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Over the next few days, Selina was still a passenger trapped in her own body while the old woman controlled her every move. “He’s really annoying,” the body thief laughed upon entering the bathroom. “Four days later and he’s still constantly texting you. Sorry … texting ME!”

It was a situation that Selina never envisioned she would be in. When she first started learning magic, she expected to be able to do a lot of good things in the world. But all she learned were the basics, and yet that was all Victoria needed to use magic to possess her young body. Magic darkened the soul, and Selina was corrupted just enough for her possession spell.

Joshua had been tempted into helping the body thief out. Eventually, he became determined to liberate Selina from Victoria's dark clutches. He confronted the witch, the fearless fire in his eyes getting his girlfriend excited for what was to come. She didn’t know what he could do, but when she burned the witch’s spell book, Selina prayed that would be enough to force the old woman out of her. 

Victoria's horrific screams echoed in Selina's mind as she felt the dark magic start to wane. Hope flared in her heart, a spark in the cold darkness that had engulfed her. As the flames died, the shackles of Victoria's magic loosened. Sadly, all was not as it seemed. Selina realized, to her horror, that Victoria was still in control. Victoria had somehow used a spell to teleport her spell book away as it burned. It was replaced with a completely different book, but Joshua wouldn’t have known the difference. The cunning witch had managed to keep her hold on Selina’s body, and Joshua had no idea that she was still pretending to be her.

A sense of dread filled Selina, but she refused to surrender. She focused her energy, channeling her magic to fight against the old woman’s grasp over the next few days. She knew that Victoria was going to need to wait a few days to finally recover her energy to perform magic. But everything was futile. Despite being out of energy, the witch kept her at bay. The old woman still controlled her, and the longer Selina watched as a passenger, the more she realized that the witch had more in store for her. 

Today, the body thief moved towards the bathroom mirror with an evil smile. She put the real spell book down on the counter and turned to a page that made Selina panic. “There it is – we can finally do this,” the body thief said while her eyes fell upon her reflection’s eyes. “I hope you’ve spent all this time enjoying the last of your consciousness.” The body thief giggled. “This is the very spell that will make this gorgeous body mine forever. I can’t have him somehow reversing the spell if he finds out I’m still in control. I need to make sure you’re not awake inside of me.” The body thief gave her reflection a wink. “Don’t worry. It won’t hurt too much. I’m just going to absorb you.” 

Before Selina could say anything, the old woman began to chant an incantation. Selina tried to focus her magic as a last line of defence, but before she could murmur her own mental incantation, she felt something tight wrapping around her. Before she knew it, the world had gone dark, and she could feel her memories merging with Victoria’s.



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