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When there is no more room in Hell, the Rangers will be made to plug it!

I always thought the Frankenstein episode of the MMPR got so much potential to be a great Halloween episode, but the creators dumped that chance. Perhaps in a dark corner of a dark Ranger multiverse, things can get spookier!

Special thanks to my awesome patrons:



Matt Thomas

Dragonkingkj & Famousfox13


Shunsuke Hoshino


Marc Gantha



Red Nineteen


Daniel K


Have fun!




There were screams, but there was nothing to worry about. In the usual comedic way, Bulk and Skull were chased out from Angel Grove High’s Halloween costume party. Right behind them, a large figure fumblingly tried to storm them. When it seemed to be a useless pursuit, the lanky monster chose the other way. He didn’t know that the inquisitive Billy trailed him not far behind in his Sherlock Holmes costume.

The geek decided that his costume was too much, especially for a hike out to a secluded barren hill. Billy decided to ditch most of the clothes, mainly the big coat, hat, even the pipe. He didn’t need the distraction as he chased the figure further down the dilapidated dirt road. “That can’t be Tommy…,” mumbled the boy with glasses.

As trees became bushes and the green colors of the leaves became brown, Billy finally came across the groaning monster’s destination. It was the dark mouth of a cave. He looked around with doubt before following him inside.

What Billy found inside shocked. Rita was there! Along with numerous putty foot soldiers that hurried with lumps of reddish clay. The minions pile the earth into a strange machine.

Billy didn’t realize that he accidentally passed a motion detector that silently revealed his position to the space witch. Acting as if everything was fine, Rita ordered, “Hey, you can take care of one of those brats right now! Show him the power of the undead!”

Roaring, the Frankenstein Monster moved away from the scene. Still thinking that he was still safe, Billy tried to look at the operation from a different angle. He explored the winding and misty tunnel to his right.

The poor hero found it too late. Frankenstein ambushed him at a corner. “My deductive reasoning says you’re not Tommy!” yelled Billy as he avoided the stiff arms of the monster.

His attempt was in vain as the fingers clutched the back of his shirt and yanked him at the cave wall. Dazed, he couldn’t escape the incoming grip on his neck. Losing air, the geek exclaimed, “It’s time for a molecular transformation!”

Frankenstein roared as his prey was engulfed in a blinding white and electric blue glow. In an instant, Billy was morphed into the Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger. “Hyaah!” shouted the spandex warrior as a war cry.

But Billy’s transformation did him no good. His neck was still clutched by Frankenstein. The Ranger was easily flung across the dark cave.

The Blue Ranger brought out his Power Blaster and shot Frankenstein. Two blasts hit the monster and made him flinch, but that was it. In retaliation, Frankenstein grabbed the large metal bolt on either side of his neck and pulled them.

At once, the enemy got a chain weapon into the fight. It was an unfair one. Billy’s fighting technique was no match for his brutal attacks. A single hit from the bolt exploded sparks from the Blue Ranger’s costume. Frankenstein wasn’t shy in hitting him again and again and again like a morningstar master.

Billy cried out in pain. His grip on the Power Blaster was lost. His fingers trembled due to fatigue. He was a helpless victim. Frankenstein immediately gripped the hero’s neck again. The Ranger struggled, but his washed-out power was not enough. The monster threw him to the dark cave’s special corner.

When the hero tried to get back up, he couldn’t! The Blue Ranger was thrown into an open metal coffin. His wrists, ankles, and neck were bound by thick restraints. “Release me at once!” he shouted as the inflexible monster approached him.

His demands were answered by the coffin’s closure. His yelling voice was deadened by the casket’s thick material. That being said, Frankenstein could still penetrate the cursed container. He brought out the bolts again, holding them with each hand. He then plugged special holes on either side with them. The Blue Ranger screamed in extreme agony with the horrible ritual’s start.

Rita who observed the whole battle grinned in satisfaction. “Now the living will join the dead! Hahaha!”

Angel Grove was rocked by a violent earthquake. A massive crevice opened and devoured houses in one part of the city. Bridges collapsed on the other. Buildings cracked or caved in altogether everywhere.

At Angel Grove High, the Rangers were among the terrified students who took shelter under sturdy iron tables of the Halloween party ballroom. “What’s going on here?” shouted the cowering Kimberly.

As if their trembling situation wasn’t bad enough, the place was stormed by putties. “You gotta be kidding me!” complained Zack as a pharaoh.

“No time to hide our identities. Guys, it’s morphin’ time!” Jason braved himself to go back out to the open and bring out his Power Buckle. His teammates followed and the five youngsters were enveloped by the bright energy of the Morphing Grid.

The Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers team is here. Using their martial arts prowess and individual powered weapons, the heroes brought the battle to the pesky minions. Sounds of metal meeting concrete echoed in the ballroom as the Putties’ mace arms struck the Rangers’ armaments.

The Pink Ranger shot out simultaneous energy arrow attacks that hit the Putties when they still leaping in the air. When the minions landed, they were nothing more than broken lumps of clay. The Yellow Ranger danced gracefully as her bladed weapon sliced multiple Putties that tried to attack her. Trini was triumphant in no time.

Sensing the ambush was failing, the remaining Putties retreated from the ballroom, leaving those who were unlucky enough to be slashed by Jason’s Power Sword and Zack’s Power Ax. the Rangers chased them out of the building. “Don’t let them get away!”

The Red Ranger narrowly escaped the trap at the school building’s porcelain-floored open space at the back. If he didn’t instinctively do a tiger roll forward, Frankenstein’s deadly bolt would have struck him. “What the hell is that?!”

“That’s the guy that Billy after before,” claimed Trini in shock. “What have you done with Billy?!”

The Frankenstein of course didn’t answer. He simply roared while readying his bolt weapon. The rusty chain was gripped tightly as the monster charged at the Rangers.

“Watch out!” shouted Kim. There were four of them and there was only one of him. But that didn’t change the fact that Frankenstein was winning.

The Rangers’ weapon couldn’t make enough damage on their enemy’s body. Sparks burst, but Frankenstein simply shrugged all attacks and continued his brutal assault. He flung the bolt on the chain to hammer the Yellow Ranger and swung it to hit the Black Ranger right on the helmet. Zack was somersaulted into submission. “He’s too tough to crack!” shouted the Black Ranger with his broken helmet.

“There’s gotta be a way to get to him!” Jason sent out a double slash attack with his Power Sword and the monster went past that to grab his neck. The struggling Red Ranger was lifted high in the air while his teammates were too weak to help.

Kimberly refused to give up. She focused her strength to energize her Power Bow. The Pink Ranger aimed her weapon at the back of Frankenstein’s neck. There’s no way that she would miss it.

There was a scream. The power arrow missed its target by a long shot. The Pink Ranger trembled as a couple of burn marks tainted the breasts of her costume. She dropped the Power Bow as her watery eyes witnessed her attacker. “No, it can’t be…”

“Billy…,” gasped the Yellow Ranger.

Before the team was the Blue Ranger. Perhaps it was more suitable to call him “former” Blue Ranger as Triceratops warrior didn’t look very heroic. Billy stood silently as his Power Blaster still gave out faint smoke after the previous shot. Somehow, the gentle and caring youngster was turned into a vicious one as he shot out another barrage to each of his own friends. Jason, Zack, Trini, and Kim screamed in agony as their spandex suits smoldered in places. Their muscles ached, their strength depleting. “Billy, why…,” croak the Black Ranger who couldn’t even stand up.

The Blue Ranger threw away his blaster. From behind his back, he took out a similar bolt weapon. But Billy didn’t use it to attack his fellow Rangers. He instead stabbed the bolts’ ends to both sides of his neck. His scream was a mixture of a hurt youngster’s voice and a monstrous roar.

“NO!” shouted Jason, but he was not in a position to fight. His vision blurred as his attempt of breaking free from Frankenstein’s grip failed. The Red Ranger could feel his fortitude waning. All he could do now was uselessly pound the monster’s arms.

The agonized Blue Ranger reached for his Triceratops helmet. What was revealed inside was not a normal face of a geeky youngster with glasses. Billy’s skin had turned purple. His eyes were all red and wide. It was not a coincidence that his new feature was akin to Frankenstein. “Rooar!” the fallen hero shouted, sending dread to his friends’ hearts.

“Zordon… Can you read me… Rita is changing Billy…,” mumbled Jason weakly. As last resort, he extended his arm skyward. “We need Zord power now!”

The air stirred. Strong winds picked up and made even Frankenstein hard to keep still. The monster was forced to take a step backward. His awkwardness loosened the grip. The Red Ranger used the moment to strike at him with the Power Sword.

Like before, it didn’t do much damage to the monster. The flinching creature just moved away. Jason landed kneeling due to fatigue. He would be easy prey.

But Frankenstein looked up just in time before the massive foot of the Tyrannozord came crashing down on him. The monster was squashed as easily as a mosquito. The loud thump deafened the Rangers for a while.

The Red Ranger felt relieved, but then he heard screams. He forgot about Billy! The zombified Blue Ranger was strangling the Black Ranger with a second chain weapon. “Snap out of it, Billy!” shouted the team leader as he slashed the cursed chain in half.

It seemed to affect Billy. The corrupted young hero shrieked with hands holding his head. He pushed the Black Ranger to his teammates while dragging himself away. “Billy, come back!” begged Trini.

Jason wanted to chase his friend, but then the most unexpected thing happened. Rita appeared standing on a floating giant ball of putty. The reddish clay boiled and stirred up with incomplete humanoid limbs.

The sphere approached the squirming Blue Ranger. Its features parted to reveal a fat bulk of meat. The violent warrior unhesitatingly stuffed his mouth with the disgusting organ. His arms were hugged and grabbed by the numerous incomplete putties all over the floating ball. It didn’t take long before the Blue Ranger was lifted and made to smack himself on the surface.

A blueish hue began to seep out from the corrupted Ranger. It oozed into the diabolical ball and nourished everything inside. “It’s taking Billy’s power!” uttered Kim while she tried to keep her wobbling body standing.

“That’s right, Ranger. Like your friend here, your power will energize my Super Putty. You got no chance!” Rita Repulsa threw her staff before the Tyrannozord’s foot. The magical object let out an unnatural electrical storm that struck both the floor, the Rangers, and their Zord.

The mechanical giant roared as Rita’s magic fan out throughout its body. Crackling and cracking sounds were heard everywhere bolts of lightning struck them. The T-Rex eyes glowed violet as the evil curse began to overwhelm it.

Then the electrical discharge solidified into two massive bolts just like the ones that stabbed Frankenstein’s neck before. Now, they stabbed the Tyrannozord’s neck. There was an explosion that threw the Rangers back until they hit the building wall. For Zack, until he broke the wall itself. “Make my monster grow!” declared Rita.

Whatever was left of Frankenstein Monster under the Zord’s foot, it was transformed into a dark ooze that freely traveled and penetrated the giant’s body. The Tyrannozord struggled to fight the encroaching corruption, but it didn’t have much vigor left as its nervous system had already been hijacked by the stabbing bolts.

“Tyrannozord!” called the Red Ranger. Jason was ready to leap to help his robot when a shackling sensation sent him back to the ground. He looked behind and was horrified. Screams were heard also.

The Rangers were captured in one way or another. Metallic straps wrapped around the heroes’ wrists or legs or abs or neck. All of them came from similar things: metallic coffins. Each casket stood vertically with its panel opened wide like a door. Inside, there were operations table waiting for their prey. Metallic desks with thick restraints to suppress any individuals that were unfortunate enough to be trapped inside. Soon, it would be the Rangers if they couldn’t fight the powerful pull. “It’s trying to take me in!”

“Hang on! Just… Hang on!” screamed Zack, but he knew that his strength could only stand the attraction for so long.

“Once inside, you will undergo the same transformation as your little blue friend here. You will be turned into something you have been fighting for. You will worship the concept that you have been defending the world against. Zordon’s team of boys and girls will be a team of dead kids!”

Kimberly was the first to go. Her shriek left a scar on Jason’s heart. The Pink Ranger was immediately attacked by the restraints once she touched the medical bed. Her legs, her arms, her neck were all hogtied by metal. “Jason, help-”

The coffin panel closed and the ritual began. Ethereal bolts of lightning struck all over the casket from a Tesla coil-like structure behind. “Kim!” called the Red Ranger, but of course he was too late.

The Black Ranger’s turn came next. Both of his arms were tied around his chest like an asylum patient. The strap knocked him down to make his pull easier. Zack cried out his lungs before the same process began. Jason’s last view of his friend was the struggling form of the Mastodon Ranger against the indestructible bondage. It was the end of Zack’s life journey.

As more Rangers were captured, their essence was extracted by the coffins before being slurped by Rita’s giant putty ball. “More, more, Rangers!”

Trini hugged Jason in a desperate attempt to keep herself from her waiting coffin. “Jason, I don’t wanna die! I don’t wanna end up like-ARGH!” The Yellow Ranger’s words were cut abruptly as her grip on the Red Ranger failed. Her lanky form was immediately contained inside the claustrophobic casket. The girl wouldn’t have any way to escape.

Then, Rita did the most heinous thing. From inside the coffins, Jason could hear his teammates’ muffled voices. They all declared the same thing: “We need the Zord power now!”

They summoned and the giants arrived. It was Rita’s most brilliant trap. With the Rangers trapped inside, each of the coffins teleported itself into the Zord’s cockpit. Inside, the devilish container spread its influence just like what happened to Tyrannozord before. For a moment, Pink, Black, and Yellow Rangers’ tormented forms could be seen inside their metallic prisons. They were deformed and twisted into creatures akin to Billy. They were turned into mindless, violent zombies. Worse, they were zombies who serve Rita Repulsa as Rangers.

And Jason would join them. The team leader’s leg entered the coffin and he was instantly bombarded with a sensation of despair. It was as if all hope in the world had been vanquished. Perhaps it was true as the Red Ranger began to consider himself failed as a leader.

Jason sobbed and wailed as more of his body entered and strapped on the metallic table. He screamed for the last time before the bolts stabbed his neck. The young hero was fully aware as his body was slowly being turned into an undead creature. He felt pain over pain like nothing his Ranger soul had gone before.

What happened next was everyone’s guest. Perhaps the coffin took away the Red Ranger’s soul to be eternally tortured like his friends. Perhaps his soul was still there, inside the corrupted body that turned purple. Whatever it was, the result was clear. The metallic container leaped into the Tyrannozord’s cockpit. A coffin became the robot’s pilot as it rampaged across Angel Grove.

Rita laughed in triumph as the pitiful Power Rangers were now hers. She knew that nothing could stand in her way now as those pesky heroes became a part of her diabolical plan. Each Zord did more than destroy and kill thousands of people. Their once-prideful colors of pink, yellow, black, blue, and red were now tainted with the violet hue of Frankenstein. The bolts that stabbed their necks continuously shot out hellish bolts of lightning that transformed everyone who got zapped into more undead. It didn’t take long before a zombie apocalypse took over much of the western United States as the Zords moved in a path of destruction across the land.



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