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This week, it's more questions from the Mailbag and YOU, the listeners! What is the weirdest comic we've ever read? How would we reboot Batman in the DC Film Universe? Did we almost record a Stargate Podcast? The answer is YES. 

Plus our next comic - JUPITER JET AND THE FORGOTTEN RADIO - is on sale -- Oct 07, 2020. Pre-order with your local comic shop today! DIAMOND CODE: JAN208635

Or Pre-order on AMAZON: https://amzn.to/2OiUcBb 




And as for bookclub, I learnt a lot from it but understand if you don't do it. I just love your book recommendations bc I've read a lot of things through it I probably wouldn't otherwise


Thanks for answering my question. FYI- Firestar is a mutant who debuted in the 80's Spider-man & His Amazing Friends cartoon before appearing in the comics proper( first on X-Men then the New Warriors).


Ironically we're having a discussion about bringing it back given a current event. WE SHALL SEE!