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Today we will be looking at how the development of WorthIt Guides is Coming along, some good developments have taken place and as such let us begin.

WorthIT Guides Testing:

This week it became quite clear in order to test the addons guides out I would need some fresh characters to level the professions correctly. This lead me to spending over 6 million gold of my personal gold ( 56 million ) in order to boost these charcters.

I came to the decision to boost the characters with gold for the simple purpose to time efficentcy and me just having gold sitting there. This now means I can test all professions sooner and find any bugs that might occur in this area.

Testing Phase 1:

I will need to now start by levelling all Professions for Every expansion refining the Guides to make them as streamlined as possible with any extra detail added for them. This should make the guide more effective and as such I have 4 character ready for levelling at this point and will continue levelling through the character development.

Professions are not that hard to level but it is refining the guides which is going to take the most time. Weather that be changing numbers of crafted items to additional waypoints for vendor recipes for crafts this will need to be carefully gone through to make it the easiest levelling profession guides around.

Future Developments:

I have been playing with the idea of expanding the addon “once” the Professions are complete as once this is done it will be done. So as such I am planning on working out a way to make the addon more helpful to other people in game.

I was thinking of developing WorthIt Guides into a Free Zygor with, Reputations, Mounts, Secrets, Battle Pets to make it the top guide for this addon.


This is of course something I would like to think about more and would like to know your thoughts.

Though, as it stands, refining the Gold Making Profession levelling is the highest impact thing that needs doing right now so I will be doing that and playing with any other expansions concepts until the addon meets the requirements for the Gold Making Community.

Happy Gold Making,

Dala :)



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