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We welcome back fan favorites Robert Skvarla and Matt from Ghost Stories for the End of the World to talk about the TV series True Detective — what does it get right and wrong about conspiracy theory? Why does this series resonate so much with the independent research community? Why did Vince Vaughn talk like that? We talk Yellow King, Vinci, Pentecostal ritual sex abuse, meth addicts, Austin Guys, Night Country, and more.



Brynt Carson

Dang, I loved season 4. I must be simple af.

Lettuce Jones

I guess I'll have to give season 2 another chance because I remember it being terrible and incredibly boring. I rank the seasons 1, 3, 4, 2.

Wizard of Choice

2 holds up and has one of the best shootout scenes ever made. I am alone in this opinion. I stopped watching season 4 after the garbae CGI elk in the opening scene. What a disaster.