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This week has been a productive week in regards to crafting so I would like to overview the best performing markets and what I am doing to make gold with these nice up swings to make the most amount of gold possible.

1. Crafted Legendaries

Crafted Legendaries are seeming to be having a little up tick since the latest patch, this is quite nice to see. Though I would take note that these crafts are costly to get into and will take some time to get them levelled to the higher levels ( rank 3 -4 ) to pull a stronger profit for these. If you have already levelled your Legendary crafts then I would suggest looking into bumping some more on the auction house as sales have increased. If you have the low ranks then I would suggest farming to craft you legendaries so you still make gold but also ranking up for those high end legendaries when you get your ranks up.

2. Flipping Mats

This week I have also been flipping mats which I have talked about in the past by using the 60% rule. Which a brief summary is to buy any mats under 60% market price and resell for a porfit. Though the mat type does matter a lot! :). I have been having some good sucsess with flipping mats with Volatiles and Cata Herbs as well as Vanilla herbs, these seem to be doing quite well and I am able to maintain this by checking the auction house each day. Though I would not recommend flipping Shadowlands mats as in most cases the amount of mats being posted, the price rebounds quite fast and you will most likely loose gold on this so in essence older world mats will do the best to manage and profitability.

3. Crafts Mats

Along with the topic of mats I have be laughing quite hard when it comes to crafted mats as these are tending to work quite well in regards to crafting things like Heavy Callous hide, Enchanted mats , Bolts, etc... These are working quite well for a daily restock and most of the time it is something I have running in the background even when I write this. So this could be another way to increase your gold without adding much time to your crafting routine. However it is wise to check the prices of your mats depending on sell rate and also accounting for the 5% cut from the auction house so you don't run the risk of loosing gold in the longer run.

4. Mounts Crafted

The last few weeks I have noticed that overall the crafted mount market is starting to increase on the profitability and thus I would suggest if you are able to craft at least 1 or 2 in order to judge your own market. I am finding that the best performing mounts have been surprisingly enough the panther mounts along with the steel bound harness and Mekgineer's chopper. Though I my favourite  craft for mounts the Vial of the Sands is doing okay, it is not hitting the numbers of profit I would like though it is still profitable I think I will stick to focusing on the ones I mentioned above to increase my gains from this market. However I will be using my transmute master to make my gems for the panther mounts and living steel for this provides me with extra mats to use for my mounts to make it more profitable.

5. Tmog Market Up-tick

Now for the fifth and final bullet for the week and funny enough. Across US and EU servers I am seeing that the crafted and farmed transmog markets are bumping up in the demand and pricing which is seeming to be a good indicator to sell transmog. Though this has taken a good minute for these markets to come back to a good baseline from where it was in BFA it is starting to be on the up and up and I would really suggest crafting high ticket mog's and farming the high tier dungeons like Zul'farrak, Dire maul and Mana tombs. These dungeons are where I would start if I had to start from scratch with the transmog market to make gold so if you wanted to get into the up swing I would start there and move onto the more niché farms as and when you have a strong stock pile on the auction house ( at least 1000 mogs).


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