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Kokonotsu awoke with such a dumb smile on his face. Everything felt different that morning. He didn’t feel tired or worn or bothered by anything. He completely forgot about his lot in life and had only one person on his mind – Hotaru Shidare. He slept and slept and hadn’t a care in the world. When he finally did get up to start the day, he set his mind on what he and Hotaru would do together.

As he made himself some coffee in the kitchen, Pops came downstairs and slapped him on the back of the shoulder. “SOMEBODY came in late last night. Eh?”

“Dad,” he muttered disdainfully.

He went into the shop to avoid him, but Hajime was at the register with a wry smile on her face, resting her chin on her hand. “SOMEBODY had a good time last night.”

“What? What are you talking about?”

“It’s written all over your face.”

Kokonotsu ran a hand over it, as if expecting to wipe something off.

“Come on now,” Hajime said. “In the entire time I’ve worked here, I never once saw you wake up with a smile on your face.”

“That’s not true.”

“And also, ever since that girl called you’ve been late.”

“I’m not late.”

“It’s 11:00. Your dad had to open the shop for me.”

Kokonotsu nearly spat his coffee. “What? It’s 11:00?!”

“It’s okay,” Hajime said. “It’s Sunday so there’s nothing much to do. Not like many people stop by on a Sunday.”

Hotaru called him. He answered and she said softly, “Hey there.”

Her voice made him feel a tingle all over. He so desperately wanted to hear that voice again up against his ear, whispering sweet and lewd nothings.


“What are you doing today?”


“Would you like it to be me?”

Kokonotsu blushed. He made sure Hajime wasn’t paying attention and went to the furthest corner of the store. “Yeah.”

“We can go to the park.”

“Sure thing. Right now?”

“Whenever you’re ready.”

Kokonotsu smiled. “I am.”


Kokonotsu waited for Hotaru lying on the grass at the local park. He rarely was excited to go outside, but Hotaru being there always motivated him. It didn’t matter where she was. He wanted to be there too. He had bolted from the house without saying anything to Pops and Hajime. His heart filled with joy.

As he waited, his usual anxious thoughts started taking over.

He wondered if his fetish was handed down from generation to generation, a deep dark secret. Pops was a weird guy. There had to be something there too. Kokonotsu didn’t want to think about it any further though. But he laid there on the grass cursing his existence and why his brain and body had to react to such a gross bodily function that way. He was never sexually active in his high school life compared to the other kids. Maybe this was some strange way of catching up to that.

Hotaru said she liked weird. But did she really mean it? Saying it and experiencing it were two different things. What if this feeling faded? Would he feel differently after they went out for a while? What if he again felt like something was missing? Disconnected?

“Hey you!”

He opened his eyes. Hotaru was looking down at him, blocking the sun.

My God, her boobs are huge, he thought, watching how they drooped down at him. I’m so fucking lucky

Before he could get up, Hotaru went down on all fours, pinning both his arms. He gasped and looked around.

“H-Hotaru, people are around!” he hissed.

She only smiled devilishly.

A few seconds later, she let go of him and sat next to him. As usual, she wore a skirt with stockings. She hugged her knees and stared at him. He sat up next to her too, and the two reveled in just being next to each other in silence.

The silence eventually broke when Hotaru leaned to one side and farted.


The low rumble satisfied her, as she let off a quiet sigh at the end. Kokonotsu breathed in the scent of shit. It made him cough, and he started to gag. Hotaru laughed and wafted the air with her hand.

“Remember how I said I would eat the entire bag?” she said, eyes fluttering. “Well…” She showed him the empty bag of sugar-free gummies.

He couldn’t believe it. Hajime eating them was one thing. But Hotaru eating them was his absolute dream come true. He frowned though, and said, “Are you sure? That stuff is pretty intense. Hajime almost couldn’t come back to work.”

“Like I said, I have to test all of these. That includes every known variable. Some people do eat the entire bag without reading the label.” She winced, as she felt another fart coming on. “We have to see what happens when people don’t read the disclaimer.”

Hotaru stood up and offered to help Kokonotsu to his feet.

“Come on. Let’s have some fun.”

They strolled down the pavement that ran around the park, arm-in-arm. By then, Kokonotsu’s nerves had calmed. He was getting to used to the idea that he and Hotaru were becoming a thing now.

The park was quite loud with the clamor of children playing, dogs parking, people biking, and people playing sports on the field. Despite this, Hotaru’s stomach growling was so intense that he could hear it very clearly. Hotaru eyed him with a smirk.

“How does it feel?” he asked.

She stood up on her toes to speak ever so softly and seductively in his ear. “Like every second I’m getting bigger and bigger.” She knew exactly what she was doing, and he loved it.

They crossed a small bridge, and to their left was a deserted patch of grass. Further in, one could see that there was a makeshift path through the shrubs. People oftentimes found different ways to get to other areas of the park besides the main path.

Hotaru tugged Kokonotsu’s arm towards the other trail.

They had to brush aside branches and walk in single-file, as the path was rather narrow. It eventually widened and opened up to a small field that laid at the edge of the creek that they had crossed over on the bridge.

There was nobody around.

Kokonotsu admired the creek for a moment. He turned around and saw that Hotaru was lying on her hands and knees, with her butt facing him. He suddenly remembered years ago when a similar situation happened, albeit by accident. Hotaru was not only well endowed in her bosom, but her bottom as well. The past five years had molded her into a strikingly beautiful young woman. That butt looked ten times bigger than what he remembered.

Hotaru gave him a suggestive look from over her shoulder.

She swayed her butt side-to-side.

“Well? What are you waiting for?” she asked.

“What do you want me to do?”

She batted her eyes at him. “What do you think? You’re the one with the fantasies.”

He would normally be apprehensive about doing this in a place where strangers could walk in on them any moment, but his inner carnal desires took hold of him. He went down on all fours as well and placed his face right up against her cushioned butt.

“Put your face deep in there.”

Kokonotsu did so, digging his nose through her crack. Her butt was like one of those memory foam pillows. It was that damn comfortable. He wanted to curl up and fall asleep on those cheeks. He could play with them all day long if he could.

“Are you ready?” she asked.

“Mmmmhhhmmmm,” he moaned, voice muffled in her cheeks.

He could hear her stomach gurgling again.

“One…” Hotaru began, “two…”

Kokonotsu’s blood coursed with anticipation.

Hotaru had to grunt to hold in her fart a second longer.


A hot blast of gas filled his face. It was like feeling the heat of a flame right against your skin. The sound was pure joy. It erupted with a deep, sonorous moan. It dragged on and on, messy and loud, sputtering and wet. The sound slapped against her cheeks, seemingly vibrating them. Her moans of pleasure added to it all, somewhere between having an orgasm and taking a deeply satisfying shit. It was her most amazing fart yet – a fart that was backed up by an entire bag of sorbitol.


When it ended, Kokonotsu breathed in the reeking shit smell. The fart was that repugnant odor after someone completely bombed a toilet. It would have made any normal person’s eyes water. But for him, it was as pleasing as any other odd smells he liked, like gasoline or freshly mowed grass. His very olfactory nerves exploded with pleasure.

He had sat back, drunk with pleasure. He very nearly drooled. That was how dumbstruck he was by the fart.

“Oh look. We should fix that.”

Hotaru had pointed out his boner. It popped out like a sore thumb underneath his jeans.

Without any further discussion, Hotaru unzipped his pants and stroked his cock. She did it so fluidly that he nearly orgasmed in seconds. However, a noise stirred from the bushes where they came from. They heard someone playing with his dog. The fear of being discovered was what made him hold back. He wanted to say something but Hotaru smirked and looked determined to finish him off as soon as possible.

When Kokonotsu still didn’t cum, she said, “Hmmmm. Maybe this will do.”
 She raised her buttcheek and farted out loud. It was yet another deep and bassy rip, loud as hell. She scrunched her face up as she farted – something he loved to see, and sighed.

That did it for him. Kokonotsu gasped aloud as he came. His white milky stream shot out so far that Hotaru squealed a little, then laughed.

“Woooow,” she said. “That’s a lot!”

Kokonotsu was too warped in his orgasm to respond. He only chuckled dumbly. Every ounce of tension had left his body. He could have passed out there and then had the dog owner not disturbed the bushes. They didn’t want to risk being there a second longer, so Hotaru got to her feet and Kokonotsu zipped himself up. She led the way down another path in the opposite direction. There, Kokonotsu felt like lying down in the grass. Hotaru laid down next to him, and the two of them grinned and laughed as they held each other.

“How do you feel?” she said.

“Like…like…” Kokonotsu was still too dazed to form a complete thought. “It’s just so…overwhelmingly…good.”

Hotaru admired her handiwork (literally), and watched him as he dozed off.

But Kokonotsu opened his eyes again. He looked up at her and said, “Hotaru…what do you like about me?”
 She seemed struck by the question, and didn’t answer for a few seconds. “I like you because you’re a good guy.”

“I am?”


“Even…” Kokonotsu remembered that he hadn’t told her the full story about why he broke up with Saya. In fact, Hotaru never mentioned how Tō explained to her what happened between them.

“Even what?”

He took a deep breath. “I don’t know what Tō told you but--”

She sat up too. “He told me everything.”

“Yeah, but—”

“No. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.”

Kokonotsu stared at her blankly. “Even…about my fetish?”

“Oh, no, no, no. Hahaha. Not that. That was still a surprise. No, he told me about how I inspired your manga, and how Saya and you broke up because of the drawings you made of me.”

“Wait so…you already knew?”

 “Yeah. Tō isn’t exactly the best at keeping secrets.”

“Then—then how come you were acting like you didn’t know?”

“I had to feel you out first. How can anyone forget how close you and Saya used to be? Tō told me his side but I didn’t hear it from you. I figured maybe you weren’t ready.” Hotaru, in a rare moment, blushed and looked away. “For all I knew, you could have still had feelings for her. In which case, I would have kept my distance. But then I was being coy. And then eventually…flirted. You know. Teasing you about the manga.”

“You? Flirting? You know years ago I read into everything you did as flirting. I didn’t think you actually did it this time.”

She narrowed her eyes. “I’m an adult now. I’m not THAT oblivious anymore.”

Kokonotsu looked down at his feet, suddenly feeling vulnerable again, and not in a good way. “So…you know exactly why we broke up, huh…”

“Yes. And I don’t care.”

“You don’t?”

“I wouldn’t be here if I did, silly. The two of you just didn’t work out. That’s all. It’s not on me to judge who was right or wrong. It was just about compatibility.”

Kokonotsu reached out with his hand. He wanted to hold hers, and so she did. He held tightly at first, then loosened his grip and felt her palm. “I hope we’re compatible,” he murmured.

“I like to think so. We’ll see together, won’t we?” she said, smiling.


“That’s a leap of faith we have to take.”

He looked into her eyes, at how warm and soft they were, and smiled back.


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