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1st ability: Granting the option to roll an alternative stat when making a fairly recurrent move is rarely present in the 1st ability of an asset because it is a considerable twist in the game mechanics. However, there are a few reasons I decided to break the mold a bit with this asset.

  • The main use of a cloak in combat is to outmaneuver your foe, so it is appropriate to abstract this fighting style with the shadow stat.
  • Shadow is arguably the most circumstantial and less general, recurrent stat in the system. This asset tries to make it a bit more prevalent.
  • In order to balance the rolling of +shadow in close-quarter combat, this main only permits you to do so with the Strike move, which implies that you must have initiative as a prerequisite for the use of the stat.

Additionally, the option of tossing your cloak at your foe might be tempting, as it has the potential to give you the mechanic framing to retrieve it if you score a strong hit (as you retain initiative), but it implies the risk of losing the cloak, which makes the asset unusable until you get it back. This also aims to balance the fact that the concept of rolling an alternative stat of a fairly recurrent move is present in the 1st ability of the asset.

2nd ability: The segmentation of rolling +shadow when fighting in close quarters is emphasized with this ability, but making the Face Danger and Clash moves +shadow in combat (adding +2) is not given as an easy choice, as it implies a considerable risk (counting a weak hit as a miss).

The template is taken from the Duelist and Improviser assets, but without any other addition (such as +1 harm or +1 momentum) because this ability is already granting the considerable boon of using +shadow to fight in close-quarter combat with or without initiative.

This ability is attempting to be balanced in itself while adding to the balance of the overall asset as it is used in conjunction with the 1st ability.

3rd ability: A non-combat use of combat talent assets is a must in their design. This ability aims to fit the trope of using this equipment item as a means to conceal the wearer.



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