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Got some Lovecraftian Flapper vibes going on this week's SPN! Definitely an interesting blend of the episodic & serial elements this week.. What do y'all think of this one??

"The Thing"

Reaction Highlights: https://vimeo.com/928231515/97977da9a3

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/knSsPYrAfGs

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SUPERNATURAL (Reaction Highlights Begin At Season 2)


Supernatural 13x17 - WATCH ALONG



am I crazy, or does this look like the same diner where Sam beat Famine, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse back in Season 4/5?? Now THAT was a good ass storyline 🤘😎🤘


As far as Ketch, (it's KETCH guys, not CATCH 😂) it was strange to me that as soon as Asmodeus "turned" on him he acted as though he thought he could just walk away, and then like his character suddenly flipped and now was standing up against Asmodeus... I dunno. Like, who here believes that Ketch didn't 100% know before INITIATING this deal that Asmodeus would NEVER see them as equals and could and would force Ketch to do all of the evil things?? It just doesn't add up for me that 10 weeks ago (or 10 episodes ago) Ketch would think he could just ally with the King of Hell and...do only the missions he wanted to? If Ketch wanted to keep tabs on Asmodeus and especially find Jack (for noble purposes, supposedly), then he'd obviously want to make friends with demons that he had at least some semblance of a chance of outmaneuvering 🤷‍♀️