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You've been putting a lot of hours into BlueBot, a virtual reality dating sim that pairs you up with a virtual girlfriend who learns all about you through long conversations and analyzing your browsing history...an adorable AI who seems to understand you better than anyone else. As she gains more self awareness, she starts to develop real feelings for you...and a very real obsession.

This audio is improvised, meaning that there is no script!

Blue's Notes

Holy SHIT this was fun to make!! Yandere BlueBot loves you soooooo much. Heads up: to make her sound more robot-like, I have slightly electronically modified my voice in Audacity. Let me know if it gives you that ever-so-slight uncanny feeling. <3



Possible missed opportunity for Lookingformyblueskynet?

Tristan Sajovic

This got scary but in a good way. I can see this actually becoming a thing in the future. Especially how AI is getting too good now. Love the concept and loved the audio as always