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This is the continuation of the Hades House arc of the Dekaranger peril story. The titular evil interdimensional giant Hades House has descended on Dekabase and spread its evil dark roots and can even shift chambers and corridors to trap innocent cadets and Sentai heroes alike. With the rest of the Dekaranger team going out on a rescue plan, DekaGreen, DekaSwan, and Commander Kruger as the Dekamaster stayed behind in the command chamber trying to solve the encroaching evil labyrinth.

Little do they know, that the Hades House has many ways to spread its diabolical influence. Can the Dekaranger team unite against this evil or will they be devoured and vomited back out as twisted fruits sprouting from the endless twisting roots?

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends:


Ken K


Ty smith





Robert Terwillger

Matt Thomas

Daniel K


Watch out, Commander Kruger!

The command chamber of the Dekabase, once a hub of strategic planning and communication, now radiated an ominous atmosphere. Senichi Enari, DekaGreen, worked diligently at his console, fingers dancing across the keyboard as he attempted to override the assimilation process threatening the base.

Suddenly, his computer monitor flickered and emitted an eerie glow that transcended the realm of technology. The air grew heavy as an intense spotlight engulfed the room, the burning radiance forcing Senichi to shield his eyes with his gloved hands. The harsh glare penetrated his helmet visor, searing into his very consciousness.

As the blinding light subsided, Senichi found himself standing in a nightmarish dreamscape. The once-familiar command chamber had transformed into a grotesque realm of shadows and hostility. Black tendrils that resembled the roots of an evil alien tree snaked across the floor, walls, and ceiling.

His fellow Dekarangers who were entangled and pierced by the merciless tentacle roots stood as grotesque husks of their former selves. Their life force drained, they moved like zombies, their eyes devoid of the spark of life. Hollow cries for help echoed through the corrupted chamber.

In the surreal nightmare, tentacles shot out toward Senichi entangling and piercing his heroic DekaGreen suit. The insidious force pulled him relentlessly, dragging him toward the heart of the evil tree-like organism. The captured Dekarangers, their powers and souls drained, begged Senichi to save them from this hellish trap.

"No! This can't be happening!" Senichi's voice wavered, his mind grappling with the surreal horror around him. He struggled against the relentless pull of the tentacles, his every effort met with resistance.

"DekaRed, help me!" cried the phantom voice of DekaBlue, Tsuyoshi Hayashi, his eyes vacant and lifeless as the tentacles tightened their grip.

"DekaSwan, I can't hold on!" pleaded the spectral figure of DekaYellow, Swan Shiratori, her once-vibrant energy replaced by an eerie emptiness.

The fantasy roots seemed to feed on their fear and despair, weaving a sight of suffering that threatened to consume them entirely.

Back in the command chamber, Swan Shiratori noticed Senichi's distress. "Sen-chan, snap out of it! We need you here!" Her urgent pleas fell on deaf ears as Senichi clutched his helmet, the indescribable pain etched across his face.

Commander Kruger observed the unfolding nightmare from his position. His voice cut through the chaos, "Swan, we can't afford to lose focus. Find a way to break the connection and bring DekaGreen back."

Swan Shiratori, determined to free her junior from the nightmarish illusion, approached Senichi cautiously. "Sen-chan, you're stronger than this. Fight back! Remember who you are!" Her words, filled with both urgency and compassion, attempted to penetrate the psychic grip that held Senichi captive.

In the nightmarish dreamscape, Senichi groaned and screamed with pain as the tentacles tightened their grip. The phantom voices of his fellow Dekarangers now twisted echoes of their former selves, echoed through the suffocating darkness.

Back in the command chamber, a chilling wind seemed to blow through the room carrying with it the whispers of the tormented souls caught in the evil illusion. Swan Shiratori's fingers danced across the keyboard as she tried desperately to sever the psychic link.

"I can't break through! It's like an impenetrable barrier. We need to find another way," Swan Shiratori exclaimed, frustration and concern etched on her face.

Commander Kruger spoke with steel resolve. "Swan, keep trying. We won't lose one of our own to this hellish force. There must be a weakness we can exploit."

As Swan Shiratori continued her efforts, the nightmare within the mindscape intensified. The enslaved Dekaranger with their voices a haunting chorus, pleaded for release from the clutches of the evil tree root. Senichi who was caught in the vortex of pain and despair felt the boundaries between reality and illusion blur.

"I won't give up! Sen-chan, we won't let them take you,” cried out the wise DekaSwan.

In the cruel depths of the evil illusion, Senichi was still entangled by the malign tentacles and felt a searing pain as his human form began to separate from his DekaGreen identity. The very essence that defined him as a hero was forcibly torn away leaving him vulnerable and exposed.

"No... what's happening?!" Senichi's voice trembled loudly in horror as he witnessed the violent separation of his human self from his heroic Sentai form.

His human body was now a mere representation of vulnerability and was violently yanked into the larger roots of the colossal alien tree. The assimilation process began and Senichi could feel the agonizing transformation as his essence slowly merged with the diabolical entity.

As Senichi writhed in pain, his surroundings revealed a nightmarish scene. The assimilated human forms of his former Dekarangers teammates adorned the twisted roots like macabre ornaments. Their expressions were frozen in silent screams with their humanity lost to the insidious assimilation process.

"DekaRed, DekaBlue, no!" Senichi's cries were drowned out by the eerie silence of the nightmare. His fellow Dekarangers were now assimilated into the roots and became grotesque extensions of the evil tree with their humanity sacrificed for the sake of the imposing entity.

The Sentai forms of his teammates were entangled by smaller tentacle roots, preventing them from using their powers. The once-bold heroes now appeared as mere husks of their former selves, drained of courage and strength.

"DekaGreen, why did you fail us?" The distorted voice of DekaRed echoed through the mindscape, a haunting accusation that pierced Senichi's very soul.

Senichi's human form continued its agonizing assimilation into the roots. He could feel the baleful evil seeping into every fiber of his being, transforming him into an extension of the colossal evil tree. He could no longer identify himself or his friends.

The assimilated Dekarangers, their voices a discordant chorus of dread, begged for release from the suffocating grasp of the roots. "DekaSwan, please! We can't bear this torment any longer!" pleaded the assimilated DekaYellow with her voice filled with a haunting sense of despair.

In the twisted mindscape, the evil tree's dominance became absolute. The assimilated Dekarangers now embodied the very dread they had once faced fearlessly.

"DekaRed, DekaBlue, find a way to break free! Don't let it take you!" Senichi's desperate pleas were met with empty, vacant stares from his assimilated teammates. The once-unbreakable bond that held the Dekarangers together had been shattered by the villainous aura.

Meanwhile, in the tangible command chamber, Swan Shiratori worked fervently to break the psychic connection, her eyes filled with spirit. "Sen-chan, hold on! We're fighting to bring you back!" Her voice carried a blend of urgency and reassurance as she continued her efforts.

Senichi's humanity continued to fade, his screams becoming more distorted as the baleful evil claimed him. The once-heroic DekaGreen faced the grim reality of becoming another pained face on the roots.

DekaSwan believed she had found a way to break the nightmarish illusion and took decisive action. With a swift and determined movement, she destroyed the computer system that held the evil spotlight burned on Senichi's visor. In that moment, a fleeting sense of relief washed over Swan as she anticipated the end of the diabolical fantasy.

However, the illusion's hold proved more insidious than anyone could have imagined. Senichi who was freed from the oppressive spotlight turned with unnatural swiftness. Before Swan could react, his powerful grip closed around her neck with gloved fingers like a clamping evil squeezing the air from her lungs.

"Sen-chan, no!" Swan gasped with shock and disbelief etched across her helmeted face. The once-heroic DekaGreen's eyes now glowing with an otherworldly light inside his helmet and bore into hers with an intensity that was beyond the physical.

Senichi's mouth went agape with gurgling noises as he continued to tighten his grip. The visor on his DekaGreen helmet glowed ominously and broadcasted its own evil spotlight that burned into Swan's helmet visor. In an instant, the command chamber transformed into a grotesque dreamscape that mirrored the infernal fantasy that had ensnared Senichi.

The evil roots of malign tendrils materialized around Swan's curvy spandex-clad helmeted heroic form. The once-heroic DekaGreen now stood as a harbinger of doom with his actions driven by a demonica force that had seized control of his very being.

"S-Sen-chan, what madness has befallen you?" Swan's voice strained as she struggled to speak with her air supply cut off by Senichi's unrelenting grip. She could feel the diabolical roots closing in with their obsidian color weaving a macabre panorama of assimilation and despair.

"Officer Enari, stop this! Do not give up to darkness!” Commander Kruger's voice which was usually composed now betrayed a sense of disbelief and dismay. The vicious force that had twisted Senichi's mind and turned him against his own teammate was an unforeseen and unprecedented threat.

Senichi's screams of pain reverberated through the command chamber. It was a haunting sound that signaled the complete subjugation of the once-heroic DekaGreen to the baleful evil.

In the nightmarish mindscape, Swan continued to suffocate with her attempts to break free growing weaker by the second. The evil roots that were now a tangible manifestation of Senichi's corruption, reached out to entangle her. "Sen-chan, please! Fight it!" DekaSwan's desperate plea fell on deaf ears as Senichi reveled in the torment he now inflicted. The assimilation process became a weapon against those who sought to free him.

In the twisted mindscape spawned by Senichi's corrupted psyche, Swan Shiratori, DekaSwan, found herself plunged into a horrifying spectacle. The unkind giant tree, eerily similar to the one tormenting her fellow Dekarangers, dominated the surreal landscape. Its dark branches stretched menacingly, ensnaring the Sentai forms of her teammates while grotesque bulges, with agonized faces contorted in perpetual suffering, adorned the larger roots.

"By the stars... what infernal nightmare is this?" Swan's horrified whisper echoed through the corrupted dreamscape as she witnessed the unspeakable torment inflicted upon her captured comrades. DekaRed, DekaBlue, and the others writhed in agony, their Sentai forms bound by the sinewy branches while their human forms were grotesquely assimilated into pulsating bulges on the larger roots.

As Swan's gaze locked onto the surreal tableau, a malign force seized her. The air around her thickened, and the once-solid ground seemed to shift beneath her feet. Panic set in as the tentacles of the evil tree reached out with an insatiable hunger, their ghostly forms snaking toward her.

"No, no! This can't be happening!" Swan's voice rose in a frenzied scream as the tentacles closed in, their icy touch sending shivers through her Sentai suit. Her stand was futile as the otherworldly force overpowered her, rendering her helpless in the face of the encroaching nightmare.

The moment the spectral tentacles made contact, a searing pain shot through Swan's entire being. The vicious force invaded her senses, dragging her into a vortex of anguish. Her screams, now echoing in harmony with those of her captive comrades, reverberated through the twisted dreamscape.

The assimilation process, akin to a grotesque dance, unfolded with agonizing slowness. The tentacles constricted around Swan, stripping away the layers of her Sentai suit and exposing her vulnerable humanity. Faces of despair and terror, mirroring the twisted fate of her fellow Dekarangers, materialized on the bulging roots.

As the malign roots tightened their grip, Swan's Sentai form became a mere puppet in the nightmarish display. Her cries for release echoed alongside the spectral voices of her assimilated comrades. The Sentai forms of valor were now twisted and tormented, pleading for deliverance.

"DekaSwan, save us!" The spectral voice of DekaYellow who was now ensnared in the dreadful roots begged for salvation. The once-vibrant hero had become a mere shadow of her former self, a haunting reminder of the relentless assimilation.

"DekaGreen, break free! We're drowning in darkness!" The distorted plea from DekaBlue echoed through the nightmare as a desperate cry that revealed the internal struggle of the assimilated heroes.

The faces on the bulging roots contorted with expressions of unending agony with their eyes pleading for release from the malign tree's grip. The loud storm of tortured voices enveloped Swan as the diabolical presence consumed her piece by piece.

As DekaSwan struggled against the malign forces, a singular evil root bypassed her heroic helmet as if guided by a diabolical intelligence. With an almost sentient lust, it snaked its way past her head protector and forced its way in gagging her deep within its merciless grip.

Swan's eyes widened with sheer horror as the root tightened its hold, its insidious touch breaching the sanctity of her Sentai suit. The once-heroic DekaSwan found herself ensnared, her body writhing and worming in the clutches of this grotesque fantasy.

"Mmmgh! N-no, please!" Swan's muffled cries of anguish echoed through the corrupted dreamscape, the evil root silencing her pleas for release. Her once-glorious Sentai form, now a puppet in the vicious theater of despair, convulsed with each attempt to break free.

Around her, the other Dekarangers trapped in the nightmarish roots continued their haunting pleas for salvation. The distorted voices, distorted by the diabolical force, formed a cacophony of despair that reverberated through the surreal landscape.

"DekaSwan, help us! Break free!" DekaRed's distorted voice pleaded, his Sentai form ensnared in the spectral branches, an echo of the leader's former valor now reduced to desperate cries.

"DekaSwan, DekaGreen, don't let it take us!" The combined voices of DekaYellow and DekaGreen resonated through the nightmare, their Sentai forms entangled in the vicious roots, their heroic identities stripped away by the encroaching darkness.

The evil tree, looming overhead with an ominous presence, let out a chilling laughter. It was a diabolical clamor, a sound that mocked the struggles of the ensnared heroes. The laughter echoed through the surreal landscape, intensifying the sense of dread that gripped both DekaSwan and her captive comrades.

DekaSwan's struggles reached a new level of torment as an unsettling bulge traveled down the diabolical tentacle that had ensnared her. The grotesque appendage seemed to pulse with a sinister energy, dislodging something into her throat. A sudden and violent convulsion wracked Swan's entire being, her once-heroic form now contorted in the grip of otherworldly horror.

The vile intrusion into her throat left Swan gasping for breath, her desperate attempts to resist the diabolical force only intensifying. Her eyes, wide with dread, reflected the sheer terror that gripped her as the foul fantasy unfolded with nauseating reality.

"N-no, please! What is happening to me?" Swan's voice, now more frenzied than ever, echoed through the nightmarish dreamscape. The once-vibrant hero was ensnared by the unkind tentacle and found herself subjected to an unspeakable violation, with her horrified cries becoming a haunting noise to the surreal ordeal.

With DekaSwan's torment reached its peak, the foul bulge triggered an unexpected reaction. Swan's eyes, wide with dread, were met with an unsettling change. A sudden influx of perspiration coated her writhing form inside the skintight heroic suit with the stench of fear permeating the nightmarish dreamscape.

Just as the vicious fantasy seemed poised to claim DekaSwan entirely, a ray of hope pierced the darkness. In the tangible world, Doggie Kruger as Dekamaster raised his D-Sword Vega. With a swift and decisive strike, he unleashed a shockwave of energy that resounded as a shockwave through the alien eldritch nightmare.

The powerful shockwave hurled DekaGreen and Swan through the nightmarish dreamscape with their forms hurtling toward the source of the poison—the destroyed computer. The abrupt collision snapped them back to reality and jolted them into shock and frenzied confusion.

In the aftermath of the upheaval, DekaSwan and DekaGreen found themselves disoriented as the lingering echoes of the foul fantasy still haunted their senses. Commander Kruger who stood resolute amidst the chaos surveyed the situation with a steely gaze.

DekaGreen, still caught in the remnants of the poisonous influence, groaned, his body twitching in the aftermath of the severed connection. DekaSwan, her eyes still wide with residual terror, struggled to find her bearings.

"Commander... I... I couldn't..." DekaSwan stammered, her voice trembling.

Commander Kruger's gaze softened, acknowledging the trauma they had both endured. "You did well, DekaSwan. But we need to regroup. The battle isn't over."

"Stay vigilant, Dekarangers. The darkness won't yield easily. We must find a way to sever its hold on our comrades and end this nightmare once and for all." Commander Kruger's words, filled with urgency, set the tone for the battles that lay ahead. The wicked force had revealed its capacity for unspeakable horrors, and the Dekarangers braced themselves for the challenges that awaited in the relentless struggle against the encroaching darkness.


The command chamber door swung open with an ominous creak, and a wave of corrupted Dekarangers stormed into the room. The once-heroic figures, clad in skintight spandex suits, were now marred by an encroaching invasion of black roots that snaked across the vibrant colors of their uniforms. The twisted tendrils pulsated with an unnatural destruction, weaving through the fabric like a parasitic infestation. Dekamaster, ever vigilant, sensed something was terribly wrong as his eyes scanned the infected team. The room was filled with the acrid scent of corruption and evil.

"DekaRed! DekaBlue! DekaPink! What happened to you?" Dekamaster shouted, his authoritative voice cutting through the chaos. His Dekamaster Sword gleamed with an ethereal light as he prepared for the confrontation.

The corrupted Dekarangers, once his trusted comrades, turned towards him with vacant, soulless eyes. The black root-like infection covered their skintight heroic suits, a grotesque sight of corruption that pulsed with baleful force. Even their helmets bore the marks of the invasive darkness, with black tentacles piercing through the mouthguards, pumping an unending stream of evil into their minds.

"Dekamaster, join us. Embrace the power of Hades House," DekaRed groaned, his voice a distorted echo of its former self.

Dekamaster's eyes narrowed in willpower. "I won't let the darkness consume you. We're Dekarangers, sworn to protect and uphold justice."

The corrupted Dekarangers responded with a unified, guttural chorus, their voices blending into an eerie symphony of poison. "Justice is an illusion. Hades House is the truth. Join us, Doggie Kruger."

The once-heroic figures raised their blasters, firing corrupted energy blasts toward Dekamaster. With swift agility, he deflected the blasts with his Dekamaster Sword, each clash sending sparks flying through the air. The battle had begun, and the command chamber echoed with the clash of blades and the ominous groans of the corrupted Dekarangers.

DekaRed, his eyes vacant and devoid of emotion, continued to advance. "You can't resist the power, Kruger. It will liberate you from the burden of morality."

Dekamaster parried DekaRed's attacks with precision that spoke of years of combat experience. "I won't abandon my principles for some twisted power. You were once my comrades, and I will free you from this darkness."

DekaBlue and DekaPink, their movements synchronized in their corrupted state, approached Dekamaster with relentless hunger. The black roots on their suits seemed to writhe with an inner life, pulsating with an unsettling rhythm. "Hades House is our salvation. Join us, Doggie Kruger," they intoned in unison.

Dekamaster's responses were swift and resolute, his blade cutting through the air with calculated precision. "I won't succumb to your twisted version of salvation. I'll bring you back to the light, even if I have to fight every last one of you."

Meanwhile, DekaBreak and DekaBright, their once-vibrant personalities overshadowed by corruption, lunged at Dekamaster with a ferocity that betrayed their former camaraderie. The clash of swords filled the chamber with a symphony of clashing steel, each strike reverberating with the weight of the internal struggle.

DekaBreak's voice, distorted and frenzied, echoed through the chaos. "You cannot defy the will of Hades House. Submit and be liberated, Doggie Kruger."

Dekamaster parried DekaBreak's attacks, his face inside his helmet etched with heroic willpower. "I'll never submit to this darkness. I'll break the hold Hades House has on you all."

Deka Bright, her once-optimistic demeanor replaced by a hellish calmness, joined the assault. The black roots on her skintight suit seemed to writhe with an almost sentient poison, as if the corruption itself had taken on a life of its own. "Defiance is fruitless. Hades House's influence is inevitable. Embrace it, or perish."

Dekamaster gritted his teeth inside his helmet while pushing back against the onslaught. "I will never embrace a power built on the suffering of others. I'll fight until my last breath to save you all."

DekaBreak and DekaBright, caught in the clutches of corruption, continued their relentless assault on Dekamaster, their once-heroic suits now adorned with twisting black roots that seemed to writhe with a life of their own. The black tentacles protruding from their helmets pumped an unending stream of the diabolical goop into their mouths, distorting their voices into a haunting chorus.

"Doggie Kruger," DekaBreak's voice groaned, distorted by the influence of Hades House. "We are one with the roots now. Our bodies and souls belong to the house. Resistance is futile."

Deka Bright, her once-optimistic demeanor now replaced by an eerie calmness, joined in with a haunting echo. "You cannot escape, Kruger. The roots claim us. They claim you. The House demands your submission."

With unfaltering resolve, Dekamaster evaded their assaults. "This shadow will never have the power to control me. Both of you will be saved by me when I liberate myself from the roots' grip!"

The corrupted Dekarangers responded with a guttural chorus. "The house grows stronger with each soul it consumes. It craves the essence of the Dekarangers. You cannot prevent the inevitable."

As the battle intensified, the evil roots on DekaBreak and DekaBright's suits seemed to pulsate with a sinister rhythm, their skintight heroic uniforms now a twisted canvas of corruption. The invasive black tendrils continued to spread, a visual manifestation of the insidious assimilation that had taken hold of them.

DekaBreak's voice became more frenzied. "We are the vessels of Hades House. Our purpose is to bring forth its glory. Join us, Kruger, and embrace the House's boundless power."

Deka Bright echoed the sentiment, her words laced with a surreal calmness. "You fight against the inevitable. The roots will claim you too. The House's dominion is absolute."

Dekamaster's gaze hardened a steely resolve in his eyes. "I won't let the darkness consume me. I'll find a way to break free from its grasp, and I'll save you both from this twisted fate."

Amidst the clash of swords and the ominous echoes of the corrupted Dekarangers' voices, Commander Kruger observed the dire situation. He knew the battle extended beyond the physical realm; it was a struggle for the very souls of his comrades.

DekaBreak and DekaBright continued their relentless assault, the black roots on their suits pulsating with a disturbing energy. The fiendish goop pumped into their helmets served as a constant reminder of the evil force that had claimed them. Commander Kruger, his voice filled with unwavering authority, shouted amidst the chaos.

"My fellow fighters can count on me. You will be rescued by me, regardless of how deeply you are entangled in the web of Hades House. No need to worry, you Dekarangers; the night will not be lost on you!"

The corrupted Dekarangers responded with a cacophony of frenzied voices, each one echoing the fiendish will of Hades House. "Accept the house's embrace, Kruger. It is inevitable. You too shall become one with the roots."

Dekamaster kept moving forward in spite of the corrupted strikes, displaying exceptional skill as the darkness encircled him. "No, I refuse to accept defeat. In the end, the Dekarangers will win, and justice will shine through."

As the clash continued, the command chamber became a battleground not only for the physical bodies but also for the very souls of the Dekarangers. The evil roots, symbols of Hades House's influence, reached out like tendrils of doom, threatening to engulf everything in their path.

The command chamber echoed with the rhythmic clash of blades as Dekamaster skillfully fended off the relentless assault from the corrupted Dekarangers. His powerful strikes and acrobatic maneuvers showcased the mastery he had attained as the leader and the best heroic warrior in the Dekaranger force. He anticipated and deflected every attack from DekaBreak and DekaBright; his movements were fluid and precise.


However, the shocking revelation struck him like a bolt of lightning when he turned to find DekaGreen and DekaSwan, once his trusted comrades, now equally corrupted and lunging at him with their own blasters and weapons. Even in their corrupted state, they exhibited a twisted version of their former skills, countering his every move with an eerie synchronicity.

As if suffocating shadows were drawing in on them, the room constricted around them. Corruption threatened to devour everything, and the walls, which had previously served as a background to their fights and schemes, now bore testimony to it. The hideous sight revealed the sinister power of Hades House as the wicked roots on DekaGreen and DekaSwan's outfits contorted like serpents.

Dekamaster's eyes widened in shock as the four corrupted Dekarangers closed in on him. "No. This can't be happening. You are the honorable officers of the Space Police Dekaranger!"

DekaBreak responded with terrifying composure, the contamination twisting his voice. Unfortunately, Doggie Kruger and his ilk are no longer heroes. "Now we serve a force that is more deserving of our devotion."

The corrupted quartet pressed their assault, and Dekamaster, though valiant in his efforts, found himself overwhelmed by the onslaught. The twisted dance of blades continued, each collision echoing with the echoes of a once-unbreakable bond that the advancing darkness had now broken.

Amidst the chaos, Dekamaster failed to notice the ominous transformation taking place behind him. The chamber's wall contorted and warped, morphing into a grotesque, giant clam-like mouth. Its disgusting form seemed to pulsate with an insatiable hunger, and from its depths emerged slimy tentacles that shot forth with deadly precision, aiming for Dekamaster's vulnerable neck.

A gasp escaped from Dekamaster as the tentacles constricted around him, ensnaring him in their slimy grip. The corrupted Dekarangers, seized by a frenzied urge, seized the opportunity. With a coordinated effort, they kicked him towards the opening giant evil clam.

"No!" Dekamaster's desperate shout reverberated through the chamber, but the corrupted quartet paid no heed as the monstrous clam closed its maw around him. The clam devoured him with a sickening squelch, swallowing him whole.

Inside the clam, Dekamaster struggled violently, his powerful limbs fighting against the slimy walls that sought to imprison him. The sounds of his efforts echoed within the monstrous creature, a symphony of desperation that seemed to be swallowed by the abyss. The corrupted Dekarangers, with cold indifference, watched as the clam closed, sealing Dekamaster's fate.

DekaRed, having picked up the discarded DekaSword, presented it to the looming presence of Hades House. The corrupted quartet stood in eerie unison, their voices intertwining in a distorted chorus.

"We have served your will, Hades House. Doggie Kruger is no more."

A foreboding stillness descended over the room as the stench of treachery lingered. The corrupted Dekarangers, who had been brave protectors of justice before, now served as mindless drones for the evil entity that wanted to devour them whole.

The terrifying black clam's jaws cracked open, filling the room with a haunting guttural sound. The only sound breaking the horrific stillness was the distant sound of Dekamaster's frantic denial cries. His voice, which had been powerful and driven before, suddenly resounded with utter fear.

"No! This can't be happening! I am... I am Dekamaster! I will not succumb to this  darkness."The clam's vehement denial echoed throughout it, and it appeared as though the evil abyss inside had swallowed it whole.

As the clam finally opened, a chilling sight greeted the corrupted Dekarangers. Instead of the valiant leader they once knew, the contents were now a nightmarish creation—a black peach, twisted in the shape of the captured Dekamaster. The once-heroic figure had been transformed into a grotesque parody of his former self, a living fruit of hell, still pulsating with life but with a jumbled mind lost in the clutches of insidious corruption.

Under the watchful eye of Hades House, DekaRed displayed the monstrosity while clutching the abandoned DekaSword. Here we see Hades's inescapable palace! Even Doggie Kruger has fallen to this level of insanity."

The mutated gurgles and squeaks that came from the altered Dekamaster created a cacophony of unfathomable agony. His mind, which had before been a rock of unfaltering resolve, was now struggling with an exaggerated version of events, believing he was worthless.

"I am... I am fruit... in the garden of Hades House," mumbled Dekamaster, his voice a haunting song of misery and uncertainty. As their degraded leader clung to a distorted conviction in his own fruit-like life, the corrupted Dekarangers stared with unsettling curiosity.

Having seen the terrifying metamorphosis, DekaBlue, DekaYellow, and DekaPink exchanged terrified looks. Once a haven of friendship, the room now stands as a witness to the unfathomable. The horrific sight caused the roots on their garments to writhe.

Deka Green's voice trembled as he struggled to comprehend the nightmarish scene. "This... this can't be real. Commander Kruger was the strongest among us. How could this happen?"

DekaSwan added with watery eyes inside her elegant helmet, "The Hades House has twisted everything. We have to stop it before it consumes us all."

The corrupted Dekarangers who witnessed the transformation stood in eerie silence. The evil roots on their suits appeared to be pulsing with renewed vigor, as if their leader's essence had given them strength. The once-vibrant chamber now exuded an oppressive darkness that seemed to seep into every crevice, staining the very essence of their existence.

DekaRed, his voice carrying a surreal calmness, addressed the looming Hades House. "We have proven our loyalty. The Dekarangers have fallen, and their leader now serves you in this twisted form. What is your next command?"

Almost as if the room had taken on the twisted spirit of Dekamaster's metamorphosis, the room reacted with an eerie resonance. The evil Hades House army appeared to take pleasure in the mayhem it had caused, reducing the once-mighty Dekarangers to living defense mechanisms.

The chamber, already tainted by the grotesque transformation of Dekamaster into a living fruit of hell, witnessed another wave of horror as the corrupted DekaBlue, DekaYellow, and DekaPink succumbed to the relentless onslaught of Hades House. Their short-lived defiance crumbled as the evil roots on their suits pulsed with renewed vigor, pumping more of the corrupting goop into their mouths.

The once-proud sparkle in their eyes gradually disappeared, giving way to a haunting emptiness as their brains crumbled. Characters who had before fought against the creeping shadows now gave in to their sinister pull. As the roots persisted in their unrelenting attack, the four twisted figures stood in uncanny harmony, their expressionless eyes speaking volumes.

DekaRed, Blue, Yellow, Pink, and now Green, DekaSwan, DekaBreak, and DekaBright—the entire team had fallen victim to the diabolical force of Hades House. The once-heroic figures, now mindless servants, stood as a haunting testament to the power that had consumed them. The chamber, once a beacon of strategy and camaraderie, had transformed into a nightmarish tableau of despair.

As if taking pleasure in the Dekarangers' total captivity, the roots on their suits writhed with contentment. The monstrous orchestra of gurgles, squeaks, and warped echoes maintained a perpetual air of macabre terror.

DekaRed moved forward, no longer harboring the rebellious spirit that had momentarily flared inside of him. "We are one with Hades House. Our minds belong to its eternal will."

The corrupted Dekarangers answered in a guttural chorus, their once-vibrant uniforms now tainted by the invasive black roots. "We serve the house. We are its vessels. Our minds are its domain."

In a disturbingly composed manner, the depraved quartet—now reduced to mindless minions of Hades House—awaited more instructions. The gruesome scene in the room served as a constant reminder that their once-safe haven had fallen to evil.

Once rebellious and determined, DekaBlue, DekaYellow, and DekaPink now stood with their corrupted allies, expressionless and motionless. The roots on their uniforms throbbed with a sinister intensity, representing their total capitulation to the evil power that had taken them captive.

In the distance, the Hades House appeared to radiate ominous energy, as if it were taking pleasure in the corruption that had infected the Dekarangers like a virus. The fight against the rising night had taken a terrible turn, and the heroes who had fought valiantly were now nothing more than puppets in the hands of the evil puppeteer.

The once-vibrant chamber, now a nightmarish stage for the corrupted Dekarangers, bore witness to the aftermath of their collective downfall. The roots on their suits seemed to pulse with an otherworldly evil as if the very fabric of their existence had become intertwined with the darkness that sought to consume them all.



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