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After we finished at the studio, Gemma and I headed down to St Kilda to shoot two looks - this red bikini and a sea-witch inspired cosplay (which I will share here later in the week).

I like shooting under the pier, although I have only done it a couple of times - the light is really nice and it makes an interesting backdrop.

I have marked this as NSFW because there are a few implied topless shots, and a couple where Gemma was not quite as deep in the water as we originally intended.

As an aside - Gemma is open to shooting nude, and that was originally part of the plan for the studio shoot, but on the day she was not in the right head space for that. She was more relaxed when we got to St Kilda, and was amenable when I suggested the shot where her nipples were just below the water line. She then slipped into the implied topless poses on her own, unprompted by me.

Technical: Nikon D850, NIKKOR 70-200 f/2.8G VRII, natural light.



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