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There is just something about the beaches of Laguna that I love so much. I could go there countless times to shoot and it will never get boring or repetitive to me. A while ago when Loveless was in town I found out that she had never shot on a beach before, so I knew we needed to change that.

My friend Nico was hosting her while she was in town, I had to close the night prior to this at my old shop in Orange County and Nico offered me a place to lay my head for the night since Loveless and I were going to shoot the following morning. The night was filled with fun and a lot of alcohol. Hindsight, excessive drinking before having to wake up at the crack of dawn the next morning to catch the shaded beaches; not a good idea.

When we woke up, we were greeted by massive headaches, grogginess and our bodies screaming for caffeine. I pulled myself together somehow, grabbed my gear and we got in the car. With a quick stop at Starbucks, a trenta black iced coffee with three shots of espresso and a breakfast sandwich later I was slowly coming to life. I remember I kept thinking to myself 'I'm never going to do this again.' However, it has happened time after time since. I suppose I will never learn.

When Loveless and I arrived at the beach we were welcomed by a cool breeze, the smell of salt in the air and the warming sun kissing our skins. It was quite early, if I can remember correctly, around 8A.M. The beach was empty with not a single person, the beach was ours to play. As I stepped into the sand with my bare feet a warm feeling came over me, with all of the elements working together, I felt at bliss while slowly leaving my hangover in the past.

Loveless and I ventured left towards the rocks. I have been to this beach endless times and only a few people know about the tiny little 'private' beach around the corner of the rocks. When the tides are right you can slip your way between the ocean and the rocks to this little paradise. Tide pools, rock spire centered in the middle and sand made completely of shells. Loveless was smitten about the location so we got to work quickly.

I first tucked her away in the corner with the shade so we could capture it before the sun completely over took the beach. We shot quickly because of the texture of the rocks. Imagine no matter where you step, it feels like you are walking on a plethora of legos; that is what these rocks feel like to the bare feet. Especially for someone like Loveless, who had never shot on a beach before, it was a lot to focus and pose. She was a trooper and worked through the pain to create some beautiful images. Enjoy!

- AW Media

