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Rosarin’s lunchbox.
Lunch is over, and it was time to relax with some tea. Only the snacks were homemade by me. Today's snack was apple pie. I must say, it turned out quite well.

"Mmm, dewishioush..."

My brother likes it, but Rinka seemed to like it too. Eat up.

"Huh? Ditz-kun, aren't you eating?"

"Yes, I... "

"It's delicious, you know? You're missing out! It's a loss in life!"

Rinka was passionately arguing, but I was bewildered. My apple pie isn't that important. It's just apple pie. It's tasty when you eat it. However, everyone else was nodding in agreement. I don't understand.

By the way, it's my preference that the attendants and maids eat at the adjacent table after serving the meal, and they serve themselves tea. So, Lillian and Liliana have finished their meal and were enjoying the apple pie, too. They looked happy. Eat up. I made a lot.

Since Liliana's main duty was serving tea, she eats quickly, and then refills the tea. I'd like her to take her time eating, but apparently, she doesn't want me to take away the tasks that are useful to me.

"Well then, I'll have a slice."

In the end, Ditz-kun gave in and took a slice of apple pie.

"It's delicious! Huh?! Amazing! It's delicious!!"

"Hehe! Rosarin-chan is a cooking genius! Ah... this apple pie is delicious~"

Ditz-kun only says it's delicious now. Well, it seems he really likes it. That's good.

But why is Rinka looking so smug? You didn't make it, did you?

"But indeed, Miss Rosarin is a cooking genius. Would you come work part-time again?"

"I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm busy. I'm already swamped just making lunch and snacks for Dirk. It's painful to have less time for work."

"Dirk-san, you're getting lunch made for you?! That's unfair! I want Rosarin-chan's lunch too!"

"Indeed, I'm jealous... Rosarin’s lunch is so delicious."

"That's right, there's nothing tastier than Rosarin’s lunch..."

"That's true..."

"Rosarin, can you make some for me too?"

"Ru, that's unfair!"

"It is!"

"Rosarin, I want some too!"

"Me too!!"

I am (my lunch) is popular. If it's something simple... hmm…

"I will go home and consider it."

"That's just a roundabout way of saying no, right!?”

"No, if it's something like simmered dishes for dinner, I can manage somehow..."

If you reheat it or prepare it in advance occasionally...

"I'll stay over and help too!"

"Rinka, our house is for newlyweds."

"?? Yes?"

"Especially now that time is limited because of school, the evening is our time as a couple."

"... Yes."

"In other words, we are doing 'that'--”Guaaghh–!?”

"... If you hear any sounds, it would be super awkward–”Guaaaagh!! I'm really sorry! I understand it's impossible!! It's lewd!! It's tough!! Please spare me any further!!”


Lavita tilted his head in confusion.

"Aldin, what do they mean by ‘that’?”

"Ueh!? "

Even Aldin-sama seemed to understand the meaning. He was turning red and flustered. Alphage-sama... is no good. He looked amused. He's not going to help. Rinka was also flustered, so it seems impossible for her too.

"... Lavita, come here."

Seems like Cidar-kun told him, and Lavita returned, blushing furiously.

"T-that's shameless!"

"No, it's pretty much what newlyweds are like. Right, Rabisha-chan?"

"Cough!? Efu, cough!!"

Rabisha-chan coughed violently. Hehe, payback for earlier.

"... Speaking of which, lately, there was release of The Lewd Rabbi–”Kyaaah! Rriririririinka-chan, nooo!!"

Rinka was silenced.


"It's nothing!!"

Alphage-sama showed a mischievous smile. I gestured for Rabisha-chan to find peace.

"Y-You're all stupiiid!!"

We caused such a commotion that ultimately, Mrs. Sally deducted points from everyone. Rinka got a score of 10, so she got the punishment of cleaning. Yeah... sorry about that.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/102694036


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