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Silas Kane

Yeah this is gonna be where you start seeing things go downhill. There was some serious drama going on behind the scenes with Dan Harmon and one of his female writers (#metoo stuff). That combined with problems managing an unmanageable Chevy Chase pretty much ruined everything. The last part of the run was a nightmare work environment for alot of people.

Marcus Jackson

Season 4 is full of great ideas which I believe was created by Dan himself shortly after season 3 before he got fired. It seems to me that they might have used the plans he had going forward if they got renewed and the writers tried to fill in the blanks. Nonetheless this show is always amazing so thanks to a great cast and great EPs (the original they had kept for this season). This season does lack the Harmon wit in the writing and they are his characters so dialogue may feel a little off at times but overall this season should be a fun ride. btw I can understand people disliking season 4 but season 5 and 6 are incredible and have some of the best episodes of the series so those who downplay those seasons aren’t true community fans


No idea how anyone can think s5 and s6 are good at all. I can't stand them. They're so much worse than s4.