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Bernadette, inhabiting the older and more mature frame of Leilah, found herself standing at the entrance of a luxurious boutique. It was one she had often passed by but never dared enter when she was in her own body. She could never afford anything with her income. The crisp echo of her uncomfortable heels on the marble floor and the opulent display of rich fabrics made her feel like she was in a surreal dream. As she moved through the store, each piece of clothing that caught her eye became a testament to her new reality, an emblem of her temporary transformation. She could never wear the more revealing things in Leilah’s body, but a lot of these outfits would look amazing on her young body.

Bernadette paused at the sight of a classic little black dress she’d seen in a magazine not too long ago. Sighing with nostalgia and longing, she carefully picked it up. The fabric was luxuriously soft, and the cut was edgy yet sophisticated. It was the kind of dress she'd always dreamed of owning, and now, she had the means to. Thanks to the little deal she made with Leilah, she was going to be able to pick up whatever she wanted. It wasn’t just a bonus she was getting for swapping bodies – she had an extra allowance too. Her limit was one million dollars, and she fully intended on maximizing every penny.

She picked out more clothes, each chosen with thoughtful deliberation, each an echo of the young woman she still was at heart. She held back no desire, purchasing more clothes than she could possibly wear in the short time she had. But she had plans, stashing them away for when she inevitably switched back.

As the day transitioned into evening, the tiredness from the shopping spree began to settle into her older bones. She wasn’t expecting to run out of energy so fast. With the bags of her expensive loot in tow, she retired to the luxurious apartment that now temporarily housed her life. The grandeur of the place did nothing to fill the strange tiredness she felt. 

Thankfully, she was alone in the opulent master suite. Leilah’s husband was with Bernadette’s body since they wanted to give her privacy. The executive assistant began undressing, shedding the upscale garb of Leilah's life while she pictured what they could be doing together. The thought of having an older guy filling her up didn’t turn her off, surprisingly. It was an interesting fantasy that made her old inner folds finally pulsate with desire. She immediately realized that it took way longer to get turned on by anything, so this fantasy was a welcoming thought.

“We agreed we could do whatever,” Bernadette told herself. She moved slowly, her joints complaining with soft clicks. Slipping under the silk sheets of the massive bed, her borrowed body was swallowed up by the expanse of softness. Lying there, a soft sigh escaped her lips as she stared blankly at the ceiling, her mind filled with endless thoughts about what else she could spend her money on.

Just before she fell asleep, a naughty thought flooded her mind. “We agreed we could do whatever,” she repeated with a laugh. She sat up and immediately got on her phone to find a male escort. She looked for the healthiest and hottest guy she could find. If Leilah was going to be sexually enjoying her young body, Bernadette figured she should at least have some fun too.



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