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E7- 1:18

E8- 25:37




Some explanations you missed: Firstly "the mechs" are Scouting units scattered around Abyss on each level to gather information, we don't know yet who and why make them, but one of the mechs that's with Faputa told Reg already that he is also one but from different level, and all they know is what knowledge they gathered on current level, because rest of data was "lost" or eradicated on purpose or not we don't know. About the "Wishing Eggs" or "Cradle of Desire" as it was called to, First one was used on Irumyuui, Second one was also used on her, that's why she moved and created that village and Faputa at the end, Thrid one was used by Wazukyan, but because he sacrificed himself to Irumyuui he lost it, and at the end all the "Wishing eggs" were transferred to birth of Faputa. Yes this show is "weird" in many aspects but its also very unique and interesting story, sometimes you just need to wait for that payoff, im glad its cleared a lot for you and we are back on board i guess, thanks for upload sosu.


Glad you two finally got to these two episodes and it's making more sense now. I think you will enjoy the second half of the season a lot more than the first. As for the three wish granting eggs/cradles of desire, she did consume all of them: First Egg: They gave to her when she was sick and it made her a mother and saved everyone. Second Egg: Wazukyan gave it to her before she turned into a the village, and was eventually used to birth Faputa. Third Egg: Was used by Wazukyan, but his body (including the egg) were consumed by the village and therefore Irrumyuui absorbed the egg and inherited Wazukyan's wish which was presumably a safe haven for everyone at this point. So when Faputa was born she inhereted the three eggs and now the village sorta survives because it had so much value at the time Irrumyuui lost all three eggs. I'm sure I could have some of that a bit wrong, but that's the general gist of it or at least what you could piece together at this point in the season.


😂 Anthony trusts no one 😂 I swear he has maybe 10 years tops before he starts lining his Dallas Cowboys hats with tinfoil and KC finds him in their bathroom with a pair of pliers in his mouth trying to remove his fillings because they are "receiving signals" 😂🤣 Who hurt you Anthony? Let down your guard and learn to trust a little 😛


Ep 7 would go in my top 5, maybe top 3, MiA episodes. The story, the horror of their situation and watching it unravel to something even more twisted, the music (though MiA music is always great). The imagery, the emotions depicted. Vueko's poetic narration.