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Beth: I can't believe the watch worked that well!

You: Honestly, me too. The guard even deleted the video footage for us.

Beth: The teller was nice. We'll have to give this place five stars for service.

You: Great idea. Maybe don't mention how we robbed the place though.

Beth: I guess I didn't need this gun after all.

You: What the hell! Where did you get that?

Beth: This is my big girl. The one I keep in my purse is a bit smaller.

You: Is it even loaded?

Beth: You tell me.

You: Whoa! Don't be pointing that thing at me!

Beth: Relax. Let's see if the safe code works.

You enter the code into the keypad and...

The door opens dramatically, revealing a vault full of cash and gold bars.

You: Holy shit.

Beth: Whoa! This is better than I expected. Take a picture of me posing with all this gold!

You: Maybe we should do this back at your place.

Beth: Shut up and take the picture.

You: Alright, hurry up-

Beth: We need codenames. What should mine be?

You: Fuck if I know. Hot Momma?

Beth: That's not it. Take another!

You: I'm not sure if I'm liking this new side of you...

Beth: You don't like it when I'm bossy? Maybe I could be Boss Bitch.

You: Can we just-

Beth: Come on! No one is coming for us.

You: That's no reason to risk it.

Beth: You and I both know the watch took care of them.

You: I've never used it for something like this.

Beth: It's going to be fine.

Beth: What's your bank robber name going to be?

You: I don't know, Clyde?

Beth: That's not it.

You: Come on, get up.

Beth: Fine.

You: Now, we aren't going to be able to carry much of this gold, so I think the cash-

Beth: Oops.

You: Seriously?

Beth: Damn buttons.

You: Come on, Beth! You know I can't think clearly when your titties are out.

Beth: Oh, these old things?

You: Plus, what about your daughter? We said we would stop.

Beth: We are currently robbing a bank, and that's what you're worried about?

You: My point exactly!

Beth: All this gold... I need you. Now!

You: We don't have time, woman. There is more here than we can possibly carry. Let's load up what we can, and-

Beth: Right here. Right now!

You: Beth.

Beth: Ready!

You: Where's your underwear?

Beth: I knew I wouldn't need it. Now- oh!

 Beth: Yessssss! Take me, Clyde!


You: Was it worth it?

Beth: Which part?

You: Fucking around while on the job.

Beth: In the moment, yes.

You: And now?

Beth: Are you trying to get me to say I regret it?

You: I wouldn't mind hearing it.

Beth: So you could say, 'I told you so'?

You: Forget it.

Beth: All we need to do is get your watch back.

You: That's not happening until they release us.

Beth: So we have some time, then?

You: ...

Beth: Why not?

You: Who even are you?

Beth: Your girlfriend's mom.


Beth: Come on! Who can say they fucked in a bank vault and a jail cell on the same day?

You: Why are you like this.

Beth: Get over here.

You: I just figured out your codename.

Beth: What is?

You: Scorpion.

Beth: Oh! I like it! Is that from something?

Alternate Outfit:







John Hall

Bank employee to police officer: "No, I can't describe her face, but I'd recognise her boobs anywhere."

Doc62 Productions

It is clear to me that the *real* treasure in that vault is Beth herself! 😂