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You should REALLY remember the lesson from this episode, tldr, yes she was testing them, as she said there are way more tougher and dangerous things than her down there, also she said that staying long in abyss will affects your mind, character in long term and she was there for very long time. I really like Ozen i personally think it was great lesson, also about stripping naked as punishment, it was a real punishment in many cultures for hundreds of years, and Made in Abyss world is definitely not based on modern times, more like XV-XVIII century max, sosu.


I really like Ozen. I think she was sorta right in how she "trained" them. They needed to actually get a real sense of fear and dread for their lives for her to properly evaluate how they would respond in such a situation and drill it into them that the Abyss is far more dangerous than they realize.


ICAM. Also, Ozen's words are full of lessons, info and hints; the more the story progresses, the more interesting it is when you look back at this episode.