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The Dragon has come to Greenest.

This Map Pack is designed for the module, Hoard of the Dragon Queen, part of the two-part module, Tyranny of Dragons, which begins the adventure thrust into the town of Greenest under attack by dark forces.

I released the non-raided town of Greenest previously, which be used either as a before or after the attack for those of you expanding on the modules, or using this location for your homebrew campaigns. 

This version plunges your party into Greenest at night while it is under assault by a large dragon and its minions. Many of the homes in the town burn, while the streets are strewn with trash, overturned crates and the occasional farm animal fleeing from its destroyed pens.

There are several encounters that happen in this location, but there was previously no map of the entire town depicted in the evening under assault, so I hope this can provide your players with a great immersive feel for surviving the night, as well as having all of the set pieces colocated on one large map.

If you aren't running the module, then this town would be a great set piece for any random "town under attack" narrative you'd like to tell as a part of your larger story, with several interior locations available for social or combat encounters including the Keep, Tavern, Wealthy Estate, Town Hall, Temple and Watermill.

I hope you guys enjoy it and can make some great stories!




The art is breath-taking. If only you had released this three months ago, when I started the campaign! :cry:


Yeah, that's probably one of the most common comments I receive, when doing one of these maps. ;) "Where was this last month!"