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Harold sat at his computer with his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and apprehension. “I can’t believe this is about to happen,” he said with delight. He had spent months researching and saving up for the body transformation machine, and now it was finally here, hooked up to his computer and ready for use. 

For years, he used to wear actual latex suits to wear his sister’s clothes. Now, he was about to physically turn his body into what he had always wanted to become. He wanted to feel the real deal around his body – not just latex shaped like a woman, but warm skin that pulsated beneath his fingertips. 

The physical sensations were supposed to feel real. The skin eventually disintegrated into slime, but as long as he recharged the machine, he could theoretically turn into a girl over and over again. “Here we go,” he whispered while finally putting in his password. 

While he scrolled through the various options on the screen, he carefully selected the features he wanted for his new body: long, straight hair, striking eyes, and a figure that would turn heads. He hesitated for a moment before clicking the "preview" button, his breath catching as he saw the beautiful woman who would soon be his temporary alter ego.

Excited to give it a try, Harold stood up and walked over to the transformation pod, which hummed softly in the corner of the room. He clicked "transform" on the computer screen, and the pod's door slid open, inviting him inside. Taking a deep breath, Harold stepped into the machine, his heart racing with anticipation.

Harold felt a sudden wave of heat go through his body as the door shut behind him. It hurt a lot but wasn't unbearable, and as the pain got worse, he couldn't help but moan. He could feel that every part of his body was starting to change to look like the woman he had seen on the computer screen. The process seemed to take both a long time and no time at all. Before he knew it, he had changed. The door to the pod opened again, and Harold stumbled out, a little lost but full of wonder.

He looked down at his slender feet, his eyes traveling up the length of his newly formed legs, and felt a thrill of satisfaction. He had become a beautiful woman, just as he had always imagined. Eager to explore his new form, he hurried to the full-length mirror in his room. The reflection that greeted him was breathtaking. He marveled at the way his new body looked and felt, his hands exploring the curves and contours he had only ever dreamt of having. He couldn't help but smile, a mixture of disbelief and joy lighting up his face.

As he stood there, admiring his new form, Harold remembered the collection of dresses that belonged to his sister. He couldn't resist the temptation to try them on and see how they would look on his transformed body. With a burst of excitement, he made his way to his sister's room, his heart pounding as he opened the door. Inside, he found a treasure trove of beautiful clothes, their vibrant colors and delicate fabrics calling out to him.

He spent hours trying on different dresses, reveling in the way they hugged his new figure and the way the soft material felt against his skin. Each dress was more beautiful than the last, and he twirled and danced around the room, completely lost in the magic of his transformation. And when he felt the faint warmth beginning to emanate between his legs, getting a chance to play with himself was definitely going to be at the top of his list. He was a horny girl, and the thought of experiencing his first female orgasm was too wonderful to pass up.



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