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A Court Date with Destiny

Kermit paced around his dark cell as the roar of the crowd rang just outside. Even from deep inside his prison, he could hear them celebrating. If not for Lady Malys’s warning, he would have mistaken it for a joyous festival for his eventual release but he now knew better. Commorragh was in the midst of celebration not for him but what they intend to do to him.

He shook his head as he let out a sigh. He should have listened to Red, that he should have booked it instead of getting captured. “Ok Kermit, don’t beat yourself over it,” He whispered, himself as he shook his hands, fanning himself to shake off all this pent up energy he felt, “It’ll be over before you know it. Jaghatai and Lady Maly’s have you covered. Go in, distract them all while your friends does the work, easy enough,” he added as he pat himself on the cheeks.

Walking up to the door, he hopped up and grabbed the bars of the small window to the outside world. Pulling himself up, he peeked outside, trying to see if he could have a glance on his ride to the “court house.” Indeed, outside was a simple cage, one barely big enough for him, atop some floating carriage. Surrounding it were some guards just lounging about, doing nothing all while he sat here.

He wasn’t sure if they were trying to unnerve him but making him wait but if they did, it was definitely working. “Man, the wait is always the killer huh?” He called out as he turned to his companion.

Gone was the unkempt, almost wild look of his fellow prisoner as he now sat there wearing his full regalia. With his shaven head saved for a top knot, his tamed beard and suit of mechanized armor, he looked like a warrior straight out some futuristic war setting… or maybe it was modern since he’s here now rather than in the past.

As the man finished polishing his blade, he looked up to him and replied, “Kermit, are you sure you want to go through this?” Inspecting the wicked looking curved sword’s edge, he then reminded him, “There are other ways, ways that does not require you to resist what ever Vect has in mind.”

He nodded back as he dropped back down, “I could but this is the easiest way to get everyone important in one place,” he replied, “Just like what Lady Malys said, everyone important would want a front row seat on the trial,”

This Gate of Khaine was to be where his trial would be held. For a place so close to the warp outside, it was quite strange place to pick. It was rather deep within the city so it could be problematic to reach for any rescuing force. He wasn’t sure what a legion was or how many those were but Vect has an entire army and city to make it difficult; one more reason as to go with a simple coup.

Sitting down, he let out a sigh as he continued, “It’ll be much easier rounding them up there than scouring the city,” There were other ways but none easier than having them all in Khaine’s Gate. He shivered at the thought of people fighting in the streets just to have him and Jaghtai rescued.

“If I chicken out, who knows what damage Vect can do. Not just to my friends, Red, but the people in the city!” He cried out. Turning to his friend, he then added, “The city’s big even for me and that’s a lot of misguided people and slaves that’ll get hurt and I can’t have that.”

Letting out a shaky smile, he then said, “Jaghtai, it ain’t worth my comfort if those people have to suffer,” Maybe it was stupid, maybe he’ll regret it later but if it was going to stop a lot of people getting hurt, it was definitely the option worth taking.

Closing his eyes, Jaghtai stayed silent before letting out a reluctant nod. He smiled at the man as his fellow prisoner looked up to him with a soft and pained smile. “You know Kermit, I miss the times when you were just a simple naive man,” The man told him as he sheathed his sword.

He chuckled, smiling back as he sat down in front of his companion, “I ain’t any different Jaghtai,” he told him, “I’m just me.”

“Indeed,” The man smiled before it went away as a scowl took its place. With narrowed eyes, the grizzled warrior then admitted, “Still, I do not trust her,” Sheathing his sword and standing up, he then continued, “And no Kermit, this is not my racist thoughts creeping into my judgment, this is simply my view on her motives.”

Kermit nodded back,“She freed her slaves and armed up the rebellion?” he replied, not sounding sure himself before he scratched his head, “And without her, I don’t think we can have people in the city that don’t enjoy living like this on our side.” If there’s one thing she had to give to the woman, she came with a plan when she visited them and now, they were part of that plan.

While Commarragh was a city of the Dhrukari, he had come to the knowledge that its inhabitants were outnumbered by those they captured. Now if something were to happen and say… a certain number of slaves get a hand on weapons and maybe a few directions along with some “friendly” Dhrukari to aid them, things would get out of hand real fast.

“That is true,” The old warrior begrudgingly admitted, “But she has more to gain from this from the minor loss she takes,” he then argued, “And who would replace the leaders of Commorragh once we took out her rivals?” he then asked, making Kermit squirm uncomfortably.

Kermit didn’t really like thinking much about it but Jaghtai’s words were hitting quite close and the man wasn’t quite finish yet, “That woman is no better than those she would replace. She might shown acts that are commendable but nothing that would have me put my trust on her.”

“Have to admit, she feels like a slimy son of a gun,” He confessed pausing a bi as he looked down, tucking his feet close to his chest.

For all the plans they have and how close they were to getting it, there was still that issue; the one of trust or lack thereof. Nobody trusted each other. While he trusted Jaghatai, even he couldn’t bring himself to full trust the woman.

It seemed almost like they were being played but he refused to believe it as he looked up to his companion, “But not everything in life is perfect. We just have to make due with the cards dealt to us,” She might not be perfect, she might just be using her but he had a bit of faith on her, “At the very least, she’s looking out after herself and siding with us doesn’t sound so sane if you’re on the ruling side of things.”

There was silence as Jaghatai looked up to him, staring back into him as if daring him to back those words up. Kermit however would not flinch. This was the best path forward and by jolly, Kermit was going to head down to it. He’d rather give someone a bit of faith rather than not and regret not knowing if he could trust them.

Laughter soon came bubbling out of the man’s chest, “I suppose we do, I suppose we do,” the man sighed out fondly before holding his hands up for an apology, “I apologize. It’s just that you remind me of my brother… he was a nice man. No wonder Magnus likes you.”

Kermit beamed at the praise and was about to reply when a sharp whistle rang through the air. “Old One, your trial is about to start. Your ride to Khaine’s Gate is ready,” the warden called out as the man tapped at his cell’s thick metal door.

“Just a sec!” he excused himself, “Just tidying up the place before I go! Don’t want to leave this cell a mess for those after me!”

There was a brief pause before the warden shouted back, “Take your time!”

“Thank you!” He thanked the man, “And tell the missus that I’ll miss their cooking!” There was some chuckling before they were finally left alone once more.

“And so the hour of reckoning has come,” Jaghtai replied solemnly as he sat up. Looking back at him, he then reminded him once more, “You know, there is still time for you to change your mind my friend.”

Kermit just smiled back as he replied, “Nah, I’m good,” Shooing the man away, he then urged him, “Now go on before they see you, the rebellion needs their general,” He had made up his mind and nothing was going to change it. Now, he just had to play his part so that his friend could help him rescue not just Red, the Elf Lady, but everyone that was oppressed here in this city. They were going to Spartacus this without the dying part.

“I admire you Kermit, I wish we had more men like you” the man told him as he gave him a pat against his shin, “Now, you just distract him long enough for our men to get in positon. They will have the mask of the Harlequins,” He reminded him.

“Ohh, can I signal you guys?” he asked excitedly, “I’m going to make a call a you guys spring into action.” It was a big childish but that was half the fun of thing.

The man hummed as he replied, “We already have the bells around Commaragh ringing as a signal…” This quickly put a dampened his mood but the man wasn’t quite finish as he flashed him a smile. Perking up, Kermit listened in apt attention as the man then said “But the attack on Khaine’s gate doesn’t have a signal so I don’t see why not? What’ll it be though?”

“You’ll know when you hear it,” he replied, chuckling at the thought of saying those words. It’ll definitely catch their attention though he hoped he wouldn’t be too distracting.

The man simply grinned before giving him a salute. “Good luck out there,” He told him before he disappeared into shadows and into the pipes leading out to the city. Just as he disappeared, the door to his cell then opened. His ride to the city was now waiting for him.

As he walked out of his cell and was escorted to the barge the carried his cage, his warden would stop, “Wait, hold on,” The man called out as an important looking fellow whispered into his ears. Smiling from ear to ear, the man then turned to him as he told, “Well It looks like it’s your lucky day Old One! Vect sent you a meal! Now isn’t that lovely.”

Turning around, he came face to face with a very juicy looking steak. Licking his lips, he thanked his lucky stars. He’ll face the music… after he finish his steak.


The ride to Khaine’s Gate was not as bad as he thought it’d be. Sure the the cage was spiky and he feared that he’d need to get a tetanus shot after with all the rust coating it but it was tolerable, especially as he was with a dear friend. “Man, I miss you so much Red,” he told his sparkly companion as he held him in his arms.

It had only been a week but things sure had changed. Red was getting more discernible features. He wasn’t just a angry floating head but a cyclopean one that was spitting out proverbial out fire.

“Hey!” The ball of sparkles protested, trying to pull itself off his grasp but his amphibian digits would prove to be too sticky for him. The shining star was visibly radiating anger and annoyance as he shone brightly.

“Come on Red, it’s not that bad,” he chuckled, giving him a pat as he finally let him go, “At Least they didn’t made you work!” he jested, trying to make light of the situation.

His companion would let out a huff as he gave him a side eye, his features scowling as he fired back, “Hey…”

Kermit held up his hands in surrender, accepting his friends point, “Ok, I wasn’t stuffed in a box and hang up in the ceiling but I’ll make it up to you,” Giving him a conspiratorial smile, he then added, “Just hang in there a bit, I swear it’ll be worth the wait,”

“Hey?” His companion questioned, their brow raising as they looked at him in intrigued.

Winking at him, he shifted on his seat, trying to get a more comfortable position as he replied, “It’s a surprise.” With such a tight cage, just barely big enough for him to sit inside, getting all restless proved to be painful, almost quite literally. Still, he didn’t have to wait for too long as the massive gate finally came into view.

Even from a distance, the gate dominated the sky line. Large, imposing and with a solid slab slotted in the circular portal embedded to the very fabric of the webway. “Khaine’s Gate, man they really didn’t pull their punches making this huh?” he whispered in awe.

“Hey,” His companion for once didn’t sass him out as he nodded.

The gate’s enormity and grandeur simply drew in all eyes. For once in his time here in this weird galaxy, he felt tiny. Unlike his cell which was just his size, this door… this gate was made to have an army of himself walk under it’s brutalist structure.

As they approach closer, he started to hear Vect’s voice call out, “Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls, are you ready!” and the roar that followed was almost deafening. It was not a mere crowd that gathered, nor a simple multitude for what he heard was far too much. They came in their millions, each one trying to be heard above the rest.

Their cries melded with each other but even above the din, he could hear one name chanted over the rest., “Vect! Vect! Vect!” the crowd cried out, calling to the man. It was almost impressive how the man could whip up such a frenzy but he refused to let himself especially now that they have arrived.

Before the great gate was an arena, one which looked recently built as it stood out amongst the already eclectic architecture. In one of the side gates they were brought into the buildings, away from prying eyes. Passing mechanisms and sweaty slaves, they stopped short of the entrance just in time for Kermit to hear the rest fo the mans speech.

“Today, you my beloved subjects would get to see them for your own eyes,” Vect announced as the crowd grow louder. “Today, we shall come face to face with those that stood heads and shoulders above the very gods themselves, those who ruled the very heavens!” The man continued as the cheers slowly peaked, reaching a crescendo at his final words, “Today, we get to meet our maker!”

With a jolt, his cart was pushed forward as light flooded his eyes. Shielding himself from the spotlight, he was almost defend as Vect introduced him, “I present to you, the last scion of our long lost creators; Kermit!”

“Oh wow,” Kermit whispered in awe as they were dragged before the massive gates. Rows upon rows of cheering spectators greeted them with false cheers, chanting his name as if he was to be celebrated.

If he didn’t know any better, he would have believed them. Knowing Vect’s plans, he could see it in their eyes; the mocking gaze hidden behind fake smiles and platitudes. He wasn’t cheered on to be celebrated, they celebrated for what was about to happen to him. It was a bit disheartening seeing so many people here like them but he still had a role to play.

Red almost charged out of the cage but he held him back before giving him a wink, “Just stay silent and play along ok?” There was a look of uncertainty in their eyes but they relented, letting Kermit perform.

They weren’t the only ones capable of deception, two could play that game. Keeping his friendly smile, he waved around, greeting them back, “Hi everyone!”

They responded with hoots and cheers. He waved back, sending kisses and thanks as he kept eyes on him. It certainly made it easy for the clowns to set up in place, their visage slipping through the roofs and shadows. So far, so good.

Vect, up in his stand let it play out while he sat in his throne before he raised his hands, commanding his subjects, “Silence!”

Immediately, the Colosseum quieted down, the people talking in whispered hush Vext slowly rose from his seat.  With an imperious look in his gaze and a warm, yet smug smirk in his lips, Vect then asked, “Now, how was your meal Kermit. I hope that it’s to your liking?”

Looking up to him, he could see Lady Malys amongst the important looking people surrounding Vect’s stand. Behind her was a towering warrior who’s gaze was half hidden behind a clowns mask. It looks like his two coconspirator were in place.

Nodding, he replied, “It was good! I didn’t know they can make steaks that big!” He didn’t even have to lie about. Just thinking about the meal made him drool though a bit too much as he had to wipe his lips.

The man laughed magnanimously as he replied, “Oh it’s a simple of matter of alchemy my dear,” Lifting up a cup, a wine bearer poured him a drink as he commented, “Squigs are surprisingly accepting of mutations that makes them bigger,” Well, that’s definitely going into the bucket of things to eat again.

“Compliment to the…” He replied before blinked as the world started to tilt. He flailed about, trying to steady himself but he planted face first none the lest. Laying down, he tried getting up but his limbs felt like noodles, unable to even move as he exclaimed, “Oh fuck, why does my limbs feel so numb!”

“Hey!” His companion exclaimed before turning towards Vect, screaming a way cry as they charged up against the bars. Unfortunately, some force kept them in and even zapped the poor fellow. Things were going side ways and he didn’t like it one bit.

Was this part of the plan? Looking up, he could see the surprise in Maly’s face and the tenseness in Jaghatai’s form, making him panic inside. Not part of the plan! Definitely not part of the plan!

As if savoring his fear, Vect laughed as he replied, “I’ll past on the word,” Taking a sip from his cup, he let out a satisfied sigh as he then told him, “My cook is just a terrific when he makes his signature dish. With his finally crafted spice blend and wonderful sear, it’s almost impossible to make out the paralytic toxins~”

Kermit felt his blood run cold. So sure was he of his strength and toughness that he didn’t account of this. Vect continued speaking but Red would cut them off as they banged against the cage, making a ruckus with all the sparks they made. “Hey!” The spicy head shouted in anger, making Vect scowl.

“Guards, take this annoying little shard away from here,” The Dhrukari growled out, sneering at them, “he’s ruining my gloating session.”

“Hey!”The tiny sprite fought valiantly as the cage was opened but it would probe futile as he was captured. “Hey-!” they screamed out in pain as they were zapped by some ugly looking witch before they were dragged away.

“No! Don’t touch him!” He exclaimed, in panic. It was barely a minute and things were going bad. The bells he was told about haven’t rang yet and things were looking a bit dire. They needed more time, he needed to distract them without the need for limbs.

“I thought this was a court case!” He exclaimed, making a scene as he tried rolling about, “I did my time, let us go!”

“Oh this is simply adorable,” the man let out a mocking laugh as he looked down upon them. Leaning closer, he then asked, “You really think I’m just going to let such a wonderful specimen such as yourself go away?” He then scoffed as a cruel sneer now stretched across their face, “Such foolishness, such naivety, it’s almost sickening how all this power is stuck with you.”

Standing up, he walked to the edge of his stand, hands behind his back as he kept his gaze on him, unmindful of the giant slowly slipping up to his throne. Doing his best not to stare, Kermit kept his gaze on tha man as they continued gloating, “You know, I have to thank you really,” Before he could react, ropes were tied on him and he was dragged off his cage. “Not only did you bring out beloved goddess into our city, but you, the perfect battery came with her~”

Hauled up to a table with thick metal bindings, he was strapped in, spread eagle. As anger bubbled up his, he shouted, “What the hell did you do to her Asspull?” He hated how he was played, “We had a deal!”

The man breathed in sharply, fist shaking before he let out a breath as he collected himself, “Isha? I simply gave her the treatment she deserves,” The man then replied, making his blood run cold. Bracing for whatever cruelty the man had in mind, he almost couldn’t believe his next words, “She’s being attended to by our best doctors and healers,” the man claimed.

“Wait, really?” He asked in disbelief.

This made the man scoff, offended by his question. “What? You think I’m some sort of uncultured monster?” The man questioned him with a frown, “I’m a Dhurkari, I have standards and touching the goddess that my ancestors worshiped would simply not do,” The man insisted.

Standing proudly, the man claimed, “No one will lay a hand on her while I draw breath,” right before his cruel smiled returned as he then said, “You my adorable little amphibian, not so much.”

Kermit steadied his breath as he hang there, trying to calm himself. As bad as things was, things were still going fine now that he had time to think. He just need to keep things up, keep them all focused on him. These people loved the outrage, the drama, he just need to keep feeding that need.

“You think you scare me,” he cried out as a bit of fear and hesitation bled in, “Come on, give me your best shot! I a fall from orbit can’t hurt me, how can you?” He then asked. He was paralyzed but surely, they don’t have something that could seriously threaten him, right?

“That would be a problem wouldn’t it? That annoying tough skin of yours, I doubt there’s anything in our arsenal that could hurt you,” The man lamented before he snapped his finger. There was a rumble behind him as he felt a cold dreadful feeling spread out. He could feel his non existent hair rising as this thing, this horrid thing come closer, “But that doesn’t mean that nothing could harm you.”

He struggled, trying to flee, the animalistic side of his mind screaming of danger but he was a captive audience. “But before I reveal my lovely little tool, let me tell you a story,” the man whispered as he told him a tale concerning his people.

“Long ago, long before the Warp become turbulent and corrupted, when it was the Sea of Souls, your people lived in harmony,” the man started as the stand he was on detached, almost knocking Jaghtai off the platform. Floating up, it approached him, bringing Vect closer, “As the first beings in the galaxy, your kind became shepherds, gardeners to a oasis.”

“Everything was fine, until you started a war with a race that you did not create,” The man then said as he tried to steady his loudly beating heart, trying desperately not to scream out for help, “It was a brutal and terrible war, so much so that you created us to fight for you.”

“Things however did no go smoothly as eventually, both sides were worn out that in the end,” The man then concluded as he now floated before him, their eyes level with each other. With a gesture, Kermit felt the table he was strapped two turn ever slowly, “All that was left were you creations to take up what was left”

“Now I guessing your wondering, why bring up such ancient history? Why bring up a race that is no longer relevant to this day and age?” He then asked as Kermit saw it, the black horrid object now pointed at him. He could feel his breath freeze, his heart threatening to burst out of his chest as the baleful green light shone on to him, “Let me tell you a little secret, your enemies made weapons to kill your kind and guess who has one.”

Kermit could only swallow as he found himself face to face with the barrel of said weapon, the handle strapped to a mechanism as a group of people operated it. The cold, hard length of the weapon stood there unmoving but a single twitch, a single wrong word and he knew this would be the end of his story.

“Lovely isn’t it?” Vect then said as his platform floated over to the weapon. Hoping off his stand, Vect stood beside the cruel looking weapon and laid his hands against its black surface,  “It cost me quite a bit to get this off the hand of Trazyn the Infinite but it’s well worth it. After all, who would say no to a weapon that kill you in one shot?”He might have chewed a bit more than he could chew.

Caressing the weapon, Vect then said, “Just looking at it makes you ill, a perfectly natural reaction,” With glance to the operators, the weapon started glowing all while he stared down the barrel of his doom, “After all, this is the kind of weapon that is made to kill anything with even a remote link to the warp and as a creature of pure psychic might… this will hurt, a lot,”

“One shot is all it takes and you’ll be gone,” The man taunted. Kermit knew he was bluffing but it was hard not to be afraid now he was face to face with something that could kill him. It was not an if, but a certainty, a feeling absolute terror that his very soul knew what damage this thing could cause.

As the light grow brighter, the very air screaming as it draw in the very fabric of space into it’s barrel, the man then said, “Quick, simple and easy… but that would be boring wouldn’t it? How about we make you scream first?”

Flinching away, he barely had time to brace himself as the man screamed out, “Fire up the laser!”

There was silence, before the baleful green light consumed everything. He screamed, bucking against his restraint he felt it course through his veins, “Stop! Oh god make it stop!” he begged them as he started laughing, robbing him of his breath.

“Oh man does that have a kick!” The man screamed as every Dhrukari glowed, their screams of delight feeling the stadium, “How does it feel Kermit? How does it feel to have your soul getting slowly ripped apa-! Are you laughing?! Why are you laughing!” the man gloated before he noticed his laughter.

“Oh god, I’m going to pee!” He cried, wheezing as tears feel down his cheeks, “It tickles! Shtap!” he begged them once more. He bucked, strength returning to his limbs as a desperate strength filled him in his struggle.

“God damn it all! Don’t ruin this with your laughter!” the man fumed, stomping his feet “Stop laughing! I command you!”

“I can’t! I can’t help myself!” He wheezed out, feeling his sides seizing up and hurting from his laughter. He was going to die, he was going to die of laughter.

Stomping over to the operator, Vect demanded, “Crank up the weapon! I want a realm scream, not this vanilla nonsense!”

Kermit screamed louder, fear seizing his heart once more as the light intensified. For a brief second, he felt like he was going to break, his spine aching as he bucked harder, trying to get away from the tickling beam before it stopped.

The weapon whined down before it stopped, its baleful green glow dimming before it became and inert black object. Coughing, he sagged against his bonds as he whispered out hoarsely, “Oh thank god, finally,”

As he caught his breath, he then heard some argument from the weapon platform. “What do you mean it ran out of battery!? Trazyn you fucker!” The man screamed in an all too familiar tone of man that was cheated.

“You asked for a weapon him a weapon to kill me but he didn’t gave you enough bullets huh?” He mocked the man as he felt his limbs move but not enough to escape his bond. That wouldn’t matter however as he soon heard the bells to start ringing.

There was a confused murmur amongst the crowd as Kermit shrugged, “Welp, while I’d hate to dampen the party even more, I think it’s time we drop this charade,” It was finally time, the party had began. Breathing in, he let out the warcry of the revolution, “Caw Caw! Caw caw!”

His moment of glory was dampened as he was only met with confused silence. Even Jaghtai himself, just meters away from Vect and Kermit himself, looked confused. “What?” Vect then asked, quirking a brow at him, “What is this bird noises that you make,”

Kermit gave Jaghtai a good long stare as he once more cried out, “I said, Caw Caw, Caw Caw!”

Finally, a hint of recognition flashed over Jaghtai’s face. Grabbing his cowl, he ripped them off revealing his form as he pulled out sword, “Well you heard the man, attack!” That one was all it took for pandemonium to descend in the arena as his people attacked.

“You son of a bitch!” Vect screamed as he pulled out his sword, blocking a slash from Jaghtai.


Finally done with this, moving back to Seoul Kitchen. Expect a few chapters soon.



Corax: Really brother? You did not even bother to remember me? Woe is me! No one remembers me! Eternal Darkness shrouds my name and presence! Woe! Ever More! :V