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So, we finished Dakota’s bday arc last night: fireballed an undead werewolf/algae monster in the lake, go team! So much happened. But we lived! Barely. But we didn’t die! Dagger and RJ had to go to the hospital. Dagger had that gnarly bite from last session that only kinda got patched up, then re-fucked up in this new fight, and he was doing BAD, so Dakota used one of her freaky ghost powers to heal him but the draw back is that he has this GIANT scar, and I quote, “from neck to navel” so. This is that.

more specifically, this is him sneaking into Dakota’s house the morning after all of that (assuming he got out of the hospital to go run off the rest of the full moon energy he had) and trying to make it up to her for ruining her birthday. (his Words, not mine-) he just loves her sm, he doesn’t wanna fuck it up, and they’re really just lucky to be alive BUT YOU KNOW. Weird supernatural kids.

also shout out to Dakota/Abby for keeping everyone alive AND exploding that damn monster. Jackie, for doing a number with the chainsaw. RJ for… surviving ALL OF THAT (and character growth, we’re proud of him) and Aggie for not hurting anyone with the shotgun 



Sara Strait

Hello! I’m new here. Where do I find the beginning of dagger?


Currently, the comic updates exclusively on the $15 Rogue tier! (because it’s mostly 18+ right now) I have a recent post on the rogue tier that links back to the first page and details how to navigate the content available in that tier! Thanks for the pledge! 😊