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So, the difference with Jenna's cum, which is also addicting, is the fact that Jenna's cum still basically just tastes like cum. So Succubus cum is a bit more... "tricky," basically fooling you into consuming more of it, while Jenna's cum just causes you to desire more of it and enjoy it for what it is, if that makes any sense. Honestly I've never really thought too deeply about the mechanics of it until I got to Nina's transformation and realized I wanted to accentuate some of the differences.



Pedro Rivera Rosado

From what I understand with the difference of the cums would be that succubi cum is sort of an artificial drug since it shifts flavors as Karen pointed out. Jenna's cum is more of an organic honey that it is what it is and it's delicious. Is this right?

Aishling Sparrow

NGL I got a good laugh out of that last panel. Poor Nina; such an impulsive dope ;p Still doesn't think on the consequences of her actions, even during the dang consequences!