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Fallout Episode 2 Watch Along


Josh Baker

Excited to start this series later tonight and hopefully get some good laughs in with yall. But also, where's bad batch? I know engagement numbers don't exactly favor that show (lol) so i understand if it was beackseated for a few days- I'm just curious


thanks for the question bud! Yeah, honesty, the week just got the best of me in my energy. It was a...trial of sorts to get the thing going with Coy for X-men, then I was up till like 7am so after being awake for almost 24 hours and then knowing I had to work on the fallout vids, I was just too wiped to catch up on the bad batch. So, gonna have to double next week!

Cody Price

Michael Imerson was also in another Johnathan Nolan TV Show, Person of Interest. If you have not seen that TV Show that series was excellent as well.