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Please look at the prompts before you look at the pictures because Patreon won't let me add Trigger warnings -_-

More previews! These are some of my favorites tbh. I went the lazy road with the DP one just being Jaskier and two Geralts, but in a fantasy world where we have Dopplers this would've been a missed opportunity ^^
I forgot to add scars to Geralts back on the whip prompt, will have to add these when I'm inking.

I hope you're doing well. I can't grasp the fact that september is nearly over again...
<3 Sarah




Tasty treats for early enjoyment. 💙


I like the idea of two Geralts for Jaskier... 😏 As always great work ❤️


I love how I wanted to schedule that for the afternoon over here, and not 5am. But that happens when you schedule posts at 3am XD I'm glad you enjoyed it ^^