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Since my iPad is down and out and I can’t go a day without drawing, I decided to crack open my sketchbook! I’m very rusty with traditional art, and as my job has taken more of the forefront of my life, I’ve kinda left traditional art behind. I rarely do it anymore, mainly because I don’t have time, and also because I’ve become really self conscious in my abilities. It feels like such a jarring change moving from iPad screen to paper, but it’s always a lot of fun whenever I push past over analysing every line.

these badges aren’t the best, and if I stare at the bigger one for too long I become very aware that his head is way too far over to the left, and is tilted upwards too much, so I try to tune out the nit picky voice in my head so I can just enjoy these pieces for what they are. I really like the little chibi one though!

these are gifts for my good friend Bailey, who goes by Cigbyte on Insta! I have a couple gifts I wanna send him soon, and I felt like I might as well throw in some traditional art for him too! It doesn’t sit right with me whenever I send a friend a package and I don’t include some Tradi art for them.
I included a couple extra pictures to show off the glitter on the badges! It doesn’t work too well but it gets the point across. 

id like to do tradi art more often when possible, and maybe I’ll open up some tradi commissions here as an excuse to do so? It’s a bit difficult since I only have a limited colour range, so I won’t be able to do most characters, but I’m willing to work with commissioners to compromise on colours, and figure out what colours work best for the character. But that’s a problem for another day! I added this to a traditional art tag, just Incase I ever decide to do more traditional art in the future. I’ll be sure to show it to you guys <3


WHSmiths sketchbook
• Stabilo coloured fineliners, & UniPin liners
• Promarkers

• Uni-Ball white gel pen

• Gelly Roll stardust pen (glitter)

• ProAction laminator
• Wilko laminating pouches 




These r amazing!! And I'd love to get some traditional art from u if u decided to do coms!!


God I would kill for your traditional art Blake omg. These are sooo damn cute💕💕💕