‘Andre will help take our music to the next level.’

‘You’re damn right I will,’ the man himself said, coming over to Gwen to shake her hand. Gwen battered the appendage aside and pulled him into a hug while MJ did the same with him.

‘I can’t believe it Tiger, this is really happening!’ MJ’s excitement and emotion was contagious and Pete returned her hug, rubbing comforting circles over her back as she squeezed him for all he was worth. ‘None of this would have happened if not for you Pete…thank you.’

‘That’s bullshit,’ Pete rebuked, sternly. ‘You guys are the ones putting in the effort, I just paid some of the bills.’

MJ’s laugh sounded watery and when she pulled back, she was dabbing at her eyes.

‘Does this mean you’re quitting your day job?’ Pete teased and MJ flushed, her lips curling in a teasing smile. He probably should have checked first if Andre even knew about MJ’s OnlyFans, but he just assumed he did and went for it.

‘Now, now, let’s not get ahead of ourselves,’ she teased back, hugging his arm between her ample breasts and batting her long eyelashes at him. ‘Though maybe now it becomes more of a hobby than a way to pay the bills.’

Pete snorted and shook his head fondly. The trio organised a day later that week - while he’d be away in Africa - for the band to meet up to start working on their new album.

The excitement and anticipation was thick in the air, but when they returned upstairs, the girls disappeared, leaving him and Andre chilling on the couch by the fire and watching some Monday Night Football.

Pete wondered if, without the girls acting as a social lubricant, it would have been awkward between the two, but Andre was unsurprisingly chill and the conversation flowed easily. They shot the shit for a good twenty minutes, watching the game and waiting for Gwen and MJ to reappear, before the girls took matters into their own hands. 

Though Pete knew almost nothing about music, and Andre his work or nerd culture, they bonded over sports in a male tradition as old as time.

Of course, the women couldn’t have that, and in a different tradition as old as time, the women interrupted their male bonding moment.

Not that Pete was complaining.

He felt Gwen gripping the back of the couch behind him and, in the next moment, he grunted in surprise and his vision of the huge TV was obscured when she flipped over and landed on his lap, completely, gloriously naked.

‘You two naughty boys were supposed to come looking for us,’ MJ chided from beside him with a pout. With his girlfriend grinding her incredible ass against his poor, straining cock, Pete wrapped his arms around her midsection and chanced a glance to his side.

Andre had been similarly ambushed, an equally naked MJ sitting in his lap, her arms draped over his shoulders and her heavy, pale tits all-but shoved in his face.

‘Sorry babe,’ Pete joked facetiously, running his fingers up and down Gwen’s exposed ribs. ‘But the Jets are winning…’

‘What, really?!’ Gwen jerked in surprise and excitement, on the verge of turning to the TV before MJ sent her a furious glare, stopping the betrayal in its tracks. ‘I mean… that’s… not important? Web, turn off the TV please.’ 

‘Of course Gwen. Enjoy your evening.’

The girls sent each other conspiratorial, giddy grins before turning to their partners. Pete barely had time to protest before Gwen was unbuttoning his shirt, her eyes staring deep into his.

You good?’ she mouthed and though Pete’s heart was threatening to beat out of his chest, he nodded shakily, his erection threatening to tear a hole in his slacks. Gwen smirked and started nuzzling and kissing his neck until she’d unbuttoned and finally ripped his shirt off his back. When she slipped down to the floor and unbuckled his pants, Pete couldn’t help letting out a sigh of relief now that he was finally free of the restrictive clothes.

When Gwen started to tug his pants down, he obediently lifted his hips off the couch and provided no resistance. Looking over at MJ and Andre, Pete’s eyebrows shot up in surprise when he saw the redhead already had her man’s cock in hand, the towering pillar of flesh a darker shade than his normal skin tone and of a size with her forearm.

Which he, of course, could tell at a glance because MJ was holding her forearm against the impressive member, her elbow pressed into Andre’s hip and she licked and kissed his leaking crown.

‘Mmm, good idea slut,’ Gwen purred, earning a snort from MJ. Following her friend’s lead, Gwen took him in her mouth and, after relaxing her throat, swallowed him to the hilt. Pete’s head lolled back in bliss as she did her thing, his eyes flitting between his girl’s lips spread wide around his girth and the other couple sharing the couch with them.

It was a testament to how crazy his life was that he didn’t even bat an eye at the erotic turn of events.

The air was thick with sexual tension as the girls worked their men over with absolutely zero shame. Before things could really escalate though, both MJ and Gwen pulled back and shared another conspiratorial grin.

‘I think they’re too used to our technique,’ MJ pondered in faux disappointment, humming in consternation while her finger tapped her thick bottom lip thoughtfully. 

‘I think you might have a point,’ Gwen conceded, her tone overly rehearsed and proving neither woman ever had a future in Hollywood. ‘Wanna switch it up?’

‘That sounds like an incredible idea,’ MJ gasped out breathlessly as if they hadn’t been planning this for weeks, her hand on her chest and drawing attention to her jaw-dropping tits. Gwen turned back to him, her bottom lip clenched sexily between her teeth as she put her hands on his knees and stood, before switching positions with MJ.

‘Ho-lee shit,’ Andre marvelled as Gwen situated herself between his legs, his huge, dark cock resting against her collarbone and her arms draped over his thighs. The man turned to him, his eyebrows raised in surprise. ‘Is this normal?’

‘My life stopped being normal when I started dating that crazy slut,’ Pete joked, flicking his head towards his girlfriend whose smile only widened as she blew him a kiss. ‘These days, I find it easier to just go along, it, uhh -’ he turned, looking down at the slyly grinning MJ who was gazing up at him through long lashes and had just swallowed his dick in her immense, soft, pillowy cleavage. ‘It usually works out pretty well for me…’

Andre snorted then groaned when Gwen opened wide and sucked the head of his purplish cock between her lips. ‘A-amen brother.’

He held out his knuckles and Pete gladly returned the fist bump as MJ’s smile widened. Before she continued though, the redhead reached for the coffee table behind her and grabbed her phone, handing it to him with an impish grin.

‘You know,’ she teased, her glossy lips spread in a wide smile, ‘for the day job.’

Pete snorted and MJ’s eyes widened when he tossed her phone aside. Her pout disappeared however when one of his drones dropped its camouflage and started to hover around them.

Stop using your damn phone to record,’ he admonished as MJ grabbed her tits and started to rub the soft flesh along his length, creating delicious friction. ‘I-I’ll get you the footage later.’

‘Oh?’ she teased, bending down and putting a soft kiss on his crown when it peaked out from her immense cleavage. ‘And are you going to blur the faces like you always do?’

Pete snorted and, after threading his fingers through her coppery locks, he shrugged. ‘Fuck it, whatever.’ Both MJ and Gwen started in shock at his blase response. Turning to his girlfriend, his cock throbbed when he saw Andre’s huge, dark member resting against her pale, dumbfounded face. ‘What? They’re already calling me a racist with a white saviour complex, you think I care if they call me a pervert too?’

‘Fuck that’s so hot,’ MJ groaned, energised by his words and bending down to suck his head into her mouth. Gwen didn’t mirror her sentiment with words, but her eyes blazed with lust and she immediately swallowed half of Andre’s prodigious length down her eager throat, working her way lower and lower while she gently fondled his plum-sized balls with her fingers.

While tit jobs weren’t something he was particularly used to, they also weren’t something he was super enamoured with. His cock felt smothered by MJ’s tits, the friction of their rubbing making him warm, but otherwise it was a feat of visual splendour more than intensely pleasurable.

I’ve always preferred giving than receiving I guess…

The next time MJ released him from her mouth with a gasp, she yelped when he surged forward and flipped them around until she was sitting beside her boyfriend, her pale flesh flush, her coppery hair falling out of its bun and her and her breasts sagging under their own weight, her puffy pink nipples erect and begging for his attention.

‘Ooh, Tiger shows his fangs,’ she teased, and Pete grinned, ripping a moan from MJ when he slipped his middle and ring fingers in her womanhood while his thumb circled her clit.

The good ol’ bowling ball grip.

It allowed him to hook his fingers to focus on stimulating MJ’s g-spot, while his thumb could tease and steadily ramp up contact with her pleasure button. He was a lot rougher with his fingers than his thumb, and MJ’s back arched, her emerald eyes blazing with lust and her pink lips open wide as she panted and moaned with desire.

Yes Pete, mmm, right there, hah!

Bending down, he captured MJ’s lips in a fierce, passionate kiss and she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his thighs, holding him close. While her tongue battled his for dominance, she moaned and squealed in ecstasy, her delicious body quivering in pleasure while convulsing every time he brushed up against her clit.

A rapturous moan ripped his attention away from his partner, and though MJ held his head in a vice and didn’t want to let him go, nothing could stop him from looking to his left and watching as Andre started to fuck his girl. Gwen was on her hands and knees facing MJ, her partner behind her with his large hands on her wide hips, sawing back and forth and causing Gwen to cry out in bliss, her head lolling aimlessly as she grunted with pleasure.

A part of Pete was frustrated he couldn’t watch as Andre’s huge, dark cock split his girlfriend’s tight, little pussy open - something both he and his girlfriend adored to watch in her old videos - but Pete contented himself with the sight of the gorgeous MJ going crazy beneath him. With her excitement, and as his arm started to burn from the efforts of his vigorous fingers, his ministrations were met with not just MJ’s passionate cries, but an intensely wet, squelching sound as her juices started to fly everywhere and coat not only his couch, but his hand and arm too.

Thank God it’s leather…

Reaching over towards his girlfriend, he slipped a hand into her blonde locks to get her attention. When her head snapped up to look at him, her eyes clouded over with lust and pleasure as her body rocked with the power of Andre’s thrusts, Pete smiled and pulled her head down and pressed her lips against MJ’s flailing tit.

She did not need to be told twice, latching onto the puffy nipple with glee and ripping an excited squeal from MJ.

‘I’m cumming!’ MJ announced breathlessly, her hips gyrating and her mouth open in a silent scream. She almost cried when Pete immediately stopped his fingering, looking up at him as if he’d betrayed her.

While it would have been funny to just leave her hanging, Pete wasn’t that cruel.

MJ’s look of disbelief was quickly replaced with rapture as he wrapped her soft, pale legs around his waist and slipped inside her, his girth forcing her tight pussy to spread wide around him, and the angle of his thrust making his aching member scrape up against her already previously stimulated g-spot.

‘Oooooohhhh!’ she cried, wrapping an arm around her friend’s neck while lifting her lonely, unattended, free breast to her own lips and sucking the nipple into her mouth.

Fuck that’s so hot. 

Pete wouldn’t last long, which was why he’d started with the fingering, determined to make sure he’d brought MJ to a screaming, gushing orgasm first. He was overstimulated, the insanely erotic and taboo sight of his girlfriend being fucked by their handsome, big-dicked, new friend while he, himself, had his way with her jaw-droppingly beautiful best friend.

He and MJ had messed around before, but this was the first time they’d actually fucked. The feeling of her velvety, warm, tight pussy ran contrary to what one would expect given her proclivity when it came to her lover’s endowments, and she subconsciously flexed her kegel muscles to squeeze him even tighter, unwilling to let him go.

Finally tearing his gaze away from his girlfriend, he looked down and watched as MJ’s lips stubbornly held onto his girth, his shaft almost drenched with her moisture as each thrust brought her closer to the edge, and seemingly a new deluge of juices.

Then, with a surprised squeal, she came undone. Her back spasming, MJ screwed her eyes shut and convulsed as a torrent of juices squirted out from the tight seal her lips had around him. Pete reached down and prolonged her pleasure by rubbing her clit and thrusting as deep as he could go.

Pete felt a surge of triumph as he watched MJ bite her lip, screw her eyes shut and bask in euphoria. It felt childish, but for some reason, he got a kick out of making sure his partner was the one to cum first. 

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his girlfriend staring up at him with a knowing smirk, her body rocking back and forth as Andre plundered her depths. She was moaning, the side of her face buried against MJ’s tit as if it were a pillow. 

She can read me like a book…

He replied to her smirk with a wink before returning his attention to a smiling MJ. She wasn't shaking anymore, but her eyes were still closed and she was purring in contentment. 

Pete ripped an excited squeal out of her when he reached under her ass, gripped the soft, succulent flesh, and flipped her over.

‘Ooh, so excited, so motivated,’ MJ cooed, her sultry voice like honey. ‘I wonder why?’

As if her words had power, Pete turned back to Gwen, who played along, giving him a cheeky wink, biting her lip and moaning extra loud when Andre grunted and hit a spot deep inside her. Gwen’s eyes fluttered closed and she hung her head, a long, deep groan sexily slipping out as her lover expertly wielded his prodigious length to perfection. 

When her gaze flicked back up to him, Gwen bit her lip and blew him a kiss. For some reason, the fact that she did so while still rocking from Andre’s thrusts just made it all the hotter to him. 

My little Spider-Slut…

She then flicked her gaze towards MJ and her eyes burned with passion. Heedless of her partner, Gwen scurried forward until she kneeled beside MJ, both women's arms draped over the back of the couch. Despite not warning Andre, the man was still able to follow behind her, his cock so long that he didn't even slip out of Gwen’s womanhood despite the head start.

Both Gwen and MJ stared into each other's eyes, smiling wide and acting as if they were just chilling at a bar and this was an everyday occurrence. 

Before he and Gwen had gotten together, it pretty much had been. 

Their glorious asses waved at them and, though their pussies were stuffed with their cocks, both Pete and Andre admired the incredible, jaw-dropping view. They shared a secret smile and bumped fists again behind their girls’ backs, before gripping their hips and thrusting deep.

…One of them much, much deeper than the other. 

Pete’s dick throbbed at the naughty thought, and though he made sure to to keep doing the business with MJ, his eyes were transfixed on Andre’s slick, dark cock spearing in and out of his girl's perfect, pale pussy. 

It would have been embarrassing, but as Pete started to slide his finger in and out of MJ’s ass in combination with his thrusting, he caught his new friend eyeing the scene with thinly veiled arousal too.

At the sound of soft, muffled moans and smacking lips however, both men looked up to see Gwen and MJ locked in a passionate liplock, their tongues not so much battling for dominance as they were greeting each other, like friends after a long absence. 

When they finally pulled apart, their faces flush and their bodies rocking, MJ bit her lip and smiled shyly. 

‘I bet you've - mmnh - missed this…’

Gwen’s smile was wide. Pete wanted to say it was mocking, but he realised it felt more patronising.

‘Not really,’ she answered with brutal honesty before looking over her shoulder and winking at Andre. ‘Maybe you'll - nnh - understand one day. Sooner than you - mmm - than you think.’

MJ’s shy smile was nowhere to be seen and she rolled her eyes in exasperation. ‘Oh shut up,’ she growled in annoyance, leaning over and capturing Gwen’s lips again, growling her frustrations into Gwen’s mouth and muffling her amused chuckles. Both Pete and Andre masked their chuckles expertly and focused once more on fucking their girls.

Spying his drone circling them out of the corner of his eye, Pete did his best to ignore it and put a leg up on the couch for leverage, angling his thrusts down so each one scraped harder against MJ’s g-spot. 

‘Oh fuuuuuck,’ MJ groaned, releasing Gwen’s lips and burying her face in her folded forearms. With one hand on her lower back, Pete reached around and grabbed at one of her heavily hanging tits. Even from behind, he could still see the outsides of the heavy sacks of flesh swaying like pendulums. MJ purred at his touch, then shuddered when he groped harder and pinched her nipple.

Seeing what he was doing Gwen chuckled huskily, then leaned over and took one of her other flailing tits in her mouth, suckling and nibbling on her nipple. His girlfriend’s moans had become more insistent, her entire back and face flush, but they instantly grew muffled when she buried her face in her folded arms, Andre’s furious thrusts ripping animalistic grunts out of the both of them.

They’re both close.

MJ noticed too and he caught her watching the both of them.

Can’t have that.

Rearing back, he thrust forwards with all of his might. MJ squealed and buried her face again, but Pete was now focused on her soft, pale ass rippling deliciously every time he crashed into her, the impacts reverberated up her back and down her thighs like ripples.

Don’t get THAT with Gwen… 

As much as he adored his girl’s shredded, powerful body, and wouldn’t trade it for anything, her soft flesh, save for maybe her ass, wouldn’t ripple like MJ’s did. The perks of zero percent body fat…

Now really close, Gwen flipped around so she was sitting on the couch normally, her legs spread wide and her body sinking into the plush leather. Andre reached down and started rubbing her clit with his thumb, his long, dark musician’s fingers brushing her chiselled abs.

Another man of culture.

It didn’t take long for Gwen to come undone under the dual assault. Biting her lip, her eyes screwed shut, her back arched and her mouth dropped open in a silent scream before a long, guttural groan tore out of her throat and she jerked, freezing for an instant before shaking in ecstasy.

‘Cumming!’ Andre grunted, his deep voice husky and strained with effort.

‘I-in me!’ Gwen just about managed to bite out, wrapping her powerful legs around his hips when it looked like he was about to pull out. With a yelp, he collapsed towards her at the unexpectedly powerful tug, catching himself on the back of the couch as he squeezed his powerful ass and thrust deeper, his body jerking as he unleashed load after load into his girlfriend.

An inferno was blazing in his chest at the sight. He couldn’t explain it, but watching as another man came in Gwen lit a fire in him unlike any he had felt before. Though Gwen was writhing in ecstasy, seeing her eyes flutter open and gaze up at him over Andre’s shoulder just added delicious fuel to the flames.

MJ was very much the beneficiary, though his eyes remained locked with his girlfriends.

Oooooh FUCK, Tiger,’ she gasped as the intensity of his thrusts increased, his grip on her soft flesh punishing. ‘D-did you - mmm - like that, you dirty b-boy?’

She was goading him, but she could barely get the words out around her moans and gasps. It was all a bit too much for Pete and, despite desperately holding on, his end was drawing close.

He steeled his resolve. He wouldn’t cum until he ripped another orgasm out of his beautiful, mouthy partner. Bending down so his sweaty, muscular front was pressed against her soft back, Pete reached around and started furiously rubbing her clit, his thrusts turning into gyrations. She turned to him, her mouth hanging open as she gazed at him in lust. The movement had also exposed her delicious neck to him and he bit down, bruising her unblemished skin.

‘Cum for me,’ he growled directly into her ear, his teeth gritted as he held off for as long as possible. ‘Cum!

He punctuated the last demand with another bite and a harsh rub against her clit. MJ’s walls clenched, her back arched and she wailed, doing as he commanded.

Starbursts exploded behind his eyes when his own orgasm hit and he didn’t even think about pulling out of the naughty slut.

Despite his mind being flooded with ecstasy and hazy with pleasure, he still had enough wherewithal to think about what MJ’s subscribers would like to see most.

When he stumbled away from MJ, he grinned at the sight of his cum leaking out of her pussy, the pale flesh around it throbbing red from his brutal fucking. Looking to his girlfriend, he groaned when he saw Andre had done likewise to admire his handiwork, an even larger load oozing out of Gwen’s abused nethers.

His girlfriend looked like she normally did when she was just chilling and watching anime, one arm folded behind her head and her legs akimbo. She was completely naked however, her body flush and sweaty from their exertions, the light from the fireplace reflecting off the contours of her body and highlighting her incredible physique. She was slowly rubbing her clit, purring as she watched them - watched him.

Grinning, Pete slapped MJ’s red ass and got a yelp from the panting, still recovering beauty.

‘Whaaat?’ she slurred, turning to look at him. He made sure the drones took the shot, the image of MJ’s freshly fucked body leaking his cum as she pouted at him over her shoulder was one he wanted to blow up and frame on his wall. The only thing that would stop that was the next shot he was about to get.

‘Andre left you a present,’ he said with a grin, flicking his head towards Gwen or, more specifically, her leaking nethers. MJ looked over at his luxuriating girlfriend with a sultry smile and Gwen’s grin widened.

Neither slut needed to be told twice, but instead of dropping to the floor, MJ instead pivoted and pulled Gwen beneath her into a sixty-nine. Turning to Andre, he slapped his arm and told him he’d be right back.

The man barely heard him, his eyes glued to the erotic sight and his hand slowly stroking his huge, hardening member.

Barely a minute later, Pete returned with his D-SLR and tripod. That got Andre’s attention, especially when he positioned the girls so not only were both of their faces visible, their bodies entwined in a beautiful, passionate embrace, both so too was MJ’s heavy tit which had otherwise been pressed against Gwen’s abs.

‘Don’t look at the camera,’ he instructed MJ, who couldn’t help herself. He could feel Andre over his shoulder looking at the scene through the digital screen with appreciation. Without turning, he spoke, his amusement clear in his voice. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll shoot you a copy.’

The man snorted. ‘Appreciate it. I wanna hang it on my wall.’

He took a few more shots, mostly close-ups of each girl’s face right next to the other’s pussy before putting the camera away. They were both licked clean and sitting side by side on the couch, staring up at their naked bodies and now steel-hard cocks hungrily.

‘As hot as that was,’ Gwen teased, her fingers rubbing her glistening lips as she eyed his cock hungrily. ‘I think I’m ready for round two.’


They’d fucked, swapping partners back and forth until exhaustion threatened to claim them. With small breaks in-between sessions where Pete would take some more photos of the girls, and even a few with her pussy speared by Andre’s huge cock, they were able to prolong their little orgy until the sun started to peek out over the horizon.

MJ and Andre crashed in one of the guest rooms while Pete and Gwen collapsed into bed. They didn’t immediately pass out though. His girlfriend’s chin was planted on his naked chest, her eyes staring deeply into his own while her finger teasingly circled his nipple.

‘So…?’ She teased, kissing his chest. ‘Did you enjoy yourself?’

‘Hated it,’ Pete answered with a completely straight face. ‘It was only through sheer force of will, and my unbridled hatred for everything that was happening that I could keep getting hard over, and over, and over again.’

She smiled prettily and kissed his chest. ‘It was so hot watching you fuck MJ,’ she purred, pressing her lips against his chest again. ‘Right next to me, together.’

‘I know what you mean,’ he said with a soft smile, threading his hands through her damp hair. ‘It was like watching your old videos…only hotter, more intense.’

‘Mmm,’ she purred, snuggling up against him before looking up at the digital picture frame that dominated the wall above their headboard. Already, it was proudly showing the image of Gwen and MJ’s passionate, cum-eating sixty-nine, the image enhanced from what the scene had looked like in real life due to his photographic ability. ‘Another one for the private collection…can’t wait to watch it back.’

‘What do you mean private collection?’ Pete teased, getting an adorable frown of confusion from Gwen. ‘Nothing private about it after MJ posts it on her OnlyFans.’

Gwen jerked in surprise, gaping at him in shock. ‘You were serious about that?’

Sighing, he stretched his tired, worn-out body out and shrugged. ‘Why the hell not? I was serious about what I said earlier. I just… don’t care about what the media says anymore, and I know how much it’ll turn you - mmph.’

He didn’t even get to finish his words and he chuckled into Gwen’s mouth as she captured his lips in a searing, passionate kiss, groaning with lust as she ground her body against his.

‘Fuck, you’re so hot,’ she whined, running her hands through his shaggy hair and trying to suck his brain out through his mouth. ‘How are you so perfect? Ugh, I love you so fucking much.’

Pete laughed into his girl’s lips as she kissed him again, his hands sliding over her ass and gently cupping it, massaging it. Watching MJ’s ass ripple as he fucked her brains out had been incredible, but it paled in comparison to Gwen’s own, round and bulging with muscle.

‘What are you gonna do while I’m gone?’

Gwen stared at him in confusion for a split-second before groaning and burying her face in his chest. ‘Ugh, I forgot. Way to spoil the mood, dumbass.’

‘It’s only a week,’ he laughed, kissing the top of her neck. ‘Though…if you can’t help yourself…you could always have some fun. You know, let me watch…’

She peeked up at him from behind her bang, her eyes crinkled in devious amusement.

‘You first…’

Pete’s naughty smile slipped from his face and he swallowed thickly at the implication of her words.

They’d talked about it, mostly in the bedroom. Pete thought she was pulling his leg, but Gwen had been adamant that he should go for it.

Gwen was still grinning up at him, as if reading his mind.

Surely not… No way she’s right about that. 

Well…he’d find out soon enough.



Will Gwen never know the "Hulk Smash"?


MJ was actually really tame with her teasing compared to all she knows about Pete. Will the teasing become more 'harder' the more Pete get's comfortable seeing Gwen sleeping with other guys in IRL?


Personally would like to see more of the harder teasing. Maybe while Pete watches Gwen doing it, she sends him text messages with more hardcore teasing, so that the other guy won't know about it or do something stupid like shittalking or laughing at Pete.


No. Over time, MJ has grown to respect Pete as opposed to how she saw him when he and Gwen first started dating.