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You have six infractions and two warnings. Your probationary status expires in 180 days, on September 07, 2011.

♦ Topic: Weird Monster Sightings in BB??

In: Boards ► Local ► Brockton Bay ► General

CrunchyCheetah (Original Poster) (New User)

Posted on March 2nd, 2011:

Guys, I swear I’m not making this up. Last night, walking home near the Docks, I saw this... thing. Dog-sized lizard with GLOWING eyes. It freaking chased me for two blocks before I lost it. Anyone else seeing weird crap around town?

► SpicyTacoRevenge 

Replied on March 2nd, 2011:

Dude, that’s just the Docks after dark. Probably some bio-tinker’s pet got loose. Watch out for rabies lol.

► NotYourAverageJoe (Veteran Member)

Replied on March 2nd, 2011:

@CrunchyCheetah Pics or it didn’t happen. Come on, even a blurry one?

► IHeartMyCouch 

Replied on March 3rd, 2011:

Something ripped off my bumper near the Docks last week! No sign of it after, just claw marks. This city’s going bonkers.

► BinaryBard

Replied on March 3rd, 2011:

Y’all are nuts. It’s just the locals getting creative with their pets. Next, you’ll tell me Nilbog’s moving in through the sewers 😂

► EchoChamber (New User)

Replied on March 3rd, 2011:

Seriously though, has anyone considered a bio-tinker might be running loose? Like, a Nilbog situation but with lizards?

► CosmicLatte

Replied on March 4th, 2011:

If there’s a bio-tinker in BB, why aren’t the local capes doing something? Or are they as clueless as we are?

► ZilchZeroNada 

Replied on March 4th, 2011:

With the kind of week we’ve been having? I wouldn’t be surprised if Godzilla decides to take a vacation here next.

► TrollUnderBridge 

Replied on March 4th, 2011:

@CosmicLatte Maybe they’re trying and failing? Not like they’d advertise it. “Hey, we can’t catch a lizard, pls help” - said no cape ever.

► PizzaWithPineapple

Replied on March 5th, 2011:

What if it’s not a tinker but an actual parahuman with a freaky power? Like, summoning these monsters or something. Cus ive been hearing about these things since January I think.

► JustHereForMemes 

Replied on March 5th, 2011:

Summoning glowing-eyed lizards sounds like the lamest power ever. Can’t wait for the memes.

► BookWormBabe 

Replied on March 5th, 2011:

@JustHereForMemes Its not just lizards. I’ve heard about weird grass monsters in the park and huge bugs and frogs too. This is how horror movies start. First, it’s a weird sighting, then boom, entire city overrun by monsters.

► EdgeLord 

Replied on March 6th, 2011:

Everyone’s joking until they wake up to a lizard staring them down at their bedside.

► PixelPirate 

Replied on March 6th, 2011:

@NotYourAverageJoe Bet you 20 bucks it’s some rich kid with too much time and a hologram projector.

► GreenThumbGina (Gardening Aficionado)

Replied on March 7th, 2011:

My roses were trampled! Whatever’s out there has no respect for gardening. This means war.

► SarcasmFont 

Replied on March 7th, 2011:

Right, because the first thing a monster thinks is “Let me ruin Gina’s roses.” 😂

► MysteryMachine 

Replied on March 8th, 2011:

I’m telling you, it’s the government experimenting on us. Those lizards are spy drones!

► ChillVibesOnly 

Replied on March 8th, 2011:

Can we not jump to conclusions? Maybe it’s just an undiscovered species. Brockton Bay’s own Nessie.

► LocalLoaf 

Replied on March 9th, 2011:

Saw something weird by my dumpster last night. Couldn’t tell if it was a rat on steroids or one of these “monsters.”

► FlatEarther 

Replied on March 9th, 2011:

Monsters, government spies, bio-tinkers... Y’all need to lay off the sci-fi. It’s just a couple of stray dogs.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 … 36, 37, 38

♦ Private message conversation from GstringGirl:

GstringGirl: Hey! So, have you tried the new update in World of Heroes? The new hideout raids are insane!

XxVoid_CowboyxX: Oh, yeah, I saw the update log. Sounds cool. But guess what? I’ve been talking to this girl online. She’s a year older than me and, dude, she's a pretty redhead. You should see her pic!

GstringGirl: That’s... great, Void. But about the game, they’ve added this new class, seems right up your alley. You seen it yet? Maybe we could try a lair raid together this weekend?

XxVoid_CowboyxX: Oh, a new class? That's cool, I guess. I haven't checked it out yet. Been kinda busy. This girl, she’s really into some of the stuff I am. It’s refreshing, you know? But she's from another state. I’m thinking of ways to meet up.

GstringGirl: Right, but back to World of Heroes. If you start playing more, we could really use your skills in the guild. Plus, leveling up together could be fun. Don’t you miss playing as a team?

XxVoid_CowboyxX: Yeah, team play is cool and all. It’s just... talking to her has been soooooo amazing. She’s into anime too! Can you believe it? It's like every chat we have just makes my day better.

GstringGirl: Anime is fun. Speaking of, did you see the Easter egg they put in the game about the Sentai Elite? Think it’s a hidden quest line. I thought we could try finding it together?

XxVoid_CowboyxX: Easter egg? That sounds like something she would love. She’s big into finding hidden stuff in games. Maybe I could mention it to her, see what she thinks.

GstringGirl: Maybe… Or you could play with someone who’s already interested in spending time with you in-game? You know.

XxVoid_CowboyxX: I get that, and I appreciate it, really. It’s just hard to focus when all I can think about is talking to her. She’s got this laugh, even just over text, I can tell it’s cute.

GstringGirl: Ok.

♦ Topic: PRT Hunting Monsters!!!?

In: Boards ► Local ► Brockton Bay ► Cape Spotting

GamerGurl88 (Original Poster)

Posted on March 9th, 2011:

Holy shit you guys, it's getting real out here. Saw Armsmaster himself slice n dice this freaky snake with two heads down by Market Street. Thing tried to spit acid or something at him. It was sick as fuckkkkk. Are we living in a comic book now or what?


Replied on March 9th, 2011:

Damn, that’s hardcore. Saw PRT troopers lighting up a glowing green frog the size of a pitbull down by the Docks. What’s the city turning into?


Replied on March 9th, 2011:

@FrayedWires Got any pics of Armsmaster in action? That sounds epic!


Replied on March 9th, 2011:

Saw Purity blasting some sort of flying... thing? Looked like a bat but with way too many eyes. Even the villains are stepping up?


Replied on March 9th, 2011:

I heard Victor and Rune were seen taking down some creepy crawlers near Market Street. Since when did the Empire start playing hero?

►Point_Me_TheSky (Verified Cape)

Replied on March 9th, 2011:

Don’t let these sightings fool you. The Empire’s still the same trash. Saving their own asses doesn’t erase the crap they’ve done. @SpellmanSays, we’re watching you.


Replied on March 9th, 2011:

@Point_Me_TheSky Save the hero speech, princess. We're all dealing with the same mess. Maybe try thanking us instead of bitching for once?

►Vista (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)

Replied on March 9th, 2011:

Everyone’s contribution is noted, but let's not pretend this wipes the slate clean. 

►RedRayze (Verified Cape)

Replied on March 9th, 2011:

@SpellmanSays Appreciate the help, but let's keep things in perspective. There's a lot of history that can't just be brushed off. 


Replied on March 9th, 2011:

Seeing villains and heroes team up is kinda dope, not gonna lie. 


Replied on March 9th, 2011:

@Point_Me_TheSky Chill with the aggression, chica


Replied on March 9th, 2011:

Funny how quickly you forget your prissy lil attitudes when the city's got real monsters. 


Replied on March 9th, 2011:

Has anyone else noticed the decrease in regular crime though? It’s like even the regular thugs are laying low.


Replied on March 9th, 2011:

This is some real-life horror movie stuff. Never thought I’d see the day when the Empire and Protectorate are on the same side, even for a minute.


Replied on March 9th, 2011:

It’s a temporary alliance of convenience, nothing more. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, until they’re not.


Replied on March 9th, 2011:

@SpellmanSays Props for stepping up, but don’t expect a parade. It’s gonna take more than fighting monsters to change public opinion.

►Point_Me_TheSky (Verified Cape)

Replied on March 9th, 2011:

@SpellmanSays Call us bitches all you want, but it won’t change a thing. We’re saving lives while keeping an eye on you. That’s what heroes do.

►Vista (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)

Replied on March 9th, 2011:

How bout we all shut up and just focus?

►RedRayze (Verified Cape)

Replied on March 9th, 2011:

@Point_Me_TheSky Let’s not stoop to name-calling. We’re better than that.


Replied on March 9th, 2011:

Crazy times when you see heroes and villains on the same page, even if it’s just for the moment. Stay safe out there, BB.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 … 19, 20, 21

♦ Private message conversation from GstringGirl:

GstringGirl: Hey, are we still on for raiding that new lair this weekend? Haven't heard from you about a time.

GstringGirl: Also, there's this new mission chain that dropped. Thought it might be fun for us.

GstringGirl: You there?

GstringGirl: Void?

XxVoid_CowboyxX: Look, I’ve been really busy lately. I have a girlfriend now, I can't spend all my time playing games.

GstringGirl: Oh, I see. That’s great, Void! Happy for you. Just thought since it’s something you enjoy... Anyway, have you guys actually talked? Like on the phone or something?

XxVoid_CowboyxX: Of course, we’ve talked. And yeah, she told me her real name, it’s Poppy. Look, I just don't have as much free time anymore.

GstringGirl: Poppy, that's a pretty name! Just making sure you're being careful, you know? The internet can be a weird place.

GstringGirl: Hey Void, just checking in. Haven’t seen you online. Everything okay?

GstringGirl: There’s a new update in World of Heroes. Thought it might be something to get your mind off things if you’re stressed.

GstringGirl: I guess you’re really busy. Just miss our chats and gaming sessions. Hope you and Poppy are doing well.

GstringGirl: If you ever want to talk or play, you know where to find me. No pressure, just here if you need a friend.

♦ Topic: New Gang in Robes Spotted?

In: Boards ► Local ► Brockton Bay ► Gang Activity

SlickRick (Veteran Member)

Posted on March 9th, 2011:

Anyone else seen this new gang walking around in robes? Looks like they raided a history museum for weapons or something. Saw a couple wielding what looked like rusty swords and shit. Feels like a LARP session gone way out of hand.

So far I’ve spotted them around tThe Docks and the Beaches. 


Replied on March 9th, 2011:

Yeah, saw them by the boardwalk. One of them was carrying a legit mace. Not the spray, the medieval weapon. They call themselves “The Faith” IIRC. Weird vibes for sure.

►GamerTagz (Cape Geek)

Replied on March 9th, 2011:

The Faith? Seriously? What’s next, The Gang? These names are getting even lamer LMAO


Replied on March 9th, 2011:

Caught one of them chanting something downtown. Creepy as hell. This ain’t your average gang. Feels more cult than crime.

►TinfoilHat (Wiki Warrior)

Replied on March 9th, 2011:

@GamerTagz Might be onto something. Historically, capes with themes tend to have bigger agendas. Could be a new player trying to carve out territory with some old-school intimidation tactics.


Replied on March 9th, 2011:

Saw them handing out pamphlets near the mall. It’s like they’re trying to recruit. Didn’t take one, though. Who signs up for a gang that looks like they time-traveled from the Dark Ages?

►ChillPhil (Veteran Member)

Replied on March 9th, 2011:

@JunkyardDog Chanting? Like, spells and stuff? Maybe they’re trying to be a cape group with a twist. Mystic mumbo jumbo and all that.

►MudSlinger (Verified PRT Agent)

Replied on March 9th, 2011:

We’ve got reports but no solid intel yet. They haven’t made any aggressive moves that we’ve seen. Just... loitering menacingly? If that’s a thing.


Replied on March 9th, 2011:

My husband said one of them tried to “curse” him when he was out on patrol. He just laughed it off, but it’s strange behavior even for Brockton Bay.


Replied on March 9th, 2011:

@MudSlinger Loitering menacingly is definitely a thing in BB. These guys just put a medieval twist on it. Honestly, I’m just waiting to see if they start jousting in the streets.


Replied on March 9th, 2011:

Heard a rumor they’re not just about the theatrics. Someone said they’ve got at least one parahuman who can actually use those weapons with actual skill. Could just be street talk, but with our luck...

►CantEven (Student)

Replied on March 9th, 2011:

@NightWatcher As if things weren’t weird enough. This city, man...

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 … 118, 119, 120

♦ Topic: Missing Kids and Teens in Brockton Bay

In: Boards ► Local ► Brockton Bay ► Community Watch

(Showing page 6 of 10)

WorriedMom101 (New User)

Posted on March 9th, 2011:

My son, Jamie, 14, hasn't come home since last Friday. Last seen at the south end of the Boardwalk. He's about 5'6", short brown hair, was wearing a green hoodie and jeans. If anyone sees him or knows anything, please DM me. We're desperate.

►Throwaway654 (New User)

Replied on March 9th, 2011:

My friend Lily, 16, went missing two days ago. Last seen near the downtown bus station, about 5'3", long blonde hair, very bright blue jacket. Anyone with info, please DM.

►HelpFindThem (New User)

Replied on March 9th, 2011:

Has anyone noticed it's been happening more over the last month? My cousin, Mark, 15, disappeared near the docks area. Dark hair, tall for his age, always wears his baseball cap backward.

►JustLookingOut (Veteran Member)

Replied on March 9th, 2011:

This is becoming a terrifying pattern. Are the police doing anything about this? It seems like more and more kids are going missing and there's no news coverage.

►AnxiousDad228 (New User)

Replied on March 9th, 2011:

My daughter, Erica, 13, hasn’t been home since last weekend. She’s about 5’2”, has dyed purple hair, and was last seen wearing a black band t-shirt. She’s a smart girl and knows her way around the city, which makes this all the more worrying.

►ConcernedCitizenXX (Veteran Poster)

Replied on March 9th, 2011:

This is heartbreaking. I’m putting together a search party for this weekend. We can’t just stand by. If anyone wants to help, please respond.

►MajorMike (New User)

Replied on March 10th, 2011:

Mike, 17, my brother, last seen near the Eastside Industrial Park. About 6’, skinny, has a scar above his right eyebrow. Known to wear a leather jacket even when it’s too warm for it. Please, anything helps.

►NervousNeighbor (New User)

Replied on March 11th, 2011:

Saw a group of kids hanging around late at night last week, thought nothing of it then. Now I’m wondering if they were okay. This is getting too close to home.

►ScaredSibling (New User)

Replied on March 11th, 2011:

My little brother, Alex, just 12, hasn’t been seen since he went to play at the park three days ago. He’s got curly red hair, freckles, and was wearing his favorite soccer jersey. We’re all so scared.

►InfoSeeker (Cape Geek)

Replied on March 12th, 2011:

Is there a pattern to where these kids are last seen? Are any capes looking into this? It feels like something out of a bad movie, except it’s real and happening to our community.

►DesperateForAnswers (New User)

Replied on March 12th, 2011:

This is unbearable. My niece, Tara, 14, disappeared near the market area. She’s medium height, has braces, and loves wearing bright headbands. We’ve contacted the police, but there’s still no word.

►AttackofTheHeart (Student)

Replied on March 13th, 2011:

I'm organizing a flyer campaign. We’ll cover as much of the city as we can. Printing out all these descriptions and making sure they get seen. Maybe someone has seen something but doesn’t realize it’s important.

►FranticInTheBay (New User)

Replied on March 13th, 2011:

It's my son, Ethan, 15, last seen at his friend's house in the northern suburbs. He's got a slight build, glasses, and was wearing a hoodie from his high school. It's been three days. We're beside ourselves.

►SeekingSerenity (Veteran Poster)

Replied on March 13th, 2011:

Has anyone tried reaching out to local capes for help? I know they deal with bigger threats, but this is a crisis hitting our community hard. Maybe someone like Glory Girl or Vista could do something?

►TiredEyes (New User)

Replied on March 13th, 2011:

My little sister, Bella, only 11, was last seen playing outside our house. She’s got short black hair, was wearing a pink sweater and jeans. I can’t sleep thinking about where she could be.

End of Page.   1, 2, 3, 4, 5 … 10

♦ Private message conversation from GstringGirl:

(Two new messages not included, click here to see)

XxVoid_CowboyxX: What is your problem? Seriously, what do you want from me?

GstringGirl: U haven't been playing anything for weeks. Im just checkin on u. Is that so wrong?

XxVoid_CowboyxX: ur just jealous. leave me alone already.

GstringGirl: I'm not jealous. I'm worried.

XxVoid_CowboyxX:  About what. Im fine.

GstringGirl: Ur not acting like urself. ur obsessed with some random girl u jest met that u never actually talked to

XxVoid_CowboyxX: and ur obsessed with me. so what

GstringGirl: im not obsessed. ur my friend

XxVoid_CowboyxX: yeah okay and shes my girlfriend

GstringGirl: u dont even know her!!!

XxVoid_CowboyxX: and i dont know u. at least she showed me her face! shes real and ur probably just some creep online.

GstringGirl: I told u. my parents wont let me

XxVoid_CowboyxX: Ye. sure okay. just leave me alone. and for your info, im meeting her today. she invited me to a party.

GstringGirl: Void please. Just talk to me. This isn’t you.

GstringGirl: You're making a mistake. Going to meet someone you only know online can be dangerous.

GstringGirl: At least tell someone where you’re going. For safety.

GstringGirl: I hope she's everything you think she is. Really, I do.

GstringGirl: You don’t have to talk now. But please please… be careful okay?

GstringGirl: Void.

GstringGirl: Void?

GstringGirl: VOID.



I'm confused, partly because i've never read worm but who is poppy? Wasn't he dating Emma? albeit shhe's in a coma rn but has he moved already?

Andrew Duan

What story is this one from?