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Spencer Thurmond

Great reaction as always! Your right season 3 is the best!! Just wanted to throw my opinion in on season 4, it’s obviously not gonna be as soon as 3 (how could it!), but it gets way too much hate in my opinion. There’s lots of good stuff season 4 has in it and it’s the last full season with the entire cast so just soak it all in while it lasts! (Season 4 premiere is amazing btw) The whole show is gold I say and I’ve enjoyed going on the ride with you Prime! Also….Super pumped for Ahsoka to start next week!!


To be fair, I think season 4 gets a really bad rap, unfairly. Is every episode a banger….definitly nope. But if we take in to consideration they replaced Dan Harmon with a new creative duo, they did the best they could with what they were given I think. Plus in my opinion, one of the best episodes is in season 4! Don’t worry Primate, its still community :)